CT Smash Ultimate - OLD

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
2 572
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


768th out of 2572
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (37)
Overall performance in matches
14% Win rate
Win 5
Draw 0
Lose 32
+ 15
- 68
+/- -53
Tournament statistics (16)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 2
Top 32 14
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs WavyJ
Most lost 4x vs Max
Most played 4x vs Max
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 25% vs WavyJ
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Nitro
Matches history (37)
Result Score Date
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 59
Lose vs Max 0-2 2020-03-02
Win vs WavyJ 2-1 2020-03-02
Win vs Joltman 2-1 2020-03-02
Lose vs Jake the Snake 1-2 2020-03-02
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 58
Lose vs WavyJ 0-2 2020-02-24
Lose vs Zoo 0-2 2020-02-24
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 57
Lose vs Shyguy 1-2 2020-02-17
Lose vs Flexcadrill 1-2 2020-02-17
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 54
Lose vs Vestation 0-2 2020-01-27
Win vs Reed 2-0 2020-01-27
Lose vs Nitro 0-2 2020-01-27
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 53
Lose vs 2can 1-2 2020-01-20
Lose vs Max 0-2 2020-01-20
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 52
Lose vs SkyHook 0-2 2020-01-13
Lose vs G I G A 0-2 2020-01-13
Lose vs WavyJ 0-2 2020-01-06
Lose vs Tom 0-2 2020-01-06
Lose vs Flexcadrill 0-2 2019-12-16
Lose vs 2can 0-2 2019-12-16
Lose vs WavyJ 0-2 2019-12-09
Lose vs Tony Pajamas 0-2 2019-12-09
Win vs Jake the Snake 2-1 2019-12-09
Lose vs Sice 0-2 2019-11-25
Lose vs Nitro 0-2 2019-11-11
Lose vs Tony Pajamas 0-2 2019-11-11
Lose vs Max 0-2 2019-11-04
Lose vs Tygar 0-2 2019-11-04
Lose vs Nitro 0-2 2019-10-28
Lose vs 2can 0-2 2019-10-28
Lose vs SnappleOK 0-2 2019-10-14
Win vs Bahoochie 2-1 2019-10-14
Lose vs SkyHook 0-2 2019-10-14
Lose vs KyleTM 0-2 2019-10-07
Lose vs SecondSeedWaft 1-2 2019-10-07
Lose vs Joltman 0-2 2019-09-30
Lose vs Max 0-2 2019-09-30
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Tournaments history (16)
Name Rank Date
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 59 9 / 22 2020-03-02
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 58 25 / 35 2020-02-24
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 57 25 / 32 2020-02-17
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 54 17 / 30 2020-01-27
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 53 17 / 25 2020-01-20
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 52 17 / 25 2020-01-13
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 51 25 / 36 2020-01-06
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 48 17 / 24 2019-12-16
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 47 13 / 18 2019-12-09
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 46 17 / 23 2019-11-25
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 45 25 / 32 2019-11-11
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 44 25 / 34 2019-11-04
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 43 17 / 26 2019-10-28
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 41 17 / 25 2019-10-14
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 40 17 / 19 2019-10-07
Ultimate at Battlegrounds 39 17 / 21 2019-09-29