The Ultimate 167

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


20th out of 170
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (71)
Overall performance in matches
62% Win rate
Win 44
Draw 0
Lose 27
+ 178
- 145
+/- 33
Tournament statistics (13)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 6
Top 16 4
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Larry
Most lost 5x vs King Dedede
Most played 5x vs King Dedede
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Larry
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Ganondorf
Matches history (71)
Result Score Date
Battle of the Villains #2
Lose vs Ridley 2-3 2022-10-26
Win vs Purple Guy 3-2 2022-10-26
Lose vs King Dedede 2-3 2022-10-26
Win vs Zombie 3-1 2022-10-24
Win vs Iggy 3-1 2022-10-20
Animal Arena
Lose vs King Dedede 2-3 2022-10-20
Win vs Banjo 3-1 2022-10-20
Win vs Lemmy 3-1 2022-10-20
Win vs Larry 3-2 2022-10-20
Win vs The Yeti 3-1 2022-10-20
Lose vs King Dedede 2-3 2022-10-20
Win vs Sonic 3-1 2022-04-28
Win vs Falco 3-1 2022-04-28
Melee Mayhem #2
Lose vs Old Manondorf 2-3 2022-04-27
Win vs Zelda 3-2 2022-04-27
Win vs Shadow Mewtwo 3-2 2022-04-27
Win vs Marth 3-1 2022-04-27
Lose vs Icies 1-3 2022-04-27
Win vs Young Pink 3-2 2022-04-16
Super Smash Brothers Yellow Character Tournament
Lose vs Pac Man 2-3 2021-08-03
Win vs Biker Wario 3-1 2021-08-03
Lose vs Stodd 1-3 2021-08-03
Big Boi Minor #3
Lose vs Brady 2-3 2021-05-16
Win vs Nathan 3-2 2021-05-16
Lose vs Lucas 1-3 2021-05-16
Win vs Larry 3-2 2021-05-16
Melee Mayhem
Lose vs Ganondorf 1-3 2021-05-07
Win vs Doc 3-1 2021-05-07
Win vs Mewtwo 3-1 2021-05-07
Win vs Young Link 3-2 2021-05-07
Win vs Roy 3-2 2021-05-07
Lose vs Zelda 2-3 2021-05-07
Win vs Falco 3-2 2021-05-07
Big Boi Major #1
Lose vs Isabelle 1-3 2021-07-08
Lose vs King Dedede 1-3 2021-07-08
Win vs King K. Rool 3-2 2021-07-08
Lose vs Donkey Kong 2-3 2021-05-18
Win vs Olimar 3-1 2021-05-18
Win vs Kyle 3-2 2021-05-18
Win vs Larry 3-0 2021-05-18
Win vs Simon 3-2 2021-05-18
Win vs Bayo 3-2 2021-05-18
Lose vs Aaron 2-3 2021-05-18
Big Boi Minor #2
Lose vs The Yeti 2-3 2021-04-04
Win vs Villager 3-2 2021-04-04
Win vs Richter 3-2 2021-03-25
Win vs Brady 3-2 2021-03-24
Lose vs Kirby 2-3 2021-03-21
Battle of the Villains
Lose vs King Dedede 2-3 2021-03-21
Win vs Bowser Jr. 3-2 2021-03-21
Win vs Edgeknight 3-1 2021-03-20
Lose vs Bowser 2-3 2021-03-20
Win vs Wario 3-1 2021-03-20
Heavy Hellscapes
Lose vs Armor Ridley 2-3 2020-12-01
Win vs Incineroar 3-2 2020-12-01
Lose vs Ganondorf 2-3 2020-11-30
Win vs Bowser 3-2 2020-11-30
Big Boi Minor #1
Lose vs Boomer Boy 2-3 2020-11-30
Win vs Banjo 3-1 2020-11-30
Win vs Morton 3-2 2020-11-30
Win vs The Yeti 3-1 2020-11-30
Lose vs Ganondorf 2-3 2020-11-30
Win vs Brady 3-1 2020-11-06
Mario Mayhem
Lose vs The Yeti 2-3 2020-10-31
Win vs Wario 3-1 2020-10-31
Win vs Peach 3-1 2020-10-31
Win vs Morton 3-2 2020-10-31
Win vs Iggy 3-1 2020-10-31
Lose vs Bowser 2-3 2020-10-31
Qualifier 2
Lose vs Lucina 1-2 2020-10-28
Win vs Doc 2-1 2020-10-22
Tournaments history (13)
Name Rank Date
Battle of the Villains #2 7 / 36 2022-10-20
Animal Arena 3 / 43 2022-04-27
Melee Mayhem #2 4 / 19 2022-04-15
Super Smash Brothers Yellow Character Tournament 13 / 23 2021-07-31
Big Boi Minor #3 13 / 40 2021-05-15
Melee Mayhem 3 / 16 2021-05-06
Big Boi Major #1 17 / 137 2021-03-21
Big Boi Minor #2 9 / 36 2021-03-20
Battle of the Villains 5 / 27 2021-03-18
Heavy Hellscapes 4 / 10 2020-11-30
Big Boi Minor #1 7 / 35 2020-11-05
Mario Mayhem 5 / 24 2020-10-31
Qualifier 2 9 / 33 2020-10-21