Snaildom MBAACC

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
83rd out of 330
All times
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (26)
Overall performance in matches
50% Win rate
Win 13
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 31
- 27
+/- 4
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 3
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs Stomp Rocket
Most lost 1x vs Sanadamushi
Most played 1x vs Sanadamushi
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (29)
Result Score Date
Snaildom Saturday Melty #53
Lose vs MasterIcarus7 1-2 2021-09-11
Win vs inblooks 2-0 2021-09-11
Lose vs paddu 0-2 2021-09-11
Win vs Code Col 2-0 2021-09-11
Snaildom Saturday Melty #51
Lose vs PsycheNoLove -1-0 2021-08-21
Lose vs cc. 0-2 2021-08-21
Lose vs Cy 1-2 2021-08-21
Win vs Prideful 2-0 2021-08-21
Snaildom Saturday Melty #50
Lose vs Chester 0-2 2021-08-15
Lose vs OnionLust -1-0 2021-08-15
Lose vs OnionLust 0-2 2021-08-15
Win vs Stomp Rocket 2-0 2021-08-15
Win vs PsycheNoLove 0--1 2021-08-15
Win vs Neojumjelly 2-0 2021-08-15
Win vs Tiramisu 2-0 2021-08-14
Win vs softdrinks 2-0 2021-08-14
Snaildom Melty Iron Man #2
Lose vs ViviMayoi 1-2 2021-07-24
Win vs Mixer 2-0 2021-07-24
Lose vs Soara 0-2 2021-07-24
Snaildom Saturday Melty #49
Lose vs Sango 0-2 2021-07-10
Lose vs Alchemist of Atlas 1-2 2021-07-10
Win vs Alx 2-0 2021-07-10
Snaildom Saturday Melty #36
Win vs Zenkuri 2-0 2021-03-14
Win vs Armrs 2-1 2021-03-14
Win vs Mixer 2-0 2021-03-14
Lose vs Soara 0-2 2021-03-13
Win vs sisel 2-0 2021-03-13
Lose vs Sanadamushi 1-2 2021-03-13
Lose vs Deus 0-2 2021-03-13
Tournaments history (6)
Name Rank Date
Snaildom Saturday Melty #53 7 / 16 2021-09-11
Snaildom Saturday Melty #51 9 / 21 2021-08-21
Snaildom Saturday Melty #50 7 / 29 2021-08-14
Snaildom Melty Iron Man #2 9 / 19 2021-07-24
Snaildom Saturday Melty #49 9 / 16 2021-07-10
Snaildom Saturday Melty #36 13 / 31 2021-03-13