Overall player performance and matches history

Lvl 8 Falco[13]

4th out of 50
Matches statistics (9)
78% Win rate
Win 7
Draw 0
Lose 2
+ 17
- 9
+/- +8
Matches history (9)
Result Score Date
Lose vs Lvl 6 Fox[4] 0-3 2022-05-26
Win vs Random level jigglypuff[3] 3-1 2022-05-26
Win vs Lvl 7 Puff[5] 3-1 2022-05-26
Win vs Lvl 8 NE$$[17] 2-0 2022-05-26
Win vs Kirby[21] 2-1 2022-05-26
Win vs Luigi[15] 2-0 2022-05-26
Win vs Lvl 8 Kirby[29] 2-1 2022-05-25
Win vs Zelda[46] 2-0 2022-05-25
Lose vs Lvl 8 Young Link[45] 1-2 2022-05-23