Rivals of Aether: Italia

Rivals of Aether

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


19th out of 251
01 March 2020 - 24 September 2020
Ranking history

Matches statistics (55)
Overall performance in matches
38% Win rate
Win 21
Draw 0
Lose 34
+ 93
- 113
+/- -20
Tournament statistics (18)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 15
Top 16 3
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Poppy
Most lost 5x vs Shauni
Most played 5x vs Shauni
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Poppy
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Crowind
Matches history (55)
Result Score Date
RoA:IT Online Weekly #9 - Give us DE, 4Nace pls
Lose vs Blallo 1-3 2020-09-03
Win vs blazingnebula 3-0 2020-09-03
Lose vs Tommella 0-3 2020-09-03
RoA:IT Online Weekly #6 - Not even on drugs
Lose vs Impasse 1-3 2020-07-01
Win vs Diragon 3-0 2020-07-01
Lose vs Kii 1-3 2020-07-01
Win vs Giustolto 3-1 2020-07-01
RoA:IT Online Weekly #5 - Never been in love with you
Lose vs Niebel 0-3 2020-06-24
Lose vs Sharpinfinity 1-3 2020-06-24
Win vs Taffo 3-1 2020-06-24
RoA:IT Online Monthly #1 - Kill confirm
Lose vs Niebel 2-3 2020-06-20
Lose vs Sim-Max 1-3 2020-06-20
RoA:IT Online Weekly #2 - Catch me if you can
Lose vs Impasse 1-3 2020-06-06
Win vs marmellata 3-2 2020-06-06
Win vs Poppy 3-0 2020-06-06
Win vs BowserMarco 3-0 2020-06-06
Lose vs rickcic 0-3 2020-06-06
Rivals of CoVid19 20 - The end of the journey
Lose vs BOLLA 2-3 2020-05-24
Win vs Wolflink88 3-1 2020-05-24
Lose vs Vigintiduo 1-3 2020-05-24
Rivals of CoVid19 18
Lose vs Twelve 0-3 2020-05-17
Lose vs Impasse 0-3 2020-05-17
Rivals of CoVid19 17 - TANTI AUGURI VIGINTIDU(R)O!
Lose vs D3kuu 0-3 2020-05-15
Lose vs Red 2-3 2020-05-15
Rivals of CoVid19 16
Lose vs Vigintiduo 2-3 2020-05-10
Win vs D3kuu 3-1 2020-05-10
Win vs Cenciu 3-0 2020-05-10
Lose vs Lonke 2-3 2020-05-10
Rivals of CoVid19 13
Lose vs Shauni 0-3 2020-05-01
Win vs Fanto_Dipooct 3-0 2020-05-01
Win vs Poppy 3-0 2020-05-01
Lose vs Vigintiduo 0-3 2020-05-01
Rivals of CoVid19 12
Lose vs Crowind 0-3 2020-04-26
Win vs Carl 3-2 2020-04-26
Lose vs Shauni 0-3 2020-04-26
Rivals of CoVid19 11
Lose vs Shauni 1-3 2020-04-25
Win vs Ultrabibi 3-0 2020-04-25
Rivals of CoVid19 10
Lose vs Shauni 0-3 2020-04-19
Win vs Traknoz 3-0 2020-04-19
Win vs Poppy 3-0 2020-04-19
Lose vs Vigintiduo 1-3 2020-04-19
Rivals of CoVid19 9
Lose vs Shauni 1-3 2020-04-17
Lose vs Lonke 2-3 2020-04-17
Rivals of CoVid19 8
Lose vs Crowind 1-3 2020-04-13
Win vs Panino 3-0 2020-04-13
Rivals of CoVid19 7
Lose vs Kii 1-3 2020-04-11
Win vs Fanto_Dipooct 3-0 2020-04-11
Lose vs ProMeteor 2-3 2020-04-11
Win vs Traknoz 3-0 2020-04-11
Rivals of CoVid19 5
Lose vs xArctic32 2-3 2020-04-03
Lose vs ProMeteor 0-3 2020-04-03
Win vs Poppy 3-2 2020-04-03
Rivals of Covid-19 1
Lose vs Acciaio 1-3 2020-03-19
Lose vs Crowind 1-3 2020-03-19
Win vs Fanto_Dipooct 3-1 2020-03-19
Tournaments history (18)