2 448
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
131st out of 2448
All times
Based on the match score
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (58)
Overall performance in matches
59% Win rate
Win 34
Draw 0
Lose 24
+ 84
- 60
+/- 24
Tournament statistics (13)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 0
Top 16 2
Top 32 1
Worst 9
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 1x vs n0ski
Most lost 2x vs n0ski
Most played 3x vs n0ski
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs n0ski
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs n0ski
Matches history (58)
Result Score Date
(100€ CP) Fekah Cup #7
Lose vs Zaaki 1-2 2022-09-28
Win vs Galadows 2-0 2022-09-28
Win vs SUN | Arko 2-0 2022-09-28
Lose vs JhinAry 0-2 2022-09-28
Win vs SnK 2-0 2022-09-28
(150€ CP) Fekah Cup #5
Lose vs Exokaze 0-2 2022-09-07
Win vs senpiziom 2-1 2022-09-07
Win vs ParrotTanzanite102 2-0 2022-09-07
Lose vs Rokusho69 0-2 2022-09-07
(150€ CP) Fekah Cup #4
Lose vs TheLink 1-2 2022-08-31
Win vs Afelliand 2-0 2022-08-31
Lose vs JukeS 1-2 2022-08-31
Win vs MoiRusherMoiPasPenser 2-1 2022-08-31
(150€ CP) Fekah Cup #3
Lose vs Chatty | KizCorleone 1-2 2022-08-24
Lose vs Svd | Halfaa 0-2 2022-08-24
Lose vs Krauley 0-2 2022-08-20
Lose vs JhinAry 0-2 2022-08-20
CG MultiVersus: August ($250 total prizepool)
Lose vs n0ski 2-3 2022-08-13
Win vs n0ski 3-0 2022-08-13
Win vs Suoh 3-0 2022-08-13
Win vs 0tterspace 3-2 2022-08-13
Win vs Lgd_Star 3-0 2022-08-13
Win vs Noobman1 3-2 2022-08-13
Win vs Nitrium 2-1 2022-08-13
Win vs Bozo 2-0 2022-08-13
Win vs RICKARD | snamer 2-1 2022-08-13
Lose vs n0ski 0-2 2022-08-13
Win vs Mahdii 2-0 2022-08-13
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #2
Lose vs Ayira38 1-2 2022-08-13
Win vs Arzack 2-0 2022-08-13
Lose vs Chomp 0-2 2022-08-13
Win vs TrayksTV 2-0 2022-08-13
Win vs Jamiedabot 2-0 2022-08-13
Lose vs Swordo 0-2 2022-08-13
Win vs HUSO | no0fun 2-0 2022-08-13
Lose vs Kouto 0-2 2022-08-13
Lose vs Bonjour 1-2 2022-08-13
Win vs Dio | Amber 2-1 2022-08-13
Win vs Dx | Pumpking 2-0 2022-08-13
Win vs VanillaRilla 2-0 2022-08-13
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #1
Lose vs PATOO 0-2 2022-08-09
Win vs ROO 2-0 2022-08-09
Lose vs IDoriii 1-2 2022-08-09
French Jam #1 - Tournoi 1v1 by MultiVersusFrance
Lose vs Ykseew 0-2 2022-08-07
Win vs Emily 2-1 2022-08-07
Win vs HQdaan 2-0 2022-08-07
Win vs FrezzFiRe 2-1 2022-08-07
Win vs Snuf | Snufler 2-0 2022-08-07
Win vs Foruitshiku 2-0 2022-08-07
Win vs Sol-Destar | SolDestar 2-0 2022-08-07
Win vs uprusher29 2-0 2022-08-07
Win vs Nacrist 2-0 2022-08-07
Win vs black971 2-0 2022-08-07
Lose vs xSSaif1 1-2 2022-08-07
Win vs BLK | Race 2-0 2022-08-07
WELCOME TO THE BETA - Tournoi MultiversusFrance 1v1
Lose vs ABP | Clyros 1-2 2022-07-22
Lose vs Olfir #1778 0-2 2022-07-22
Lose vs Nemy' 0-2 2022-07-22
Tournaments history (13)
Name Rank Date
(100€ CP) Fekah Cup #7 17 / 66 2022-09-28
(150€ CP) Fekah Cup #5 65 / 281 2022-09-07
(150€ CP) Fekah Cup #4 97 / 380 2022-08-31
(150€ CP) Fekah Cup #3 193 / 427 2022-08-24
KramCup 257 / 512 2022-08-21
CG MultiVersus: August ($250 total prizepool) 2 / 63 2022-08-14
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #2 13 / 417 2022-08-13
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #2 129 / 417 2022-08-13
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #2 257 / 417 2022-08-13
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #1 385 / 512 2022-08-09
(300€ CP) Fekah Cup #1 129 / 512 2022-08-09
French Jam #1 - Tournoi 1v1 by MultiVersusFrance 13 / 512 2022-08-07
WELCOME TO THE BETA - Tournoi MultiversusFrance 1v1 130 / 258 2022-07-23