SSB64 NA Rankings

3 513
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
369th out of 3513
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (36)
Overall performance in matches
31% Win rate
Win 11
Draw 0
Lose 25
+ 29
- 55
+/- -26
Tournament statistics (2)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs File
Most lost 1x vs Blondekid
Most played 1x vs Blondekid
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (36)
Result Score Date
Super Smash Con 2018
Lose vs waxy:joe 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Fck Vwls | sextc 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs WTF | Dark Gentleman 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs GODS | Preston 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Marbles 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Fireblaster 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Robert 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Cool Lime 1-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Umbra 0-2 2018-08-11
Win vs ReefyBeefy 2-1 2018-08-11
Lose vs Razz 0-2 2018-08-11
Win vs DIJoeSSB | Jimmy Joe 2-0 2018-08-11
Lose vs Rocket 0-2 2018-08-11
Win vs File 2-1 2018-08-11
Win vs Foda 2-1 2018-08-11
Win vs pZero39 2-1 2018-08-11
Lose vs BIKES! | Dizzle 0-2 2018-08-11
Lose vs Maps 0-2 2018-08-11
Win vs Professor Cube 2-0 2018-08-10
Win vs 3D | Nintoonist 2-0 2018-08-10
Win vs Artful | KeithTheGeek 2-0 2018-08-10
Win vs D-Smash 2-0 2018-08-10
Win vs RNG | Cagt 2-1 2018-08-10
Lose vs Tallboi 1-2 2018-08-10
Lose vs Anotherish 1-2 2018-08-10
Genesis 5
Lose vs Bairiana Grande | DSJ 0-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs DankPank 1-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs Mortech 0-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs ACAB | duncs 1-2 2018-01-20
Win vs Warhorse 2-0 2018-01-20
Lose vs zbJ | | zerobombjake 1-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs VCP | Scruffy Mcwonder Crumpet 1-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs KomodoNinja 0-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs Broonz 0-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs Blondekid 0-2 2018-01-20
Lose vs COOLBLADE_1992 | Horbie 0-2 2018-01-20
Tournaments history (2)
Name Rank Date
Super Smash Con 2018 72 / 260 2018-08-13
Genesis 5 81 / 124 2018-01-22