Overall player performance and matches history

MME | blockie

17th out of 55
Matches statistics (8)
50% Win rate
Win 4
Draw 0
Lose 4
+ 12
- 12
+/- 0
Matches history (8)
Result Score Date
Qualification #2
Lose vs O2|Simp | SirTaco 2-3 2023-03-05
Lose vs O2|Simp | SirTaco 1-3 2023-03-05
Win vs O2|Simp | SirTaco 3-0 2023-03-05
Win vs Average Joe 2-0 2023-03-05
Win vs Kick 2-1 2023-03-05
Win vs Hashmane 2-1 2023-03-05
Qualification #1
Lose vs JoGo 0-2 2023-03-04
Lose vs ETF | The Leaf 0-2 2023-03-04