Overall player performance and matches history

YUUM | UNCG | Chugs

3rd out of 36
Matches statistics (8)
75% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 18
- 7
+/- +11
Matches history (8)
Result Score Date
Lose vs WIN | Anarchy 1-3 2025-01-14
Win vs UNCG | YURI JESUS 3-0 2025-01-14
Win vs PHNM | Senn 3-1 2025-01-14
Win vs CUM | Fillie 3-0 2025-01-14
Win vs H2|UNCG | Moxort 3-0 2025-01-14
Lose vs SMV | YOYO4EVA | Yoyo 1-2 2025-01-14
Win vs CLT | BigVinny 2-1 2025-01-14
Win vs Ellipsis 2-0 2025-01-14