SSB64 NA Rankings

3 535
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


339th out of 3535
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (62)
Overall performance in matches
42% Win rate
Win 26
Draw 0
Lose 36
+ 68
- 81
+/- -13
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 8
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Andykins
Most lost 2x vs Bread
Most played 2x vs Andykins
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (62)
Result Score Date
Shine 2017
Win vs RussellSprouts 2-1 2017-08-27
Lose vs Wheels 0-2 2017-08-27
Lose vs Bread 0-2 2017-08-27
Win vs Mac | Macintosh 2-0 2017-08-26
Win vs Esid 2-0 2017-08-26
Win vs GolfClubNinja 2-0 2017-08-26
Win vs Andykins 2-0 2017-08-26
Lose vs M2 | Madrush 1-2 2017-08-26
SSB64 League Presents: Let's Go! A Baltimore 64 Major
Lose vs BAS| | KoRo? 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs FN | KaZ 1-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs NC | King Lumsy 1-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Razz 0-2 2017-04-29
Win vs Mello 2-0 2017-04-29
Win vs NC | widdy 2-0 2017-04-29
Win vs FOOD | Stew 2-1 2017-04-29
Lose vs griffith 1-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Majin_bukkake 1-2 2017-04-29
Win vs Half Man 2-0 2017-04-29
Lose vs Bread 1-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs goon 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Clubbadubba 1-2 2017-04-29
Win vs icactusdog 2-1 2017-03-11
Win vs ShimShamLando 2-0 2017-03-11
Lose vs FN | SunVulcan 1-2 2017-03-11
Lose vs Sebula4 1-2 2017-03-11
Lose vs Raychu 0-2 2017-03-11
Win vs Billbacon420 2-0 2017-03-11
Win vs R3$T | Dizzle 2-1 2017-03-11
Win vs Diveo 2-0 2017-03-11
Lose vs Sunflower 0-2 2017-03-11
Lose vs BCe | Moosh_Da_Moosh 1-2 2017-03-11
Lose vs Infinite OC | The Protagonist 0-2 2017-03-11
Lose vs SuPeRbOoMfAn 0-2 2017-03-11
Boss Battle 2
Lose vs YAK_ON_MY | WhiteJesus 0-2 2016-11-13
Lose vs Piratetrips 0-2 2016-11-13
Win vs Vondo 2-0 2016-11-13
Win vs Andykins 2-1 2016-11-13
Win vs YOLFT 2-0 2016-11-12
Lose vs CAFIL | Lorenzo 0-2 2016-11-12
Lose vs Marbles 0-2 2016-11-12
Lose vs FN Dishes | Spongy 1-3 2016-10-23
Lose vs Smash Jesus 0-3 2016-10-23
Win vs Kelvinheit 2-0 2016-10-23
Win vs FN Dishes | Spongy 2-0 2016-10-23
Win vs Capos 2-1 2016-10-23
Win vs YAK_ON_MY | Beans 2-1 2016-10-23
Win vs jonnjonn 2-0 2016-10-23
Win vs dmolz 2-0 2016-10-23
Lose vs eLatED 1-2 2016-10-23
Lose vs Rusty 1-2 2016-10-23
Lose vs speaking of r kelly CAHA | cobr 0-2 2016-10-23
Operation Desert Smash II
Lose vs BARD 0-2 2016-09-11
Lose vs Smurf 1-2 2016-09-11
Shine 2016
Lose vs Esid 0-2 2016-08-28
Lose vs waxy:joe 1-2 2016-08-28
Win vs Zyrg 2-0 2016-08-28
Win vs TBQ 2-0 2016-08-28
Lose vs Apparition 1-2 2016-08-27
Win vs MCG | Spaghetti 2-0 2016-08-27
Lose vs FACTORY | Heny935 0-2 2016-08-27
Pound 2016
Lose vs Umbra 0-2 2016-04-02
Lose vs Kaladin 0-2 2016-04-02
Tournaments history (8)
Name Rank Date
Shine 2017 41 / 103 2017-08-28
SSB64 League Presents: Let's Go! A Baltimore 64 Major 97 / 153 2017-04-30
Keystoned 43 / 65 2017-03-13
Boss Battle 2 33 / 90 2016-11-13
SuperBoomed 49 / 80 2016-10-24
Operation Desert Smash II 33 / 57 2016-09-12
Shine 2016 33 / 109 2016-08-29
Pound 2016 65 / 107 2016-04-04