South Carolina Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
1 758
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


80th out of 1758
01 January 2025 - 31 March 2025
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (34)
Overall performance in matches
47% Win rate
Win 16
Draw 0
Lose 18
+ 41
- 47
+/- -6
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 4
Top 16 2
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Ojutai
Most lost 4x vs
Most played 4x vs PatLe18
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Ojutai
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs camoREX
Matches history (42)
Result Score Date
SocaSmash 119: Myrtle's Weekly
Lose vs Conn 2-3 2025-03-05
Lose vs 0-3 2025-03-05
Win vs Conn 2-0 2025-03-05
Weekly CCU Tournament
Lose vs UrsaMajor 1-2 2025-03-01
Lose vs BasedlordHNC 1-2 2025-03-01
Win vs Ribblediv 2-0 2025-03-01
Win vs Breathe 2-0 2025-03-01
SocaSmash 118: Myrtle's Weekly
Win vs Michael Jackson 2-0 2025-02-26
Lose vs Yosh 1-2 2025-02-26
Lose vs PatLe18 0-2 2025-02-26
Murder Beach Smashes Back Part 4 $400 Pot Bonus
Lose vs TEQU 0-2 2025-02-16
Lose vs Chrono 0-2 2025-02-16
Win vs GA64 | Oromia64 2-0 2025-02-16
SocaSmash 117: Myrtle's Weekly
Lose vs Chrono 1-3 2025-02-12
Win vs Ojutai 1-0 2025-02-12
Lose vs Chrono 0-3 2025-02-12
Win vs Ojutai 2-0 2025-02-12
Win vs Mad King 776 2-0 2025-02-12
SocaSmash 116: Myrtle's Weekly
Lose vs 0-3 2025-02-05
Win vs Chrono 2-1 2025-02-05
Lose vs Chrono 1-3 2025-02-05
Win vs PatLe18 2-0 2025-02-05
SocaSmash 115: Myrtle's Weekly Winter Fling Edition
Lose vs PatLe18 0-2 2025-01-29
Lose vs 0-2 2025-01-29
Win vs Ribblediv 2-0 2025-01-29
SocaSmash 114: Myrtle's Weekly
Win vs Ojutai 2-1 2025-01-15
Lose vs 0-3 2025-01-15
Win vs PatLe18 2-0 2025-01-15
Win vs ButterBoy 2-0 2025-01-15
Win vs KeLor 2-0 2025-01-15
Lose vs Yosh 0-2 2025-01-15
TECH 2025
Lose vs 2-3 2025-01-11
Win vs Artemis 2-1 2025-01-11
Win vs Ojutai 2-0 2025-01-11
Lose vs DaCoolDog 1-2 2025-01-11
The Side Deck Smash #229 1/8/25
Lose vs Monjero 1-3 2025-01-09
Lose vs camoREX 0-3 2025-01-09
SocaSmash 113: Myrtle's Weekly
Win vs Mad King 776 2-1 2025-01-08
Lose vs camoREX 1-2 2025-01-08
Win vs Yosh 2-0 2025-01-08
Lose vs camoREX 0-2 2025-01-08
Win vs Ojutai 2-1 2025-01-08
Tournaments history (11)