Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


78th out of 1189
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (23)
Overall performance in matches
57% Win rate
Win 13
Draw 0
Lose 10
+ 27
- 19
+/- 8
Tournament statistics (5)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 2
Top 32 2
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs NFO | Syroz
Most lost 1x vs [HG] | Jazzpunk
Most played 2x vs NFO | Syroz
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (23)
Result Score Date
The Tilted Weekly S3 #13
Lose vs [HG] | Jazzpunk 1-2 2021-03-31
Win vs Pierolym 2-0 2021-03-31
Win vs Nibodax 2-0 2021-03-31
Win vs Wah 2-0 2021-03-31
Win vs NFO | Syroz 1--1 2021-03-31
Lose vs GD | NadzAA 0-2 2021-03-31
The Tilted Weekly S3 #11
Lose vs TA | Aurow 0-2 2021-03-17
Lose vs Hugod 1-2 2021-03-17
Win vs TS 2-1 2021-03-17
Win vs Kinato 2-0 2021-03-17
Win vs IA | Owned | Snellac 2-0 2021-03-17
The Tilted Weekly S3 #10
Lose vs Noxumbra -1-1 2021-03-10
Lose vs Katascient 1-2 2021-03-10
Win vs Baggy 2-0 2021-03-10
Win vs Hasukï | Phoenix 2-0 2021-03-10
Win vs Antoroad 2-0 2021-03-10
The Tilted Weekly S3 #8
Lose vs TJ | Wadore 1-2 2021-02-24
Win vs NFO | Syroz 2-0 2021-02-24
Lose vs Freetox_ 0-2 2021-02-24
Win vs OPS | AbdelDKh 2-0 2021-02-24
The Tilted Weekly S3 #7
Lose vs G4'S | Saora -1-1 2021-02-17
Lose vs OPS | Kéképi 0-2 2021-02-17
Win vs POYO | | Olex 64 2-1 2021-02-17
Tournaments history (5)
Name Rank Date
The Tilted Weekly S3 #13 17 / 96 2021-03-31
The Tilted Weekly S3 #11 9 / 79 2021-03-17
The Tilted Weekly S3 #10 9 / 87 2021-03-10
The Tilted Weekly S3 #8 25 / 88 2021-02-24
The Tilted Weekly S3 #7 33 / 71 2021-02-18