Smash Remix Tour

Super Smash Bros. N64

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


39th out of 360
16 April 2016 - 01 January 2022
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (36)
Overall performance in matches
44% Win rate
Win 16
Draw 0
Lose 20
+ 46
- 47
+/- -1
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 1
Top 16 1
Top 32 3
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs Mishima | JPX
Most lost 2x vs WI64 | OJ
Most played 2x vs WI64 | OJ
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (36)
Result Score Date
Smashtoberfest 2022 Remix Ladder
Win vs Mishima | JPX 2-0 2022-10-11
Win vs RussellSprouts 2-0 2022-10-11
Win vs Viefor 2-0 2022-10-11
Win vs Cyjorg 2-0 2022-10-11
Win vs Tangerine 2-0 2022-10-11
Lose vs Maps 1-2 2022-10-11
Lose vs BDSM | Shears 1-2 2022-10-11
Lose vs CTG 1-2 2022-10-11
Lose vs WI64 | OJ 1-2 2022-10-10
Lose vs ND64 | Dogs_Johnson 0-2 2022-10-10
Lose vs Josh Brody 1-2 2022-09-20
Smashtoberfest 2022 Pools & Bracket
Lose vs MHC | Combo Blaze 0-2 2022-09-17
Lose vs emptyW 0-2 2022-09-17
Lose vs WI64 | OJ 1-2 2022-09-17
Lose vs ND64 | Dogs_Johnson 0-2 2022-09-17
MOMs: PCR edition
Lose vs Hooded 1-2 2022-01-09
Boxed In: Cold Cutter Combos
Lose vs ND64 | B33F 0-2 2022-07-10
Lose vs BDSM | Shears 0-2 2022-07-10
Lose vs Pugs 0-2 2022-07-10
Lose vs KD3 0-2 2022-07-10
Win vs ND64 | Maniac379 2-1 2022-07-09
Win vs LLCSTOISM 2-0 2022-07-09
Kirbstompd 8
Lose vs PSGS | Three Beers 1-3 2022-11-05
Lose vs Roman 0-3 2022-11-05
Lose vs EG 0-2 2022-11-05
Win vs Final Boss | Spo 2-0 2022-11-05
Win vs Hans Hefeweizen 2-0 2022-11-05
Win vs thetaiter 2-0 2022-11-05
Lose vs baby caweb 1-2 2022-11-05
Win vs k00laid 2-0 2022-11-05
Outlawed 39: Standoff at the Saloon
Win vs UpSmash&Pray 3-0 2022-03-14
Win vs HotZelda | Arhkma MuddyKipz 3-0 2022-03-14
Win vs GoTE | Critical Effect 3-1 2022-03-14
Lose vs griffith 0-3 2022-03-14
Win vs Hung 3-2 2022-03-14
Win vs Jovian D. Ragon 3-0 2022-03-14
Tournaments history (6)
Name Rank Date
Smashtoberfest 2022 Remix Ladder 29 / 52 2022-01-01
Smashtoberfest 2022 Pools & Bracket 21 / 52 2022-01-01
Kirbstompd 8 7 / 16 2021-01-09
Boxed In: Cold Cutter Combos 13 / 26 2021-01-09
MOMs: PCR edition 25 / 33 2021-01-09
Outlawed 39: Standoff at the Saloon 2 / 7 2016-04-16