Oregon Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
1 349
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


252nd out of 1349
01 August 2013 - 07 October 2028
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (80)
Overall performance in matches
34% Win rate
Win 27
Draw 0
Lose 53
+ 60
- 123
+/- -63
Tournament statistics (18)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 3
Top 16 5
Top 32 9
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Nassericha
Most lost 4x vs ChainLink
Most played 5x vs Toupin
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Nassericha
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Yamasaki
Matches history (80)
Result Score Date
Lose vs NORDVPN 0-3 2023-02-23
Win vs Seal Kid 3-1 2023-02-23
Lose vs Stiv 0-3 2023-02-23
Win vs Khaki 3-0 2023-02-23
Stomptown #14
Lose vs profmegamoth 0-3 2023-01-29
Lose vs Emoney 0-3 2023-01-29
Stomptown #13
Lose vs Stiv 0-3 2023-01-01
Lose vs Zoup | Zoup 0-3 2023-01-01
Win vs Nassericha 3-0 2023-01-01
Lose vs Potion 0-3 2023-01-01
Melee at Epic 201
Lose vs Yamasaki 0-3 2022-11-14
Win vs Toupin 2-1 2022-11-14
Win vs Sweet Potato 2-1 2022-11-14
Lose vs ErodingSun 0-2 2022-11-14
Adam's Smash Series #37 : Do not trust Decoste
Lose vs prilo 0-2 2022-11-10
Win vs ToastShark 2-1 2022-11-10
Lose vs DotEyes 0-2 2022-11-10
Melee at Epic 199
Lose vs Potion 0-3 2022-10-10
Lose vs YeehawDaniels 0-3 2022-10-10
Adam's Smash Series #32 : ASS Rules Everything Around Me
Lose vs THIQ#306 | Cassettetape 0-2 2022-09-22
Lose vs FatGoku 0-2 2022-09-22
Win vs BigShmoke 2-0 2022-09-22
Melee at Epic 197
Lose vs The Bird 0-2 2022-09-19
Lose vs STB | DerfMidWest 0-2 2022-09-19
Win vs taiga 2-0 2022-09-19
Lose vs Emoney 0-3 2022-09-18
Lose vs naxy 0-3 2022-09-18
Melee at Epic 196
Lose vs The Bird 0-2 2022-09-12
Lose vs Potion 0-2 2022-09-12
Lose vs ChainLink 0-2 2022-09-12
Lose vs Stiv 0-2 2022-09-12
Win vs Nassericha 2-0 2022-09-11
Adam's Smash Series #29: This too shall ASS
Lose vs mononohkay 1-2 2022-09-01
Win vs NBD | bigblargh 2-1 2022-09-01
Lose vs Morf 0-2 2022-09-01
Stomptown #10
Lose vs Jordan 0-2 2022-08-28
Win vs ATF | ATFshootsDogs 2-0 2022-08-28
Lose vs Dr. Hunk 1-2 2022-08-28
Lose vs Jordan 0-2 2022-08-28
Lose vs J.O.A.T. 0-2 2022-08-27
Melee at Epic 194
Lose vs Toupin 1-3 2022-08-22
Win vs Maxwell 2-0 2022-08-22
Win vs Nassericha 2-0 2022-08-22
Win vs Kei 1--1 2022-08-22
Win vs Pilgrim 1--1 2022-08-22
Lose vs Toupin 0-2 2022-08-22
Lose vs ChainLink 0-2 2022-08-22
Lose vs obbing Dong | Lord Farquaad's Huge,Thr 1-2 2022-08-21
Stomptown #9
Lose vs Zoup | Zoup 0-2 2022-07-31
Win vs HieZues 2-0 2022-07-31
Lose vs Toupin 1-2 2022-07-31
Lose vs ChainLink 0-2 2022-07-31
Lose vs Mucho Man Randy Passion 0-2 2022-07-31
Melee at Epic 192
Lose vs ChainLink 0-2 2022-07-25
Win vs Elijah 2-1 2022-07-25
Win vs Shmichael 2-0 2022-07-25
Win vs Winston :) 2-0 2022-07-25
Lose vs Shake_zula / J.J. Binks, Rimjobs Inc. 0-2 2022-07-25
Win vs HieZues 2-1 2022-07-25
Lose vs 21Phantoms 0-2 2022-07-25
Lose vs Yamasaki 0-2 2022-07-25
Win vs consumption 2-0 2022-07-24
Melee at Epic 191
Lose vs Elijah 0-2 2022-07-18
Lose vs Vegi 0-2 2022-07-18
Lose vs Shake_zula / J.J. Binks, Rimjobs Inc. 0-2 2022-07-18
Win vs Nassericha 2-0 2022-07-18
Lose vs Yamasaki 0-2 2022-07-18
Win vs WAMMER 2-0 2022-07-17
Stomptown #8
Lose vs The Bird 0-2 2022-06-26
Lose vs Rococo 0-2 2022-06-26
Win vs Toupin 1--1 2022-06-26
Lose vs BRAJ 0-2 2022-06-26
Lose vs Quist 0-2 2022-06-26
Win vs Her0 2-0 2022-06-25
Melee at Epic 189
Lose vs Dunkey2 0-2 2022-06-20
Win vs CORE | | Pajama Jon 2-0 2022-06-20
Win vs Destroyer 2-0 2022-06-20
Lose vs 21Phantoms 1-2 2022-06-20
Lose vs Yalli 0-2 2022-06-19
Lose vs 21Phantoms 0-2 2022-06-19
Tournaments history (18)
Name Rank Date
Adam 25 / 45 2023-02-23
Stomptown #14 9 / 14 2023-01-29
Stomptown #13 4 / 5 2023-01-01
Melee at Epic 201 8 / 14 2022-11-14
Adam's Smash Series #37 : Do not trust Decoste 17 / 33 2022-11-10
Melee at Epic 199 7 / 9 2022-10-10
The ASSCADIAN 49 / 52 2022-10-09
Adam's Smash Series #32 : ASS Rules Everything Around Me 25 / 37 2022-09-22
Melee at Epic 197 13 / 17 2022-09-19
Melee at Epic 196 13 / 20 2022-09-12
Adam's Smash Series #29: This too shall ASS 25 / 35 2022-09-01
Stomptown #10 25 / 32 2022-08-28
Melee at Epic 194 17 / 23 2022-08-22
Stomptown #9 25 / 30 2022-07-31
Melee at Epic 192 13 / 20 2022-07-25
Melee at Epic 191 13 / 22 2022-07-18
Stomptown #8 25 / 41 2022-06-26
Melee at Epic 189 17 / 25 2022-06-20