SSB64 NA Rankings

3 513
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


251st out of 3513
01 January 2015 - Today
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (35)
Overall performance in matches
51% Win rate
Win 18
Draw 0
Lose 17
+ 42
- 41
+/- 1
Tournament statistics (5)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 0
Top 32 1
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Slappypoopy
Most lost 3x vs deathcpo
Most played 3x vs Slappypoopy
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs Slappypoopy
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs deathcpo
Matches history (35)
Result Score Date
Unrivaled X: Gon' Give It To Ya, a Regional
Win vs Seibrik 2-1 2018-05-12
Win vs satanic manic 2-0 2018-05-12
Lose vs bamster 0-2 2018-05-12
Lose vs SlappyMcNutz 1-2 2018-05-12
Win vs Seibrik 2-0 2018-05-12
Win vs GA64 | T.Wise 2-1 2018-05-12
Win vs fck | Ocelot 2-0 2018-05-12
Lose vs ReefyBeefy 0-2 2018-05-12
Lose vs deathcpo 0-2 2018-05-12
Lose vs 16B | KD3 0-2 2018-05-12
Keystoned II
Lose vs Sedda 0-2 2018-03-11
Lose vs Yobolight 0-2 2018-03-11
Lose vs BDSM | Shears 0-2 2018-03-10
Lose vs Slappypoopy 1-2 2018-03-10
Win vs V 2-1 2018-03-10
Win vs PapaSquat 2-1 2018-03-10
Win vs iXi | Q! 2-1 2018-03-10
Win vs HWatts 2-0 2018-03-10
Win vs Bean 2-0 2018-03-10
Win vs Yobolight 2-1 2018-03-10
Win vs waxy:joe 2-0 2018-03-10
Win vs Burgle | Sebula 2-0 2018-03-10
Lose vs HH | Stevie G 0-2 2018-03-10
Lose vs SuPeRbOoMfAn 0-2 2018-03-10
Win vs SxRd | Cracker Jones 2-1 2018-03-10
Lose vs Miniohh! 0-2 2018-03-10
Lose vs Hoofy 0-2 2018-03-10
Frame One
Lose vs deathcpo 1-2 2016-04-09
Win vs Nichi 2-0 2016-04-09
Lose vs nothing 1-2 2016-04-09
Win vs Slappypoopy 2-0 2016-04-09
Frame One
Lose vs deathcpo 1-2 2016-04-09
Win vs Nichi 2-0 2016-04-09
Lose vs nothing 1-2 2016-04-09
Win vs Slappypoopy 2-0 2016-04-09
Tournaments history (5)
Name Rank Date
Come To Papa 3 40 / 40 2019-04-29
Unrivaled X: Gon' Give It To Ya, a Regional 21 / 30 2018-05-13
Keystoned II 43 / 90 2018-03-12
Frame One 7 / 19 2016-04-11
Frame One 7 / 19 2016-04-11