SSB64 NA Rankings

3 511
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
344th out of 3511
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (39)
Overall performance in matches
31% Win rate
Win 12
Draw 0
Lose 27
+ 29
- 57
+/- -28
Tournament statistics (5)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 0
Top 32 2
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs One Suit
Most lost 2x vs KrisKringle
Most played 2x vs KrisKringle
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (39)
Result Score Date
Ghost Town 2 - Call of the Lloyd ft. Zamu, Spark, Fiction, Stiv, Kurv, Nut, Pbag
Win vs bowl 2-0 2024-05-12
Lose vs Prism 0-2 2024-05-12
Lose vs McGodd 0-2 2024-05-12
Lose vs ReefyBeefy 0-2 2024-05-12
Lose vs KrisKringle 0-2 2024-05-12
Win vs Zirsch 2-0 2024-05-12
Win vs Dr.Freashly 2-0 2024-05-12
Win vs Noobishnoob 2-1 2024-05-12
Lose vs A La Carte 0-2 2024-05-12
Genesis 6
Lose vs Multiball 1-2 2019-02-03
Lose vs kosher 0-2 2019-02-03
Win vs Tonester 2-1 2019-02-03
Lose vs kurja 0-2 2019-02-03
Lose vs Onski 0-2 2019-02-03
Lose vs ACAB | Automatic 1-2 2019-02-02
Lose vs LETSGO 0-2 2019-02-02
Win vs Begorin 2-0 2019-02-02
Win vs BJ | SkunkMonk 2-0 2019-02-02
Win vs N64 | Ramie 2-0 2019-02-02
Win vs One Suit 2-0 2019-02-02
Lose vs Eltiti 0-2 2019-02-02
Win vs Vidya_James 2-0 2019-02-02
Lose vs Milleneum 0-2 2019-02-02
Lose vs YoLeo 0-2 2019-02-02
Don't Park on the Grass 2018
Lose vs MojoMonkey 0-2 2018-12-16
Lose vs Kelvinheit 0-2 2018-12-16
Lose vs Tom Bombadil 0-2 2018-12-16
Lose vs ShankS 1-2 2018-12-16
Win vs PDX | Costco 2-1 2018-12-16
Win vs Noble 2-0 2018-12-16
Lose vs JSunny 0-2 2018-12-16
Lose vs Scootieloo 0-2 2018-12-15
Lose vs Matt 1-2 2018-12-15
Lose vs KrisKringle 0-2 2018-12-15
Lose vs Rocket 0-2 2018-12-15
Genesis 4
Lose vs Cody 0-2 2017-01-21
Lose vs Pizza Jokes 1-2 2017-01-21
Genesis 3
Lose vs PizzaJokes 0-2 2016-01-16
Lose vs mrsir 0-2 2016-01-16
Tournaments history (5)
Name Rank Date
Ghost Town 2 - Call of the Lloyd ft. Zamu, Spark, Fiction, Stiv, Kurv, Nut, Pbag 17 / 38 2024-05-12
Genesis 6 45 / 98 2019-02-04
Don't Park on the Grass 2018 25 / 43 2018-12-17
Genesis 4 97 / 185 2017-01-23
Genesis 3 129 / 238 2016-01-18