Temecula Ultimate PR

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

2nd out of 660
12 May 2021 - 01 July 2021
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (62)
Overall performance in matches
61% Win rate
Win 38
Draw 0
Lose 24
+ 97
- 78
+/- 19
Tournament statistics (12)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 2
Top 16 4
Top 32 3
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Chozin
Most lost 2x vs Soul
Most played 3x vs Hornet
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Chozin
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Soul
Matches history (62)
Result Score Date
Turn Up Tonight 001
Lose vs Phoenix 0-3 2021-06-30
Win vs Phoenix 3-2 2021-06-30
Win vs Apple 3-0 2021-06-30
Win vs Eggie 3-1 2021-06-30
Win vs SimpleSoul 3-2 2021-06-30
Lose vs Apple 2-3 2021-06-30
Win vs A Pile of Bacon 2-1 2021-06-30
Win vs Jackfruit 2-0 2021-06-30
Hyperbolic Time Chamber 002
Lose vs Hornet 0-3 2021-06-23
Win vs Chozin 3-2 2021-06-23
Win vs Awwa 2-1 2021-06-23
Lose vs Son 1-2 2021-06-23
Win vs Fluteloops 2-0 2021-06-23
Win vs DrainSaw 2-0 2021-06-23
Hyperbolic Time Chamber 001
Lose vs Soul 1-3 2021-06-16
Win vs Soul 3-1 2021-06-16
Win vs Apple 3-0 2021-06-16
Win vs A Pile of Bacon 3-1 2021-06-16
Win vs Chozin 3-1 2021-06-16
Win vs WINE-O 3-2 2021-06-16
Win vs Hornet 2-1 2021-06-16
Win vs LegendaryBlitz 2-0 2021-06-16
Win vs Pega 2-0 2021-06-16
Lose vs Soul 0-2 2021-06-16
(ESS) Elite Smashdown Sunday #9
Lose vs rtemp | VG 1-2 2021-06-14
Lose vs KnightSoul 1-2 2021-06-14
Win vs Isaac 2-0 2021-06-14
(WSW) Warp Star Wednesdays #8.5
Lose vs miko 0-2 2021-06-10
Win vs rtemp | VG 2-1 2021-06-10
Win vs Eggie 2-0 2021-06-10
Lose vs Tday4444 1-2 2021-06-10
Win vs Jobro 2-0 2021-06-10
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #7.5
Lose vs miko 0-3 2021-06-03
Win vs Hornet 2-0 2021-06-03
Win vs Chozin 2-1 2021-06-03
Win vs Nova 2-1 2021-06-03
Lose vs Swamp 1-2 2021-06-03
Win vs RJBC | tacogod 2-0 2021-06-03
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #7
Lose vs Tohru 1-2 2021-05-31
Lose vs Tday4444 0-2 2021-05-31
Win vs LaV 2-1 2021-05-31
Win vs Crazynessness 2-1 2021-05-31
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #6.5
Lose vs LaV 0-2 2021-05-27
Lose vs :v~ | Ryoka 0-2 2021-05-27
Win vs Cyanese 2-0 2021-05-27
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #6
Lose vs K9sbruce 0-2 2021-05-24
Lose vs YMCA 0-2 2021-05-24
Win vs danlistoo 2-0 2021-05-24
Win vs TheeR3dFox 2-1 2021-05-24
Win vs SimpleSoul 2-1 2021-05-24
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #5.5
Lose vs Jesse Waters 1-2 2021-05-20
Win vs Māvan 2-0 2021-05-20
Lose vs DCG NXT | JTab 1-2 2021-05-20
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #5
Lose vs Ace! 0-2 2021-05-17
Win vs Viridian 2-1 2021-05-17
Lose vs White Nova 0-2 2021-05-17
Win vs Fluteloops 2-1 2021-05-17
Win vs RJBC | tacogod 2-0 2021-05-17
Content Events at Esports Stadium Temecula #4.5
Lose vs White Nova 0-2 2021-05-13
Win vs TM4 | HannahBanana 2-0 2021-05-13
Lose vs miko 0-2 2021-05-13
Win vs Lelouch 2-1 2021-05-13