Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

drxx (drew#0206) 

4th out of 834
Point - Defined By Algorithm
All times
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (63)
Overall performance in matches
52% Win rate
Win 33
Draw 0
Lose 30
+ 47
- 42
+/- 5
Tournament statistics (16)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 0
Top 16 6
Top 32 6
Worst 3
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429)
Most lost 2x vs KiyoCore (Kiyo#5611)
Most played 3x vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429)
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429)
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429)
Matches history (65)
Result Score Date
Pokemon Challenges Monthly Subscriber Showdown Tournament - March 2023
Lose vs KiyoCore (Kiyo#5611) 1-2 2023-03-27
Win vs Impeckable3 (CaptainxRazer#6775) 2-0 2023-03-26
Lose vs KiyoCore (Kiyo#5611) 0-2 2023-03-26
Win vs TheSkiDY (SkiDY#5130) 2-0 2023-03-26
Win vs Buhrito (Buhrito#9858) 2-0 2023-03-26
Win vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429) 2-0 2023-03-26
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown Tournament - January 2023
Lose vs Cambonius (Cambonius#5980) 1-2 2023-01-08
Lose vs Impeckable3 (CaptainxRazer#6775) 0-2 2023-01-08
Win vs Miles_ivy(Miles#5125) 2-0 2023-01-08
Win vs Ssjbat (LostAss#9999) 2-1 2023-01-08
PokemonChallenges Monthly Showdown Tournament - March
Lose vs Alfhan (Alfhan#1739) 1-2 2022-03-27
Win vs Sanvy (Sanvy#9400) 2-1 2022-03-27
Lose vs London13 (London#8210) 0-2 2022-03-27
Win vs Frog_ChronoTrigger (CJCASDS1993#5941) 2-1 2022-03-27
PokemonChallenges Monthly Showdown Tournament - November
Lose vs manach23 (manach23#6459) 1-2 2021-11-28
Lose vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429) 0-2 2021-11-28
PokemonChallenges Monthly Showdown Tournament - May
Lose vs Alfhan (Alfhan#1739) 0-2 2021-05-30
Win vs Hammerbro24 (ArchyArc#2470) 2-1 2021-05-30
Win vs Sh0ckinglyGongas (Ocean#3672) 2-0 2021-05-30
Win vs Joey222 (Joey#2188) 2-0 2021-05-30
Lose vs Tubbyson (Tubbyson#2135) 1-2 2021-05-30
PokemonChallenges Monthly Showdown Tournament - April
Lose vs RossBoss00 (RossBoss00#5587) 0-1 2021-04-25
Win vs amymae13 (amymae13#8994) 1-0 2021-04-25
Win vs HeyYa!_Forte (Forte#4429) 1-0 2021-04-25
Lose vs Special K 44 0-1 2021-04-25
Win vs denizati35w (denizati35w) 1-0 2021-04-25
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - March | Top
Lose vs DerpyBidoof (Lord Natuwu) 0-1 2021-04-04
PokemonChallenges Monthly Showdown Tournament - March Bracket 2
Lose vs MasterFoF (MasterFoF#9318) 0-1 2021-04-05
Win vs pafcad (Pafcad#9970) 1-0 2021-04-05
Win vs TMF BuCUE (Bucue#2807) 1-0 2021-04-04
Lose vs tamoo (tamoo#5494) 0-1 2021-04-04
Win vs Turtwigwarrior (Ben Carvell #2766) 1-0 2021-04-04
Win vs evan711mcgo (vulture#9574) 0--1 2021-04-04
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - February
Lose vs FatherGung 0-1 2021-02-28
Lose vs xR4gee (protoman133#6080) 0-1 2021-02-28
Win vs Cloevoyant (TriforceChampionCloe) 1-0 2021-02-28
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - January
Lose vs MilkTheMiltank (Hempy#4079) 0-1 2021-01-31
Win vs sleho (slehfo) 0--1 2021-01-31
Win vs Ghetti (ghettibistro) 1-0 2021-01-31
Win vs Dabestman77 1-0 2021-01-31
Lose vs Polarisateur (Polarisateur#3240) 0-1 2021-01-31
Win vs Double0100 (suijindrip) 1-0 2021-01-31
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - December
Lose vs RossBoss00 (RossBoss00#5587) 0-1 2020-12-28
Win vs SirePingu (Pingu#9022) 1-0 2020-12-28
Win vs Padox (padoxlfgf) 1-0 2020-12-28
Win vs md2overdose 1-0 2020-12-28
Lose vs TheCheekClapper7 0-1 2020-12-28
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - November
Lose vs Runanbun 0-1 2020-11-29
Lose vs MikeTheEntei 0-1 2020-11-29
Win vs mzboi (Smortny#9697) 1-0 2020-11-29
Win vs Biggeth J (Big J#6494) 1-0 2020-11-29
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - October
Lose vs PinguShowdown (PinguTwitchey) 0-1 2020-10-25
Win vs TigerRadley 1-0 2020-10-25
Lose vs Asues (Aseus4) 0-1 2020-10-25
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - Late August
Lose vs S1ere0 (justaslietuva) 0-1 2020-09-13
Lose vs Lilyflower<3 (gunbuster42069) 0-1 2020-09-13
Win vs FlyKunai313 1-0 2020-09-13
Win vs Jeice0 (NiteR3AP3R) 1-0 2020-09-13
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - July
Lose vs TigerRadley 0-1 2020-07-26
Lose vs DarkestBomb 0-1 2020-07-26
Win vs Higoset 1-0 2020-07-26
PokemonChallenges Subscriber Showdown League - MayJune
Lose vs ItsAsterisk (its_asterisk) 0-1 2020-06-08
Win vs st_pupper (sleep_tight_pup) 1-0 2020-06-08
Win vs yeebruder (gn0mis) 1-0 2020-06-08
Lose vs SwagSugar (SwagNutting) 0-1 2020-06-08