Oregon Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
1 362
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
24th out of 1362
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last 2 months
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (59)
Overall performance in matches
42% Win rate
Win 25
Draw 0
Lose 34
+ 70
- 90
+/- -20
Tournament statistics (19)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 5
Top 16 4
Top 32 2
Worst 7
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 3x vs Bud McChud
Most lost 3x vs Hurricane
Most played 4x vs Bud McChud
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 75% vs Bud McChud
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Hurricane
Matches history (63)
Result Score Date
The Asscadian 5
Lose vs WOOP | dang3r 2-3 2024-10-27
Win vs ElOblivion 3-1 2024-10-27
Lose vs Degenerate 1-3 2024-10-27
Win vs MUNCH | DOOB 3-0 2024-10-27
Ghost Town 2 - Call of the Lloyd ft. Zamu, Spark, Fiction, Stiv, Kurv, Nut, Pbag
Lose vs hot daniel -1-1 2024-05-11
Lose vs JK -1-1 2024-05-11
EugeneBound 2024
Lose vs Hurricane 0-3 2024-03-17
Win vs DecemberGift 2-0 2024-03-17
Lose vs Aura 0-2 2024-03-16
Win vs THIQ#306 | Cassettetape 2-0 2024-03-16
Win vs Myke B 2-0 2024-03-16
MSS #2: Roads? Online we won't need roads
Lose vs Bud McChud 1-3 2024-01-18
Lose vs Webwipe 1-3 2024-01-18
Not My Barbecue
Lose vs Zoup | Zoup 0-2 2023-07-16
Lose vs Nox 0-2 2023-07-16
Win vs Law | Rundas 2-0 2023-07-16
Carnival Clash ft. Spark, Aura, Nut, Jaredisking1, X'avier, Cloudburst
Lose vs MonumentalDong 0-2 2023-06-25
Win vs BroBro 2-0 2023-06-25
Lose vs RubiconMarie 0-2 2023-06-25
Win vs Fractal 2-1 2023-06-25
Adam's Smash Series #64 : Carnival Cl[ass]h
Lose vs probably high 0-2 2023-06-25
Lose vs Pbag 1-2 2023-06-25
Shell City Online 3
Lose vs TT | | Paul Allen 0-3 2023-05-01
Win vs Smyles 3-1 2023-05-01
Win vs Bud McChud 3-0 2023-05-01
Lose vs TT | | Paul Allen 0-3 2023-05-01
Lose vs VMPR 2-3 2023-04-30
Win vs Potion 3-2 2023-04-30
Win vs Jakey 2-0 2023-04-30
Lose vs mister_person 0-2 2023-04-30
Win vs Isaac | Spinch 2-0 2023-04-30
Shell City Online 1
Lose vs Mucho Man Randy Passion 0-2 2023-04-17
Lose vs naxman 0-3 2023-04-17
Lose vs Shadow Kart 9 | SpiderJew 1-3 2023-04-16
Win vs TaiTheGuy 3-1 2023-04-16
Win vs Bud McChud 2-0 2023-04-16
Lose vs Mrwrocks 0-2 2023-04-16
Win vs mister_person 2-1 2023-04-16
Lose vs Smyles 1-2 2023-04-09
Win vs lytt | mrpostman 2-0 2023-04-09
Lose vs NORDVPN 0-2 2023-04-09
Win vs Saya 2-0 2023-04-09
Lose vs Big Moist 0-2 2023-04-02
Lose vs Rococo 0-2 2023-04-02
Win vs gaterfish 2-0 2023-04-02
Lose vs Benji 0-3 2023-03-19
Win vs Mrwrocks 2-0 2023-03-19
Win vs Dr. Goyard 2-0 2023-03-19
Lose vs Dr. Freshly 0-2 2023-03-19
Shell City 6 - Myles has a Bar Mitzvah
Lose vs Froggy 1-3 2023-03-13
Win vs Smyles 3-0 2023-03-12
Lose vs Hurricane 0-3 2023-03-12
Win vs tonycool42 3-0 2023-03-12
Lose vs AverageAlaskan 1-2 2023-02-05
Win vs Bud McChud 2-1 2023-02-05
Lose vs Mrwrocks 1-2 2023-02-05
FROG HUNT 1: The Rise of Michigan J. Frog
Lose vs B-Nuts | bnuts 1-3 2023-01-13
Win vs faze larry banks 3-0 2023-01-13
Lose vs Hurricane 0-3 2023-01-13
Win vs 13th&Olive | Eight% 3-0 2023-01-13
Sackett is backett actual monthly
Lose vs Potion 0-3 2021-12-10
Lose vs To 0-3 2021-12-10
Win vs I HATE THE ANTI-CHRIST 3-1 2021-12-10
Tournaments history (19)
Name Rank Date
The Asscadian 5 17 / 64 2024-10-27
Carnival Clash 2 ft. Joshman, Zamu, Aura, Essy, Zoey, Cliché 97 / 146 2024-08-04
Ghost Town 2 - Call of the Lloyd ft. Zamu, Spark, Fiction, Stiv, Kurv, Nut, Pbag 97 / 133 2024-05-12
EugeneBound 2024 13 / 50 2024-03-17
MSS #2: Roads? Online we won't need roads 17 / 26 2024-01-18
Not My Barbecue 33 / 59 2023-07-16
Carnival Clash ft. Spark, Aura, Nut, Jaredisking1, X'avier, Cloudburst 49 / 128 2023-06-26
Adam's Smash Series #64 : Carnival Cl[ass]h 33 / 56 2023-06-25
Shell City Online 3 4 / 11 2023-05-01
FRT PNCH 20 5 / 17 2023-04-30
Shell City Online 1 9 / 15 2023-04-17
FRT PNCH 19 5 / 29 2023-04-16
FRT PNCH 18 13 / 27 2023-04-09
MAJOR UPSET 129 / 385 2023-04-03
FRT PNCH 16 7 / 18 2023-03-19
Shell City 6 - Myles has a Bar Mitzvah 4 / 6 2023-03-13
EugeneBound 49 / 104 2023-02-05
FROG HUNT 1: The Rise of Michigan J. Frog Not set / 12 2023-01-13
Sackett is backett actual monthly 9 / 16 2021-12-11