Tired of 0-2

Super Smash Bros. Melee

1 312
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


588th out of 1312
15 November 2020 - 31 December 2022
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (44)
Overall performance in matches
34% Win rate
Win 15
Draw 0
Lose 29
+ 39
- 58
+/- -19
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 3
Top 32 1
Worst 4
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Chrismeister
Most lost 2x vs Darrow25
Most played 2x vs Chillos_Tacos
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (44)
Result Score Date
Tired of 0-2 #22
Lose vs WaXx 1-2 2021-04-13
Win vs Chrismeister 2-0 2021-04-13
Win vs H et M | Nap 2-0 2021-04-13
Win vs K0NG 2-0 2021-04-13
Lose vs vegeman 0-2 2021-04-13
Lose vs Darrow25 1-2 2021-04-13
Tired of 0-2 #21
Lose vs STB Kamasi 1-2 2021-04-06
Win vs Wr1sty 2-0 2021-04-06
Lose vs 200MXP 0-2 2021-04-06
Win vs K0NG 2-0 2021-04-06
Lose vs AWSOM 1-2 2021-04-06
Lose vs Ymir 1-2 2021-04-06
Win vs Chrismeister 2-1 2021-04-06
Tired of 0-2 #19
Lose vs WaXx 0-2 2021-03-23
Win vs Chillos_Tacos 2-0 2021-03-23
Win vs NattyIce 2-0 2021-03-23
Lose vs Old Guy 0-2 2021-03-23
Win vs clonk 1--1 2021-03-23
Win vs Shac0la 1--1 2021-03-23
Lose vs Leeroy 0-2 2021-03-23
Win vs WAHZ 2-1 2021-03-23
Lose vs Darrow25 1-2 2021-03-22
Lose vs Zakqary 0-2 2021-03-22
Tired of 0-2 #11
Lose vs Kain 1-2 2021-01-26
Lose vs End 1-2 2021-01-26
Win vs J Dunni 2-0 2021-01-26
Win vs Eggyolkio 2-0 2021-01-26
Lose vs Lebnain 0-2 2021-01-26
Lose vs Kyletron70 1-2 2021-01-26
Tired of 0-2 #10
Lose vs PBJ 1-2 2021-01-19
Lose vs BSB | CrimsonPixel 0-2 2021-01-19
Lose vs Biggestbrain 0-2 2021-01-19
Lose vs Arkdael 1-2 2021-01-19
Tired of 0-2 #9
Lose vs Cabbage Man 0-2 2021-01-12
Lose vs TRIGGERED! 0-2 2021-01-12
Lose vs Chillos_Tacos 0-2 2021-01-12
Lose vs vegeman 0-2 2021-01-12
Lose vs Chemical X 0-2 2021-01-12
Tired of 0-2 #8
Lose vs PP | rocky 0-2 2021-01-05
Lose vs NateDoge 0-2 2021-01-05
Win vs Cloudseeker 2-0 2021-01-05
Win vs beefjerk 2-0 2021-01-05
Lose vs Hart 0-2 2021-01-05
Lose vs Grape Juice 0-2 2021-01-05
Tournaments history (8)
Name Rank Date
Tired of 0-2 #22 13 / 30 2021-04-13
Tired of 0-2 #21 13 / 45 2021-04-06
Tired of 0-2 #19 13 / 50 2021-03-23
Tired of 0-2 #18 33 / 50 2021-03-16
Tired of 0-2 #11 33 / 50 2021-01-26
Tired of 0-2 #10 33 / 60 2021-01-19
Tired of 0-2 #9 33 / 60 2021-01-12
Tired of 0-2 #8 17 / 96 2021-01-05