Overall player performance and matches history

Captain Ahab, Nova Slayer

3rd out of 10
Matches statistics (9)
67% Win rate
Win 6
Draw 0
Lose 3
+ 12
- 7
+/- +5
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Win vs Tex Jones, Bird Gang General 2-0 2015-04-09
Win vs Cory "The Gratest" Selleck 2-0 2015-04-09
Lose vs W A R R E N B O Y S 0-2 2015-04-09
Lose vs Scooter David 0-2 2015-04-09
Win vs Edoth 2-0 2015-04-09
Win vs Deano 2-1 2015-04-09
Win vs Jay 2-0 2015-04-09
Lose vs Exodia 0-2 2015-04-09
Win vs Kupo 2-0 2015-04-09