Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


401st out of 3501
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (24)
Overall performance in matches
17% Win rate
Win 4
Draw 0
Lose 20
+ 6
- 36
+/- -30
Tournament statistics (3)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs ParisHiltn
Most lost 1x vs Kelvinheit
Most played 1x vs ParisHiltn
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (24)
Result Score Date
Super Smash Con 2019
Win vs ParisHiltn 1-0 2019-08-09
Win vs Mach5Mike 1-0 2019-08-09
Lose vs Suvinil | Luffy 0-1 2019-08-09
Win vs Leo 1-0 2019-08-09
Lose vs Keystone Light 0-1 2019-08-09
Win vs Jonny2x4 1-0 2019-08-09
Lose vs Jmartiles 0-1 2019-08-09
Lose vs TONG 0-1 2019-08-09
The Empire Smashes Back
Lose vs Silky Johnson 1-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs AJBCDEFG 0-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs MoMdaMeaTLoaF 1-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs Kelvinheit 0-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs FN | SunVulcan 0-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs DIJoeSSB | Jimmy Joe 0-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs GODS | Preston 0-2 2017-11-04
Lose vs KeroKeroppi 0-2 2017-11-04
SSB64 League Presents: Let's Go! A Baltimore 64 Major
Lose vs RussellSprouts 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Capos 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs jsmirk 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Billbacon420 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Teflon Ron 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Greeno 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs TR3G | hipstur 0-2 2017-04-29
Lose vs Star King 0-2 2017-04-29
Tournaments history (3)
Name Rank Date
Super Smash Con 2019 187 / 275 2019-08-12
The Empire Smashes Back 49 / 61 2017-11-06
SSB64 League Presents: Let's Go! A Baltimore 64 Major 121 / 153 2017-04-30