Overall player performance and matches history

Nico's Babygirl

17th out of 20
Matches statistics (9)
33% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 6
+ 13
- 21
+/- -8
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Qualification #1
Lose vs SkyRobin 1-3 2023-03-11
Win vs Besnik 3-2 2023-03-11
Win vs hayoshi161 3-1 2023-03-11
Win vs liquidmars 3-0 2023-03-11
Lose vs SkyRobin 2-3 2023-03-11
Qualification #2
Lose vs astar 0-3 2023-03-11
Lose vs Saile 0-3 2023-03-11
Lose vs Flesh177 1-3 2023-03-11
Lose vs RayZor 0-3 2023-03-11