ssb64eu online

Super Smash Bros. N64

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
35th out of 217
10 May 2015 - Today
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (608)
Overall performance in matches
31% Win rate
Win 185
Draw 2
Lose 421
+ 535
- 963
+/- -428
Tournament statistics (180)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 17
Top 8 115
Top 16 38
Top 32 5
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 11x vs DareDemon
Most lost 61x vs Hartinator
Most played 63x vs Hartinator
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs AUTUMN
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Backes
Matches history (636)
Result Score Date
Autumn Tourney 2024
Win vs Yophi 2-0 2024-09-22
Lose vs ron 1-2 2024-09-22
Lose vs PKFreeZZy 0-2 2024-09-22
Win vs wanagnos 2-0 2024-09-22
Lose vs Kimimaru 0-2 2024-09-22
Battle of Europe #258
Lose vs DRAIG 1-3 2024-04-19
Win vs The_Rock_Lee_ 2-0 2024-04-19
Win vs PasiKienzi 2-0 2024-04-19
Lose vs wanagnos 1-2 2024-04-19
Battle of Europe #253
Win vs wanagnos 3-0 2023-05-07
Lose vs Olikus 1-3 2023-05-07
Battle of Europe #250
Lose vs PKFreeZZy 0-2 2023-02-19
Win vs Otreblax 2-0 2023-02-19
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2023-02-19
Win vs wolfifie 2-0 2023-02-19
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2023-02-19
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-0 2023-02-19
Battle of Europe #249
Draw vs wanagnos -1--1 2023-02-05
Draw vs wolfifie -1--1 2023-02-05
Lose vs Arrowshoes 1-3 2023-02-05
Lose vs ron 1-3 2023-02-05
Lose vs Olikus 1-3 2023-02-05
Battle of Europe #248
Lose vs D-manXD 1-3 2023-01-22
Win vs wanagnos 3-2 2023-01-22
Win vs Arrowshoes 3-1 2023-01-22
Lose vs ron 1-3 2023-01-22
Battle of Europe #247
Win vs wolfifie 3-0 2023-01-08
Win vs wanagnos 3-0 2023-01-08
Lose vs Arrowshoes 2-3 2023-01-08
Battle of Europe #246
Lose vs Dark_89 2-3 2022-12-04
Winter Tourney December 2022
Lose vs ron 1-3 2022-12-11
Win vs D-manXD 3-2 2022-12-11
Win vs wanagnos 2-1 2022-12-11
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2022-12-11
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2022-12-11
Lose vs Wobl 1-2 2022-12-11
Win vs LuWeeGee 2-0 2022-12-11
Ladder 2022 matches
Win vs Arrowshoes 1-0 2022-12-28
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-1 2022-12-28
Battle of Europe #243
Win vs wanagnos 2-1 2022-10-23
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2022-10-23
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2022-10-23
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2022-10-23
Summer Tourney 2022
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-3 2022-09-04
Win vs Olikus 3-2 2022-09-04
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2022-09-04
Win vs MrMemoxide 2-1 2022-09-04
Win vs Onilink2208 2-0 2022-09-04
Win vs Yophi 2-0 2022-09-04
Win vs Sept 2-0 2022-09-04
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2022-09-04
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2022-09-04
Battle of Europe #238
Win vs Zora 2-0 2022-08-01
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2022-08-01
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2022-08-01
Lose vs Arrowshoes 0-2 2022-08-01
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2022-08-01
Battle of Europe #236
Win vs B3ter 2-0 2022-07-04
Lose vs Yophi 0-2 2022-07-04
Win vs wanagnos 2-0 2022-07-04
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2022-07-04
Win vs LuWeeGee 2-0 2022-07-04
Lose vs Arrowshoes 1-2 2022-07-04
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2022-07-04
Battle of Europe #235
Win vs B3ter 2-0 2022-06-20
Lose vs Arrowshoes 0-2 2022-06-20
Win vs cheddar 2-0 2022-06-20
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2022-06-20
Spring Tourney 2022
Win vs B3ter 3-0 2022-05-22
Win vs PANDORA | AReesyCup.jrthe4 1--1 2022-05-22
Lose vs Kaki 0-3 2022-05-22
Lose vs Wobl 1-3 2022-05-22
Lose vs Olikus 0-3 2022-05-22
Battle of Europe #233
Lose vs PugMug 0-3 2022-04-24
Win vs B3ter 3-0 2022-04-24
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-3 2022-04-24
Lose vs Olikus 0-3 2022-04-24
Battle of Europe #232
Win vs Krix08 3-1 2022-04-11
Win vs StainFalcon 3-0 2022-04-11
Lose vs Olikus 0-3 2022-04-11
Lose vs Hartinator 1-3 2022-04-10
Winter Tourney 2022
Lose vs u9verse 0-3 2022-02-19
Win vs Krix08 2-0 2022-02-19
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2022-02-19
Win vs C++ | FluentCoding 2-0 2022-02-19
Win vs DareDemon 2-0 2022-02-19
Lose vs Wolvechen 1-2 2022-02-19
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2022-02-19
Battle of Europe #224
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-12-12
Win vs Yophi 3-0 2021-12-12
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-3 2021-12-12
Battle of Europe #223
Win vs Krix08 2-0 2021-12-02
Win vs u9verse 2-1 2021-12-02
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-12-02
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2021-12-02
Win vs AEROSHeEP 2-1 2021-12-02
Autumn Tourney 2021
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-11-06
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2021-11-06
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2021-11-06
Win vs Kuskus 2-1 2021-11-06
Lose vs Wobl 0-2 2021-11-06
Lose vs PugMug 1-2 2021-11-06
Remix of Europe XII
Lose vs PKFreeZZy 0-2 2021-11-01
Lose vs u9verse 1-2 2021-11-01
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2021-11-01
Lose vs Arrowshoes 1-2 2021-11-01
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2021-11-01
Win vs Krix08 2-0 2021-11-01
Arcadian of Europe #16 - Vanilla
Win vs donAntoine 3-2 2021-10-16
Win vs donAntoine 3-0 2021-10-16
Win vs Flopper 3-0 2021-10-16
Lose vs donAntoine 2-3 2021-10-16
Win vs Kamatana 2-0 2021-10-16
Win vs Krix08 2-0 2021-10-16
Win vs Flopper 2-0 2021-10-16
Win vs donAntoine 2-1 2021-10-16
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2021-10-16
Win vs Kamatana 2-0 2021-10-16
Battle of Europe #219
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2021-10-10
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2021-10-10
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-0 2021-10-10
Win vs samsun 0--1 2021-10-10
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2021-10-10
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2021-10-10
Remix of Europe X
Win vs Porkcade 2-1 2021-10-04
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-10-04
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2021-10-04
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2021-10-04
Lose vs Arrowshoes 0-2 2021-10-04
Win vs Hartinator 2-0 2021-10-04
Lose vs u9verse 1-2 2021-10-04
Battle of Europe #218
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2021-09-23
Lose vs u9verse 1-2 2021-09-23
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-09-23
Win vs Hartinator 2-1 2021-09-23
Lose vs Arrowshoes 1-2 2021-09-23
Win vs Porkcade 2-0 2021-09-23
Win vs Wolvechen 2-1 2021-09-23
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2021-09-23
Lose vs u9verse 1-2 2021-09-23
Battle of Europe #217
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2021-09-19
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2021-09-19
Lose vs Arrowshoes 1-2 2021-09-19
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2021-09-19
Battle of Europe #215
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-1 2021-09-05
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2021-09-05
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2021-09-05
Lose vs u9verse 1-2 2021-09-05
Win vs UnityGGs 1-0 2021-09-05
Battle of Europe #214
Lose vs Arrowshoes 0-2 2021-08-28
Lose vs donAntoine 0-2 2021-08-28
Win vs D-manXD 2-0 2021-08-28
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2021-08-28
Battle of Europe #212
Win vs ChaoWorld 2-0 2021-08-12
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2021-08-12
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2021-08-12
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2021-08-12
Battle of Europe #211
Lose vs Arrowshoes 1-2 2021-08-08
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2021-08-08
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2021-08-08
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2021-08-08
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-08-08
Summer Tourney 2021
Lose vs Wincancel 1-2 2021-07-31
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2021-07-31
Win vs Kamatana 2-0 2021-07-31
Lose vs Wincancel 0-2 2021-07-31
Win vs Backslash 2-0 2021-07-31
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-07-31
Battle of Europe #209
Lose vs Arrowshoes 0-3 2021-07-15
Lose vs Hartinator 1-3 2021-07-15
Lose vs PKFreeZZy 0-3 2021-07-15
Lose vs Kaki 0-3 2021-07-15
Battle of Europe #208
Win vs Arrowshoes 3-1 2021-07-11
Lose vs PKFreeZZy 1-3 2021-07-11
Lose vs Hartinator 2-3 2021-07-11
Battle of Europe #207
Lose vs Wincancel 1-2 2021-07-02
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2021-07-02
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-07-02
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2021-07-02
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-1 2021-07-02
Win vs gnub 2-1 2021-07-02
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-07-02
Battle of Europe #206
Lose vs gnub 0-1 2021-06-27
Lose vs Arrowshoes 0-2 2021-06-27
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2021-06-27
Lose vs u9verse 0-2 2021-06-27
Battle of Europe #202
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-05-30
Lose vs ND64 | B33F 1-2 2021-05-30
Lose vs Wobl 0-2 2021-05-30
Battle of Europe #201
Win vs Wolvechen 2-1 2021-05-20
Lose vs PugMug 1-2 2021-05-20
Win vs u9verse 2-0 2021-05-20
Win vs Flopper 2-0 2021-05-20
Win vs Wobl 2-1 2021-05-20
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-05-20
Battle of Europe #201 - GF
Win vs Wolvechen 2-1 2021-05-20
Lose vs PugMug 1-2 2021-05-20
Win vs u9verse 2-0 2021-05-20
Win vs Flopper 2-0 2021-05-20
Win vs Wobl 2-1 2021-05-20
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-05-20
Battle of Europe #200
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-05-15
Win vs donAntoine 2-0 2021-05-15
Win vs u9verse 2-0 2021-05-15
Lose vs HAMMERHEART 0-2 2021-05-15
Battle of Europe #200 - Amateur Bracket
Lose vs u9verse 1-3 2021-05-15
Lose vs Wobl 1-3 2021-05-15
Spring Tournament 2021
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2021-05-01
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2021-05-01
Win vs Stoneymalony 2-0 2021-05-01
Spring Tournament 2021 - Amateur Bracket
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-3 2021-05-01
Win vs DareDemon 3-0 2021-05-01
Lose vs Wolvechen 1-3 2021-05-01
Win vs Stoneymalony 3-1 2021-05-01
Win vs TG | TheRedVirus 2-0 2021-05-01
Battle of Europe #198
Lose vs Stoneymalony 1-3 2021-04-18
Win vs u9verse 3-0 2021-04-18
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-3 2021-04-18
Battle of Europe #197
Lose vs Wincancel 0-2 2021-04-08
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-04-08
Win vs JaspersMug 2-0 2021-04-08
Win vs Samthesilly 2-0 2021-04-08
Win vs jerbq 2-0 2021-04-08
Lose vs Wincancel 1-2 2021-04-08
Win vs zeozen 2-0 2021-04-08
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2021-04-08
Battle of Europe #196
Lose vs Wobl 1-2 2021-04-04
Win vs Wincancel 1-0 2021-04-04
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-04-04
Lose vs ron 0-2 2021-04-04
Battle of Europe #193
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2021-03-12
Win vs Wincancel 2-0 2021-03-12
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2021-03-12
Lose vs zeozen 0-2 2021-03-12
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2021-03-12
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2021-03-12
Battle of Europe #191
Win vs UnityGGs 2-1 2021-02-26
Lose vs Wolvechen 1-2 2021-02-26
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-02-26
Win vs Flopper 2-0 2021-02-26
Winter Tourney 2020
Lose vs Dogs_Johnson 1-2 2021-02-07
Lose vs BarkSanchez 1-2 2021-02-07
Win vs UnityGGs 2-0 2021-02-07
Lose vs Dogs_Johnson 0-2 2021-02-07
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2021-02-07
Battle of Europe #188
Win vs flippy_o 2-0 2021-01-28
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2021-01-28
Lose vs DareDemon 1-2 2021-01-28
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-1 2021-01-28
Battle of Europe #187
Lose vs UnityGGs 2-3 2021-01-24
Win vs UnityGGs 3-1 2021-01-24
Win vs AUTUMN 2-0 2021-01-24
Lose vs UnityGGs 1-2 2021-01-24
Battle of Europe #185
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2021-01-10
Win vs Kuskus 2-0 2021-01-10
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2021-01-10
Battle of Europe #182
Lose vs DareDemon 1-2 2020-12-03
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-1 2020-12-03
Win vs eidlom 2-0 2020-12-03
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-12-03
Battle of Europe #181
Lose vs ron 0-2 2020-11-29
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2020-11-29
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2020-11-29
Battle of Europe #180
Win vs DareDemon 2-1 2020-11-19
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-11-19
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-11-19
Win vs UnityGGs 2-0 2020-11-19
Autumn Tourney 2020
Lose vs Bart 1-2 2020-11-01
Lose vs Fray 0-2 2020-11-01
Lose vs Fruity 0-2 2020-11-01
Win vs UnityGGs 2-0 2020-11-01
Battle of Europe #177
Win vs UnityGGs 2-0 2020-10-22
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2020-10-22
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-10-22
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-10-22
Battle of Europe #175
Win vs Arrowshoes 2-0 2020-10-08
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-10-08
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-10-08
Win vs UnityGGs 2-1 2020-10-08
Win vs Prog 2-0 2020-10-08
Win vs xXKillerHunterXx 2-0 2020-10-08
Battle of Europe #173
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-09-25
Win vs UnityGGs 2-0 2020-09-25
Lose vs PLiNK 0-2 2020-09-25
Lose vs DareDemon 0-2 2020-09-25
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-09-25
Win vs GameGeneration 2-0 2020-09-25
Battle of Europe #171
Lose vs Prog 1-2 2020-09-10
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-09-10
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2020-09-10
Battle of Europe #170
Win vs Moon_Shinex3 2-1 2020-09-06
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2020-09-06
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2020-09-06
Summer Tourney 2020
Lose vs Baby Caweb 1-3 2020-08-29
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2020-08-29
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2020-08-29
Win vs Positivex 2-0 2020-08-29
Win vs bb747745 0--1 2020-08-29
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2020-08-29
Lose vs samsun 1-2 2020-08-29
Battle of Europe #169
Lose vs PLiNK 0-2 2020-08-23
Win vs Kuskus 2-0 2020-08-23
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2020-08-23
Win vs Moon_Shinex3 2-1 2020-08-23
Battle of Europe #166
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-08-02
Win vs King 2-0 2020-08-02
Lose vs Prog 1-2 2020-08-02
Lose vs PLiNK 0-2 2020-08-02
Win vs Moon_Shinex3 2-0 2020-08-02
Battle of Europe #161
Lose vs Wincancel 0-2 2020-06-28
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-06-28
Win vs Kuskus 2-0 2020-06-28
Battle of Europe #160
Lose vs Positivex 0-3 2020-06-18
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2020-06-18
Win vs King 2-1 2020-06-18
Win vs DareDemon 2-0 2020-06-18
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-06-18
Battle of Europe #158
Win vs AUTUMN 2-0 2020-06-04
Lose vs DareDemon 0-2 2020-06-04
Lose vs Prog 0-2 2020-06-04
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2020-06-04
Battle of Europe #156
Lose vs Fruity 1-2 2020-05-21
Win vs Prog 2-0 2020-05-21
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-05-21
Quarantine Tournament
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2020-05-16
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2020-05-16
Win vs Wincancel 2-1 2020-05-16
Lose vs DareDemon 0-2 2020-05-16
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-05-16
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2020-05-16
Battle of Europe #155
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2020-05-08
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2020-05-08
Lose vs PLiNK 0-2 2020-05-08
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-05-08
Lose vs Prog 1-2 2020-05-08
Battle of Europe #153
Lose vs PLiNK 2-3 2020-04-23
Lose vs Kaki 0-3 2020-04-23
Lose vs Bert 2-3 2020-04-23
Win vs Olikus 2-0 2020-04-23
Battle of Europe #152
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2020-04-19
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2020-04-19
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-04-19
Battle of Europe #151 Amateur Bracket
Lose vs DareDemon 2-3 2020-04-09
Lose vs PLiNK 0-3 2020-04-09
Win vs DareDemon 3-2 2020-04-09
Battle of Europe #151
Win vs Hartinator 2-1 2020-04-09
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2020-04-09
Lose vs Prog 0-2 2020-04-09
Lose vs King 1-2 2020-04-09
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-04-09
Battle of Europe #150
Win vs Kidders 2-0 2020-04-04
Lose vs Backes 0-2 2020-04-04
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2020-04-04
Lose vs Fays 0-2 2020-04-04
Lose vs DareDemon 0-2 2020-04-04
Win vs Ghoul691 2-0 2020-04-04
Win vs Kratac 2-0 2020-04-04
Battle of Europe #149
Lose vs King 0-2 2020-03-29
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2020-03-29
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-2 2020-03-29
Battle of Europe #148
Win vs DareDemon 1-0 2020-03-19
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-1 2020-03-19
Lose vs King 1-2 2020-03-19
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2020-03-19
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-03-19
Battle of Europe #147
Win vs Bert 2-0 2020-03-15
Lose vs Prog 0-2 2020-03-15
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-03-15
Battle of Europe #147 Amateur Bracket
Lose vs Kaki 0-3 2020-03-15
Win vs AUTUMN 3-0 2020-03-15
Lose vs Kaki 0-3 2020-03-15
Win vs AUTUMN 3-0 2020-03-15
Battle of Europe #146
Lose vs zeozen 1-2 2020-03-05
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2020-03-05
Win vs AUTUMN 2-0 2020-03-05
Battle of Europe #146 Amateur Bracket
Win vs AUTUMN 3-0 2020-03-05
Win vs Kidders 3-0 2020-03-05
Win vs AUTUMN 3-0 2020-03-05
Battle of Europe #145
Win vs Positivex 2-0 2020-03-01
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2020-03-01
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2020-03-01
Battle of Europe #145 Amateur Bracket
Lose vs PLiNK 0-3 2020-03-01
Win vs King 3-0 2020-03-01
Lose vs PLiNK 1-3 2020-03-01
Win vs Prog 3-1 2020-03-01
Battle of Europe #144
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-02-20
Lose vs Prog 1-2 2020-02-20
Win vs PLiNK 2-0 2020-02-20
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2020-02-20
Win vs saltybiscuits 2-0 2020-02-20
Battle of Europe #143
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2020-02-16
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-02-16
Lose vs PLiNK 1-2 2020-02-16
Battle of Europe #141
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2020-02-02
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2020-02-02
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-02-02
Win vs Prog 2-1 2020-02-02
Battle of Europe #140
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2020-01-23
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-01-23
Win vs DareDemon 2-1 2020-01-23
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2020-01-23
Battle of Europe #138
Lose vs Olikus 1-2 2020-01-09
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2020-01-09
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-01-09
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2020-01-09
Win vs Kidders 0--1 2020-01-09
Battle of Europe #137
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2020-01-05
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2020-01-05
Win vs jacceubes 2-0 2020-01-05
Battle of Europe #136
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2019-12-27
Win vs Kidders 2-0 2019-12-27
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-12-27
Lose vs King 0-2 2019-12-27
Battle of Europe #134
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2019-12-12
Win vs Prog 3-0 2019-12-12
Battle of Europe #133
Win vs flaschendeckel 2-0 2019-12-08
Win vs Hartinator 2-0 2019-12-08
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2019-12-08
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2019-12-08
Battle of Europe #132
Lose vs zeozen 1-2 2019-11-28
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-11-28
Win vs ron 2-1 2019-11-28
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-11-28
Battle of Europe #131
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2019-11-24
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2019-11-24
Lose vs King 0-2 2019-11-24
Lose vs Hakeem 1-2 2019-11-24
Lose vs Prog 0-2 2019-11-24
Battle of Europe #128
Lose vs PikaShy 2-3 2019-10-24
Win vs AEROSHeEP 3-0 2019-10-24
Lose vs Hartinator 1-3 2019-10-24
Battle of Europe #127
Lose vs PikaShy 0-2 2019-10-13
Win vs AEROSHeEP 2-1 2019-10-13
Lose vs samsun 1-2 2019-10-13
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-10-13
Battle of Europe #126
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2019-09-30
Lose vs DareDemon 2-3 2019-09-30
Battle of Europe #125
Lose vs Hartinator 2-3 2019-09-23
Lose vs Backes 0-3 2019-09-23
Battle of Europe #124
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2019-09-18
Win vs DareDemon 2-1 2019-09-18
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2019-09-18
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-09-18
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-2 2019-09-18
Battle of Europe #123
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-09-09
Win vs Bart 2-1 2019-09-09
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-09-09
Lose vs Bert 0-2 2019-09-09
Battle of Europe #121
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-08-21
Win vs Kaki 2-1 2019-08-21
Lose vs Marktmeister_Andi 0-2 2019-08-21
Win vs SideTilt 2-0 2019-08-21
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2019-08-21
Battle of Europe #120
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2019-08-14
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-08-14
Lose vs Backes 0-2 2019-08-14
Win vs SideTilt 2-1 2019-08-14
Battle of Europe #119 (SIGNUP PAGE)
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-07-31
Lose vs SideTilt 1-2 2019-07-31
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-07-31
Lose vs Bert 0-2 2019-07-31
Battle of Europe #118 (SIGNUP PAGE)
Lose vs Turi 1-2 2019-07-24
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-07-24
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-2 2019-07-24
Battle of Europe #117 (D2 WATERFALL)
Lose vs ODeeOP 0-2 2019-07-17
Win vs Hakeem 2-1 2019-07-17
Battle of Europe #115 (D2 WATERFALL)
Lose vs Aueh 0-2 2019-07-10
Battle of Europe #111
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-3 2019-06-19
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2019-06-19
Battle of Europe #110
Lose vs Marktmeister_Andi 0-2 2019-06-12
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-06-12
Win vs Bugawuga 2-0 2019-06-12
Battle of Europe #109
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2019-06-05
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2019-06-05
Battle of Europe #108
Lose vs samsun 1-2 2019-05-29
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-05-29
Battle of Europe #107
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2019-05-19
Win vs JES93 2-0 2019-05-19
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2019-05-19
Battle of Europe #106
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-05-08
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2019-05-08
Win vs Kratac 2-0 2019-05-08
Battle of Europe #104
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 1-2 2019-04-10
Win vs DareDemon 2-1 2019-04-10
Win vs Kamatana 2-0 2019-04-10
Lose vs gav 0-2 2019-04-10
Battle of Europe #102
Lose vs Bert 0-3 2019-03-27
Lose vs Hartinator 1-3 2019-03-27
Lose vs Kaki 0-3 2019-03-27
Battle of Europe #101
Lose vs Marktmeister_Andi 0-3 2019-03-13
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2019-03-13
Lose vs Bart 1-3 2019-03-13
Lose vs Kaki 1-3 2019-03-13
Battle of Europe #100
Lose vs Bart 0-2 2019-03-03
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2019-03-03
Win vs Bugawuga 2-1 2019-03-03
Battle of Europe #99
Lose vs Hakeem 1-2 2019-02-17
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2019-02-17
Battle of Europe #98
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2019-02-06
Lose vs Marktmeister_Andi 0-2 2019-02-06
Battle of Europe #97
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2019-01-27
Win vs Kratac 2-0 2019-01-27
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2019-01-27
Battle of Europe #96
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2019-01-23
Win vs Bugawuga 2-0 2019-01-23
Win vs Xein64 2-0 2019-01-23
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2019-01-23
Battle of Europe #94
Lose vs Wolvechen 0-2 2018-12-19
Win vs FrischErnte 2-0 2018-12-19
Lose vs Bert 0-2 2018-12-19
Battle of Europe #93
Lose vs Aueh 0-2 2018-12-05
Win vs XRI100 2-0 2018-12-05
Lose vs Marktmeister_Andi 0-2 2018-12-05
Battle of Europe #92
Lose vs Olikus 0-2 2018-11-25
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2018-11-25
Battle of Europe #91
Lose vs Turi 2-3 2018-10-28
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-3 2018-10-28
Lose vs Hartinator 0-3 2018-10-28
Battle of Europe #88
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2018-10-07
Lose vs Kaki 0-2 2018-10-07
Battle of Europe #87
Lose vs Bert 1-2 2018-09-30
Lose vs Kaki 1-2 2018-09-30
Battle of Europe #86
Lose vs Aueh 0-2 2018-09-23
Win vs Kratac 2-1 2018-09-23
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2018-09-23
Battle of Europe #85
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2018-09-16
Win vs Porter 2-0 2018-09-16
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2018-09-16
Win vs DareDemon 2-0 2018-09-16
Battle of Europe #84
Lose vs Bart 0-2 2018-09-02
Lose vs PLiNK 0-2 2018-09-02
Battle of Europe #82
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2018-08-19
Lose vs PLiNK 1-2 2018-08-19
Battle of Europe #79
Lose vs XRI100 0-2 2018-07-29
Lose vs PLiNK 0-2 2018-07-29
Battle of Europe #78
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2018-07-22
Lose vs Poppo 0-2 2018-07-22
Battle of Europe #77
Lose vs Aueh 0-2 2018-07-15
Win vs Lavos 2-1 2018-07-15
Lose vs Poppo 0-2 2018-07-15
Battle of Europe #75
Lose vs Nanashi / Tycho / Wizzard 1-2 2018-06-23
Lose vs gnub 0-2 2018-06-23
Win vs ron 2-1 2018-06-23
Battle of Europe #74
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-2 2018-06-17
Lose vs TheComet 0-2 2018-06-17
Battle of Europe #72
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-2 2018-04-29
Win vs DareDemon 2-1 2018-04-29
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2018-04-29
Battle of Europe #66 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2018-03-04
Win vs Toa 2-1 2018-03-04
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2018-03-04
Battle Of Europe #63 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2018-02-18
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2018-02-18
Battle Of Europe #61 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2018-01-28
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2018-01-28
Battle Of Europe #62 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2018-02-04
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2018-02-04
Battle of Europe #60
Lose vs N64MOTO 1-2 2018-01-17
Win vs Turi 0--1 2018-01-17
Lose vs Poppo 1-2 2018-01-17
Battle of Europe #58
Lose vs Poppo 1-2 2018-01-10
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2018-01-10
Battle of Europe #57
Lose vs PugMug 0-2 2017-12-27
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2017-12-27
Battle Of Europe #53 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs lawliver 0-2 2017-12-03
Win vs Palm0live 2-0 2017-12-03
Lose vs Positivex 0-2 2017-12-03
Battle of Europe #56
Lose vs Fruity 0-2 2017-12-17
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2017-12-17
Win vs N64MOTO 2-0 2017-12-17
Battle of Europe #54
Lose vs Bart 0-2 2017-12-07
Lose vs Turi 0-2 2017-12-07
Battle of Europe #52
Lose vs Toa 0-2 2017-11-29
Lose vs Fruity 1-2 2017-11-29
Battle Of Europe #51 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs PugMug 1-2 2017-11-26
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2017-11-26
Battle Of Europe #50 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2017-11-19
Lose vs Positivex 0-2 2017-11-19
Battle of Europe #49
Lose vs Hartinator 1-2 2017-11-15
Lose vs Bart 0-2 2017-11-15
Battle Of Europe #48 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs Fruity 0-2 2017-11-12
Lose vs Segeta 1-2 2017-11-12
Battle of Europe #46 (Wednesday)
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2017-11-01
Win vs JohnnyFight 2-1 2017-11-01
Lose vs Jam 0-2 2017-11-01
Win vs eidlom 2-0 2017-11-01
Battle of Europe #45 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2017-10-29
Win vs Segeta 2-1 2017-10-29
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2017-10-29
Battle of Europe #44 (AERO's ERA)
Lose vs Kudde 0-2 2017-10-22
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2017-10-22
Battle of Europe #43 (XRI100's final slam)
Lose vs Positivex 0-2 2017-10-15
Lose vs ShEiCk 0-2 2017-10-15
Win vs Barbalace 2-1 2017-10-15
Battle of Europe #42
Lose vs icho90 1-2 2017-10-01
Win vs Segeta 2-0 2017-10-01
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2017-10-01
Win vs icho90 2-0 2017-10-01
Battle of Europe #41
Lose vs Bart 0-2 2017-09-24
Lose vs Hartinator 0-2 2017-09-24
Battle of Europe #40
Lose vs Poppo 0-2 2017-09-17
Win vs SpExArN 2-0 2017-09-17
Lose vs Hexx_Hexagon 0-2 2017-09-17
Battle of Europe #39
Lose vs Poppo 1-2 2017-09-10
Win vs Lavos 2-0 2017-09-10
Win vs eidlom 2-0 2017-09-10
Lose vs samsun 1-2 2017-09-10
Win vs Hexx_Hexagon 2-0 2017-09-10
Battle of Europe #38
Lose vs eidlom 0-2 2017-09-03
Lose vs Bert 0-2 2017-09-03
Battle of Europe #37
Lose vs Poppo 1-2 2017-08-27
Lose vs samsun 1-2 2017-08-27
Win vs Segeta 2-0 2017-08-27
Battle of Europe #36 (2nd attempt)
Lose vs Positivex 0-2 2017-08-20
Lose vs Segeta 1-2 2017-08-20
Battle of Europe #35
Lose vs XRI100 1-2 2017-07-30
Lose vs samsun 0-2 2017-07-30
Win vs Hexx_Hexagon 2-1 2017-07-30
Battle of Europe #34
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2017-07-23
Win vs Segeta 2-1 2017-07-23
Win vs dkr_parry 2-1 2017-07-23
Lose vs Poppo 0-2 2017-07-23
Battle of Europe #33
Lose vs XRI100 0-2 2017-07-16
Lose vs dkr_parry 1-2 2017-07-16
Battle of Europe #32
Lose vs eidlom 1-2 2017-07-09
Lose vs AEROSHeEP 0-2 2017-07-09
Win vs Poppo 2-1 2017-07-09
Battle of Europe #27
Lose vs dkr_parry 0-2 2017-06-04
Lose vs gnub 0-2 2017-06-04
Battle of Europe #26
Lose vs Palm0live 1-2 2017-05-28
Lose vs Hakeem 0-2 2017-05-28
Battle of Europe #25
Lose vs dkr_parry 0-2 2017-05-21
Battle of Europe #24
Lose vs XRI100 0-2 2017-05-07
Lose vs eidlom 0-2 2017-05-07
Battle of Europe #23
Lose vs XRI100 0-2 2017-04-23
Lose vs Poppo 0-2 2017-04-23
Tournaments history (180)
Name Rank Date
Autumn Tourney 2024 12 / 12 2024-09-22
Battle of Europe #258 2 / 8 2024-04-26
Battle of Europe #253 2 / 4 2023-05-08
Battle of Europe #250 7 / 17 2023-02-19
Battle of Europe #249 6 / 6 2023-02-05
Battle of Europe #248 5 / 5 2023-01-22
Battle of Europe #247 4 / 4 2023-01-08
Battle of Europe #246 3 / 4 2022-12-29
Winter Tourney December 2022 5 / 13 2022-12-11
Ladder 2022 matches 4 / 9 2022-12-07
Battle of Europe #243 6 / 6 2022-10-23
Summer Tourney 2022 5 / 16 2022-09-05
Battle of Europe #238 6 / 6 2022-08-01
Battle of Europe #236 9 / 9 2022-07-04
Battle of Europe #235 5 / 5 2022-06-20
Spring Tourney 2022 7 / 11 2022-05-23
Battle of Europe #233 6 / 6 2022-04-24
Battle of Europe #232 5 / 5 2022-04-11
Winter Tourney 2022 7 / 13 2022-02-19
Battle of Europe #224 5 / 7 2021-12-12
Battle of Europe #223 6 / 6 2021-12-02
Autumn Tourney 2021 9 / 19 2021-11-06
Remix of Europe XII 7 / 7 2021-11-01
Arcadian of Europe #16 - Vanilla 1 / 6 2021-10-16
Battle of Europe #219 7 / 7 2021-10-10
Remix of Europe X 9 / 9 2021-10-04
Battle of Europe #218 5 / 5 2021-09-23
remixSpontourney 4 / 7 2021-09-23
Battle of Europe #217 5 / 5 2021-09-19
Battle of Europe #215 6 / 6 2021-09-05
Battle of Europe #214 5 / 5 2021-08-28
Battle of Europe #212 6 / 6 2021-08-12
Battle of Europe #211 6 / 6 2021-08-08
Summer Tourney 2021 9 / 20 2021-07-31
Battle of Europe #209 5 / 6 2021-07-15
Battle of Europe #208 3 / 4 2021-07-11
Battle of Europe #207 8 / 8 2021-07-02
Battle of Europe #206 5 / 5 2021-06-27
Battle of Europe #202 8 / 8 2021-05-30
Battle of Europe #201 7 / 7 2021-05-20
Battle of Europe #201 - GF Not set / 7 2021-05-20
Battle of Europe #200 5 / 11 2021-05-15
Battle of Europe #200 - Amateur Bracket 4 / 5 2021-05-15
Spring Tournament 2021 9 / 16 2021-05-01
Spring Tournament 2021 - Amateur Bracket 2 / 8 2021-05-01
Battle of Europe #198 7 / 9 2021-04-18
Battle of Europe #197 5 / 13 2021-04-08
Battle of Europe #196 5 / 5 2021-04-05
Battle of Europe #193 8 / 8 2021-03-12
Battle of Europe #191 10 / 10 2021-02-26
Winter Tourney 2020 9 / 24 2021-02-07
Battle of Europe #188 9 / 9 2021-01-28
Battle of Europe #187 2 / 5 2021-01-24
Battle of Europe #185 9 / 9 2021-01-10
Battle of Europe #182 9 / 9 2020-12-03
Battle of Europe #181 11 / 11 2020-11-29
Battle of Europe #180 6 / 6 2020-11-19
Autumn Tourney 2020 24 / 24 2020-11-01
Battle of Europe #177 6 / 6 2020-10-22
Battle of Europe #175 7 / 7 2020-10-08
Battle of Europe #173 7 / 7 2020-09-25
Battle of Europe #171 9 / 9 2020-09-10
Battle of Europe #170 8 / 8 2020-09-06
Summer Tourney 2020 5 / 12 2020-08-29
Battle of Europe #169 3 / 5 2020-08-23
Battle of Europe #166 7 / 7 2020-08-03
Battle of Europe #161 7 / 7 2020-06-28
Battle of Europe #160 4 / 9 2020-06-18
Battle of Europe #158 5 / 5 2020-06-04
Battle of Europe #156 8 / 8 2020-05-22
Quarantine Tournament 13 / 13 2020-05-16
Battle of Europe #155 7 / 7 2020-05-08
Battle of Europe #153 10 / 11 2020-04-23
Battle of Europe #152 10 / 10 2020-04-19
Battle of Europe #151 Amateur Bracket 3 / 3 2020-04-09
Battle of Europe #151 12 / 12 2020-04-09
Battle of Europe #150 32 / 32 2020-04-04
Battle of Europe #149 10 / 10 2020-03-29
Battle of Europe #148 12 / 12 2020-03-19
Battle of Europe #147 20 / 20 2020-03-15
Battle of Europe #147 Amateur Bracket 2 / 3 2020-03-15
Battle of Europe #146 8 / 8 2020-03-05
Battle of Europe #146 Amateur Bracket 3 / 3 2020-03-05
Battle of Europe #145 15 / 15 2020-03-01
Battle of Europe #145 Amateur Bracket 2 / 5 2020-03-01
Battle of Europe #144 6 / 6 2020-02-20
Battle of Europe #143 4 / 4 2020-02-17
Battle of Europe #141 5 / 5 2020-02-02
Battle of Europe #140 6 / 6 2020-01-23
Battle of Europe #138 6 / 6 2020-01-09
Battle of Europe #137 8 / 8 2020-01-05
Battle of Europe #136 5 / 5 2019-12-27
Battle of Europe #134 2 / 4 2019-12-12
Battle of Europe #133 5 / 5 2019-12-08
Battle of Europe #132 5 / 5 2019-11-28
Battle of Europe #131 6 / 6 2019-11-24
Battle of Europe #128 2 / 4 2019-10-24
Battle of Europe #127 5 / 5 2019-10-13
Battle of Europe #126 3 / 4 2019-09-30
Battle of Europe #125 3 / 3 2019-09-23
Battle of Europe #124 11 / 11 2019-09-18
Battle of Europe #123 5 / 5 2019-09-09
Battle of Europe #122 2 / 2 2019-09-01
Battle of Europe #121 7 / 7 2019-08-21
Battle of Europe #120 5 / 5 2019-08-14
Battle of Europe #119 (SIGNUP PAGE) 5 / 5 2019-07-31
Battle of Europe #118 (SIGNUP PAGE) 8 / 8 2019-07-25
Battle of Europe #117 (D2 WATERFALL) 3 / 4 2019-07-22
Battle of Europe #117 (SIGNUP PAGE) 6 / 6 2019-07-22
Battle of Europe #115 (D2 WATERFALL) 4 / 4 2019-07-11
Battle of Europe #115 (WATERFALL SIGNUP) 6 / 6 2019-07-10
Battle of Europe #111 5 / 6 2019-06-19
Battle of Europe #110 7 / 10 2019-06-12
Battle of Europe #109 5 / 7 2019-06-05
Battle of Europe #108 9 / 12 2019-05-29
Battle of Europe #107 5 / 8 2019-05-19
Battle of Europe #106 7 / 9 2019-05-13
Battle of Europe #104 4 / 9 2019-04-11
Battle of Europe #102 4 / 4 2019-03-27
Battle of Europe #101 5 / 5 2019-03-13
Battle of Europe #100 13 / 19 2019-03-03
Battle of Europe #99 5 / 6 2019-02-17
Battle of Europe #98 5 / 6 2019-02-06
Battle of Europe #97 5 / 7 2019-01-27
Battle of Europe #96 5 / 9 2019-01-23
Battle of Europe #94 7 / 9 2018-12-19
Battle of Europe #93 7 / 12 2018-12-05
Battle of Europe #92 5 / 6 2018-11-27
Battle of Europe #91 4 / 4 2018-10-28
Battle of Europe #90 4 / 4 2018-10-21
Battle of Europe #88 5 / 6 2018-10-07
Battle of Europe #87 7 / 9 2018-10-03
Battle of Europe #86 7 / 10 2018-09-23
Battle of Europe #85 7 / 11 2018-09-16
Battle of Europe #84 5 / 7 2018-09-02
Battle of Europe #82 9 / 9 2018-08-19
Battle of Europe #79 9 / 14 2018-07-29
Battle of Europe #78 4 / 4 2018-07-22
Battle of Europe #77 5 / 8 2018-07-15
Battle of Europe #75 5 / 7 2018-06-23
Battle of Europe #74 5 / 5 2018-06-17
Battle of Europe #72 5 / 9 2018-04-29
Battle of Europe #66 (AERO's ERA) 5 / 8 2018-03-04
Battle Of Europe #63 (AERO's ERA) 7 / 8 2018-02-18
Battle Of Europe #61 (AERO's ERA) 7 / 9 2018-02-05
Battle Of Europe #62 (AERO's ERA) 5 / 6 2018-02-05
Battle of Europe #60 4 / 7 2018-01-17
Battle of Europe #58 7 / 7 2018-01-10
Battle of Europe #57 7 / 10 2017-12-28
Battle Of Europe #53 (AERO's ERA) 5 / 8 2017-12-18
Battle of Europe #56 7 / 11 2017-12-17
Battle of Europe #54 5 / 7 2017-12-08
Battle of Europe #52 7 / 8 2017-11-30
Battle Of Europe #51 (AERO's ERA) 9 / 13 2017-11-26
Battle Of Europe #50 (AERO's ERA) 9 / 14 2017-11-20
Battle of Europe #49 5 / 7 2017-11-19
Battle Of Europe #48 (AERO's ERA) 9 / 11 2017-11-12
Battle of Europe #46 (Wednesday) 7 / 12 2017-11-07
Battle of Europe #47 (AERO's ERA) 19 / 19 2017-11-05
Battle of Europe #45 (AERO's ERA) 9 / 17 2017-10-29
Battle of Europe #44 (AERO's ERA) 9 / 16 2017-10-22
Battle of Europe #43 (XRI100's final slam) 13 / 19 2017-10-15
Battle of Europe #42 4 / 9 2017-10-01
Battle of Europe #41 7 / 9 2017-09-24
Battle of Europe #40 9 / 17 2017-09-17
Battle of Europe #39 5 / 16 2017-09-10
Battle of Europe #38 17 / 18 2017-09-03
Battle of Europe #37 7 / 10 2017-08-27
Battle of Europe #36 (2nd attempt) 9 / 9 2017-08-20
Battle of Europe #35 7 / 9 2017-08-05
Battle of Europe #34 5 / 11 2017-07-29
Battle of Europe #33 7 / 7 2017-07-16
Battle of Europe #32 9 / 12 2017-07-09
Battle of Europe #31 12 / 12 2017-07-02
Battle of Europe #29 12 / 12 2017-06-18
Battle of Europe #27 9 / 12 2017-06-04
Battle of Europe #26 13 / 13 2017-05-28
Battle of Europe #25 5 / 6 2017-05-21
Battle of Europe #24 5 / 6 2017-05-07
Battle of Europe #23 9 / 11 2017-04-24