South Florida Street Fighter V All-Time Leaderboard

Street Fighter V

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


22nd out of 537
01 January 2016 - 21 September 2021
Activity requirement
Requires 1 tournaments played within last year
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (39)
Overall performance in matches
59% Win rate
Win 23
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 23
- 16
+/- 7
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 4
Top 8 4
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Nicagief
Most lost 3x vs Marvelo
Most played 3x vs Marvelo
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Nicagief
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Marvelo
Matches history (39)
Result Score Date
VSGC SFV Bi-Weekly 10/27/17
Lose vs Tayson 0-1 2017-10-28
Lose vs SuperKamiCuby 0-1 2017-10-28
Win vs Luisthepanda 1-0 2017-10-28
Win vs Kel 1-0 2017-10-28
Win vs Tayson 1-0 2017-10-28
Win vs k00ky 1-0 2017-10-28
VSGC SFV Bi-Weekly 7/7/17
Lose vs ChadRS 0-1 2017-07-07
Win vs TLT | Josephvondoom 1-0 2017-07-07
Lose vs Guaty 0-1 2017-07-07
Win vs Soap 1-0 2017-07-07
SFV Weekly 3/3/17
Lose vs TK Gief 0-1 2017-03-03
Lose vs SuperKamiCuby 0-1 2017-03-03
Win vs tankid 1-0 2017-03-03
Win vs Affinity 1-0 2017-03-03
SFV Weekly 2/17/17
Lose vs EmEss 0-1 2017-02-17
Win vs Nicagief 1-0 2017-02-17
Win vs EGX 1-0 2017-02-17
Lose vs OmegaTomHanks 0-1 2017-02-17
SFV Weekly 2/10/17
Lose vs TheLegend27 0-1 2017-02-10
Lose vs TheUrbanNerd 0-1 2017-02-10
Win vs Nicagief 1-0 2017-02-10
Win vs GreenAce 1-0 2017-02-10
Win vs Savagestian 1-0 2017-02-10
SFV Weekly 1/27/17
Lose vs OmegaTomHanks 0-1 2017-01-27
Lose vs Flash 0-1 2017-01-27
Win vs Nicagief 1-0 2017-01-27
Win vs OmegaTomHanks 1-0 2017-01-27
Win vs Jambo 1-0 2017-01-27
SFV Weekly 1/20/17
Lose vs Marvelo 0-1 2017-01-20
Win vs Junebug 1-0 2017-01-20
Lose vs Marvelo 0-1 2017-01-20
Win vs Junebug 1-0 2017-01-20
Win vs Soap 1-0 2017-01-20
Win vs Francisco 1-0 2017-01-20
SFV Weekly 1/6/17
Lose vs Marvelo 0-1 2017-01-07
Win vs teamkhris 1-0 2017-01-07
Win vs TheUrbanNerd 1-0 2017-01-07
Win vs hikiki 1-0 2017-01-07
Lose vs SodaPopSquid 0-1 2017-01-07
Tournaments history (8)
Name Rank Date
VSGC SFV Bi-Weekly 10/27/17 3 / 19 2017-10-28
VSGC SFV Bi-Weekly 7/7/17 7 / 19 2017-07-08
SFV Weekly 3/3/17 5 / 16 2017-03-03
SFV Weekly 2/17/17 7 / 17 2017-02-17
SFV Weekly 2/10/17 3 / 22 2017-02-10
SFV Weekly 1/27/17 3 / 16 2017-01-27
SFV Weekly 1/20/17 2 / 11 2017-01-20
SFV Weekly 1/6/17 7 / 19 2017-01-07