SSB64 NA Rankings

3 510
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
87th out of 3510
01 December 2022 - 05 December 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 1 tournaments played within last year
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (141)
Overall performance in matches
53% Win rate
Win 75
Draw 0
Lose 66
+ 179
- 159
+/- 20
Tournament statistics (13)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 3
Top 16 3
Top 32 3
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 3x vs Capos
Most lost 4x vs MasterHandJob
Most played 4x vs MasterHandJob
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Capos
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Hotline
Matches history (151)
Result Score Date
KDs Nightmare
Lose vs MasterHandJob 1-3 2024-10-21
Win vs Á1 3-1 2024-10-21
Win vs Maafia 3-2 2024-10-21
Lose vs BDSM | Shears 0-3 2024-10-21
Win vs BCe | Moosh_Da_Moosh 2-0 2024-10-21
Lose vs 16B | KD3 0-2 2024-10-20
Lose vs MasterHandJob 0-2 2024-10-20
Win vs Apparition 2-1 2024-10-20
Win vs Á1 2-0 2024-10-20
Prototype 4 Year Anniversary Tournament - PYAT4
Lose vs Hotline 0-2 2024-09-22
Win vs RNG | Cagt 2-0 2024-09-22
Lose vs ATK | Josh Brody 0-2 2024-09-22
Lose vs Hotline 0-2 2024-09-21
Win vs Queso 2-0 2024-09-21
Lose vs Mercy 0-2 2024-09-21
Win vs Wiseacre 2-0 2024-09-21
Win vs Capos 2-1 2024-09-21
Supernova 2024
Lose vs Schmerka Berl 1-2 2024-08-10
Lose vs MasterHandJob 0-2 2024-08-10
Lose vs Papamark 0-2 2024-08-10
Lose vs YOUNGSTERS | etab 0-2 2024-08-10
Lose vs The Yid 0-2 2024-08-10
Win vs ND64 | B33F 2-0 2024-08-10
Lose vs Sedda 1-2 2024-08-10
Lose vs Doc | Natty 0-2 2024-08-10
Win vs Broonz 2-1 2024-08-10
Win vs Bread 2-0 2024-08-10
Win vs Wesker 2-0 2024-08-10
Win vs Sunshine! 2-0 2024-08-10
Lose vs Dankey Kang 0-2 2024-08-10
Win vs swooce 2-0 2024-08-10
Lose vs HardBody 1-2 2024-08-10
Win vs SKT | kevinTube 2-0 2024-08-10
Lose vs ParryManilow 1-2 2024-08-10
Frame 14
Lose vs EG 0-2 2024-04-27
Win vs Capos 2-0 2024-04-27
Lose vs Fck Vwls | sextc 1-2 2024-04-27
Lose vs The Yid 0-2 2024-04-27
Win vs Cool Lime 2-0 2024-04-27
Win vs BDSM | Shears 2-1 2024-04-27
Lose vs SuPeRbOoMfAn 0-2 2024-04-27
Win vs PapaJohn'sOfficail 2-0 2024-04-27
Lose vs epad10 0-2 2024-04-27
Win vs Skordio 2-0 2024-04-27
Win vs toby 2-0 2024-04-27
Win vs Moonshoes 2-0 2024-04-27
Win vs BRB | MM | PEACEPRIZE 2-0 2024-04-27
Keystoned VII
Lose vs Hotline 0-2 2024-03-17
Win vs Wolf 3-2 2024-03-17
Win vs Bunz 2-0 2024-03-16
Lose vs waxy:joe 0-2 2024-03-16
Win vs Raychu 2-0 2024-03-16
Win vs CEnnis91 2-0 2024-03-16
Win vs Poop Dogg 2-0 2024-03-16
Win vs Zanya 2-0 2024-03-16
Lose vs Fireblaster 1-2 2024-03-16
Lose vs Janco 0-2 2024-03-16
Lose vs CTG 1-2 2024-03-16
Win vs ACAB | duncs 2-0 2023-09-30
Lose vs emptyW 1-2 2023-09-30
Lose vs Zero 0-2 2023-09-30
Lose vs epad10 1-2 2023-09-30
Lose vs Dr. Sauce 1-2 2023-09-30
Lose vs Blondekid 0-2 2023-09-30
Lose vs 16B | KD3 0-2 2023-09-30
Win vs neat 2-0 2023-09-30
Win vs deathline 2-0 2023-09-30
Win vs RNG | Cagt 2-0 2023-09-30
Win vs OJ 2-1 2023-09-30
Win vs Weedwack 2-0 2023-09-30
Win vs 1upShyGuy 2-0 2023-09-30
Lose vs Killer 0-2 2023-09-10
Lose vs dmolz 0-2 2023-09-10
Win vs Harold 2-0 2023-09-10
Lose vs 16B | KD3 1-2 2023-09-10
Win vs Cook 2-1 2023-09-10
Win vs Wiseacre 2-0 2023-09-10
Win vs FACTORY | Heny935 2-0 2023-09-10
Lose vs Lowww 0-2 2023-09-10
Win vs Capos 2-0 2023-09-10
Super Smash Con 2023
Win vs Joshi 2-1 2023-08-12
Lose vs Dankey Kang 0-2 2023-08-12
Lose vs ReefyBeefy 1-2 2023-08-12
Win vs Velocity Jones 2-0 2023-08-12
Lose vs JPX 0-2 2023-08-12
Lose vs KrisKringle 0-2 2023-08-12
Lose vs ND64 | B33F 0-2 2023-08-12
Lose vs MasterHandJob 0-2 2023-08-12
Win vs Umbra 2-1 2023-08-12
Win vs JustinSSC 2-1 2023-08-12
Lose vs mrsir 1-2 2023-08-12
Win vs Broly 2-0 2023-08-12
Win vs Apparition 2-0 2023-08-12
Win vs Matt 2-0 2023-08-12
Lose vs derstuk 1-2 2023-08-12
Lose vs CINCI | PYT 0-2 2023-08-12
Lose vs MasterHandJob 0-2 2023-08-12
Win vs Noc 2-0 2023-08-11
Win vs BadLink 2-0 2023-08-11
Win vs Ryan "ArStar" Allen 2-0 2023-08-11
Win vs D.J.R. 2-0 2023-08-11
Win vs Poop Dogg 2-0 2023-08-11
Win vs Hooded 2-1 2023-08-11
Win vs Kristoff 2-1 2023-08-11
Win vs Propain 2-0 2023-08-11
Win vs Teams Baby 2-0 2023-08-11
Grease My Stick 8
Lose vs mrsir 1-2 2023-07-15
Lose vs Cool Lime 1-2 2023-07-15
Win vs GT 2-1 2023-07-15
Lose vs MasterHandJob 1-2 2023-07-15
Lose vs Robert 0-2 2023-07-15
Win vs waxy:joe 2-0 2023-07-15
Win vs bloogo 2-0 2023-07-15
Lose vs Cool Lime 0-2 2023-07-15
Win vs Teflon Ron 2-0 2023-07-15
Win vs BlueBear 2-1 2023-07-15
Win vs El | DK Jugador 2-0 2023-07-15
Xanadu Origins
Lose vs Wolf 1-2 2023-05-06
Lose vs Strong Army | Fil 0-2 2023-05-06
Win vs Mortech 2-1 2023-05-06
Lose vs baby caweb 1-2 2023-05-06
Win vs ParryManilow 2-0 2023-05-06
Win vs Teflon Ron 2-0 2023-05-06
Win vs Freean 2-1 2023-05-06
Win vs bloogo 2-1 2023-05-06
Win vs VGBC | Aposl 2-1 2023-05-06
Lose vs goon 1-2 2023-05-06
Keystoned VI
Lose vs JPX 0-2 2023-03-18
Win vs Tylo Ren 2-0 2023-03-18
Win vs blazerman 2-0 2023-03-18
Win vs gray 2-1 2023-03-18
Lose vs Grandma 0-2 2023-03-18
Lose vs emptyW 1-2 2023-03-18
Lose vs Moonshoes 0-2 2023-03-18
OceanFront 4: Campgrounds
Lose vs Marbles 2-3 2023-01-14
Lose vs ATK | Josh Brody 0-3 2023-01-14
Lose vs grandpa | SheerMadness 0-2 2023-01-14
Lose vs Freean 1-2 2023-01-14
Win vs Bunz 2-0 2023-01-14
Win vs TANK 2-0 2023-01-14
Lose vs CINCI | PYT 1-2 2023-01-14
Grease My Stick 3
Lose vs ATK | Josh Brody 1-3 2022-12-10
Win vs MasterHandJob 3-1 2022-12-10
Win vs Moonshoes 2-0 2022-12-10
Win vs RNG | Cagt 2-1 2022-12-10
Lose vs JPX 1-2 2022-12-10
Win vs El | DK Jugador 2-0 2022-12-10
Win vs Hotpocket 2-0 2022-12-10
Lose vs 16B | KD3 0-2 2022-12-10
Win vs Apparition 2-0 2022-12-10
Win vs Teflon Ron 2-0 2022-12-10
Tournaments history (13)
Name Rank Date
KDs Nightmare 4 / 14 2024-10-21
Prototype 4 Year Anniversary Tournament - PYAT4 9 / 26 2024-09-22
Supernova 2024 65 / 241 2024-08-12
Frame 14 17 / 50 2024-04-28
Keystoned VII 9 / 63 2024-03-18
SmashtoVerfest 25 / 65 2023-10-01
Wise-Pheno5Vanilla 7 / 16 2023-09-11
Super Smash Con 2023 33 / 255 2023-08-14
Grease My Stick 8 7 / 25 2023-07-16
Xanadu Origins 31 / 72 2023-05-07
Keystoned VI 33 / 62 2023-03-20
OceanFront 4: Campgrounds 13 / 28 2023-01-15
Grease My Stick 3 4 / 15 2022-12-11