Overall player performance and matches history

[AML] Supernova - Cloud

3rd out of 11
Matches statistics (8)
38% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 5
+ 7
- 11
+/- -4
Matches history (10)
Result Score Date
Not set vs [AML] TraumatizedBaconbits - Cloud Not set
Not set vs [AML] moxievegas - Cloud Not set
Win vs 1stAWESOMEMAN - Richter[8] 2-0 2020-05-22
Lose vs Riparo - Zero Suit Samus[7] 1-2 2020-05-22
Win vs Fammy - Mii Brawler ★[6] 2-0 2020-05-22
Win vs Penne - Toon Link[5] 2-1 2020-05-22
Lose vs Spike - Piranha Plant[4] 0-2 2020-05-22
Lose vs Kangoni - Dark Samus ☆☆[3] 0-2 2020-05-22
Lose vs Lady Cucco - Lucario[2] 0-2 2020-05-22
Lose vs Amiibo Doctor - Mr Game & Watch[1] 0-2 2020-05-22