Tired of 0-2

Super Smash Bros. Melee

1 312
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


74th out of 1312
15 November 2020 - 31 December 2022
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (38)
Overall performance in matches
68% Win rate
Win 26
Draw 0
Lose 12
+ 53
- 32
+/- 21
Tournament statistics (4)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 0
Top 32 2
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs ENTP
Most lost 1x vs gc | michael
Most played 1x vs ENTP
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (38)
Result Score Date
Tired of 0-2 #65
Lose vs PalmChi 1-2 2022-02-22
Win vs drimys 2-0 2022-02-22
Lose vs Nukelele 0-2 2022-02-22
Win vs MickGCC | MentL 2-1 2022-02-22
Win vs Narfi 2-0 2022-02-22
Lose vs gc | michael 0-2 2022-02-22
Win vs Evox 2-1 2022-02-22
Win vs Nariz 2-0 2022-02-22
Win vs aleesper 2-0 2022-02-22
Tired of 0-2 #59
Lose vs M1sf1re 1-2 2022-01-11
Win vs Breloom 2-0 2022-01-11
Win vs Beer 2-0 2022-01-11
Win vs mang0_fan420 2-0 2022-01-11
Win vs Exonus 2-0 2022-01-11
Win vs 20XX | Ham$ 2-1 2022-01-11
Lose vs Hotdog 0-2 2022-01-11
Win vs LGBT | Rena 2-0 2022-01-11
Win vs Rabiddonkey33 2-0 2022-01-11
Lose vs #BLM | Delta 0-2 2022-01-11
Lose vs PUP | Puppy 0-2 2022-01-11
Win vs DariusTheJanitor 2-0 2022-01-11
Tired of 0-2 #58
Lose vs CountifShine 0-2 2022-01-04
Lose vs Citric 0-1 2022-01-04
Win vs Wyd 1-0 2022-01-04
Win vs LGBT | saffron 2-1 2022-01-04
Lose vs Willow 0-2 2022-01-04
Win vs Bob Bob 2-0 2022-01-04
Win vs Dubrick 2-1 2022-01-04
Win vs Bradlezy 2-1 2022-01-04
Win vs F1 Shim 2-0 2022-01-04
Tired of 0-2 #52
Lose vs Lööp | RustyChickn 0-2 2021-11-23
Lose vs Blue 0-2 2021-11-23
Win vs BoominBody 2-1 2021-11-23
Win vs ribbanya 2-0 2021-11-23
Win vs ENTP 2-1 2021-11-23
Win vs GioGio 2-0 2021-11-23
Win vs Lain -is dying- 2-0 2021-11-23
Win vs PianoFury 2-1 2021-11-23
Tournaments history (4)
Name Rank Date
Tired of 0-2 #65 25 / 96 2022-02-22
Tired of 0-2 #59 5 / 72 2022-01-11
Tired of 0-2 #58 17 / 73 2022-01-04
Tired of 0-2 #52 5 / 60 2021-11-23