Smash NL Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
83rd out of 591
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 10 tournaments played
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (32)
Overall performance in matches
41% Win rate
Win 13
Draw 0
Lose 19
+ 27
- 36
+/- -9
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 2
Top 32 4
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs The Saint
Most lost 1x vs The Saint
Most played 2x vs BravEmblem
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (32)
Result Score Date
Salt Water Smash 280
Lose vs Chris 1-2 2024-03-14
Lose vs IWillEatYou 0-2 2024-03-14
Lose vs Kerbooples 0-2 2024-03-14
Easter Seals March Carnival - Ultimate
Lose vs nunavut kaiju 0-2 2022-03-26
Lose vs Banjo 0-2 2022-03-26
Win vs The Saint 2-0 2022-03-26
Salt Water Smash Ultimate 3
Lose vs Manxome 0-2 2019-01-10
Lose vs Groovy 1-2 2019-01-10
Win vs The Mayor 2-0 2019-01-10
Win vs Jono 2-0 2019-01-10
Smash Ultimate Jan 7th
Lose vs Sweet 0-1 2019-01-08
Lose vs Aldo 0-1 2019-01-08
SWS Ultimate Weekly #2
Lose vs Slick 0-2 2018-12-28
Win vs LaxDaddy 2-0 2018-12-28
Win vs Karma 2-0 2018-12-28
Lose vs Gloppy Griff 0-2 2018-12-28
Smash Ultimate Christmas Cup
Lose vs BravEmblem 0-3 2018-12-15
Lose vs CatMan 0-1 2018-12-15
Win vs NoPie 1-0 2018-12-15
Win vs BravEmblem 1-0 2018-12-15
Win vs Dr.T 2-0 2018-12-15
Win vs R Booty 2-0 2018-12-15
Win vs Tellah 2-0 2018-12-15
Win vs RockerRobo 2-0 2018-12-15
Lose vs Crew 1-2 2018-12-15
Lose vs Intol 0-2 2018-12-15
Salt Water Smash 128
Lose vs The Saint 0-2 2018-12-14
Lose vs ShiftyVixen 0-2 2018-12-14
SmashNL Ultimate Launch Event - Singles
Lose vs Gyorg 0-2 2018-12-08
Win vs Crew 2-0 2018-12-08
Win vs Evan 2-0 2018-12-08
Lose vs The Mayor 0-2 2018-12-08
Tournaments history (8)
Name Rank Date
Salt Water Smash 280 13 / 17 2024-03-15
Easter Seals March Carnival - Ultimate 7 / 10 2022-03-26
Salt Water Smash Ultimate 3 17 / 54 2019-01-10
Smash Ultimate Jan 7th 33 / 47 2019-01-08
SWS Ultimate Weekly #2 17 / 37 2018-12-27
Smash Ultimate Christmas Cup 25 / 55 2018-12-16
Salt Water Smash 128 25 / 32 2018-12-13
SmashNL Ultimate Launch Event - Singles 13 / 36 2018-12-07