Munich eSports e.V. Smash Rankings

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


6th out of 99
01 January 2020 - 31 March 2020
Ranking history

Matches statistics (58)
Overall performance in matches
67% Win rate
Win 39
Draw 0
Lose 19
+ 96
- 58
+/- 38
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 3
Top 8 5
Top 16 1
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Kyo
Most lost 5x vs Pilches
Most played 7x vs Pilches
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs agu
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 20% vs Mad
Matches history (59)
Result Score Date
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (11.03.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs Pilches 0-2 2020-03-11
Win vs Wafiro 2-0 2020-03-11
Win vs Labot 2-0 2020-03-11
Lose vs dehavan 1-2 2020-03-11
Win vs Kyo 2-0 2020-03-11
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (26.02.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs Mad 1-2 2020-02-26
Win vs Rizen 2-0 2020-02-26
Win vs Astro 2-0 2020-02-26
Lose vs ERde 1-2 2020-02-26
Win vs Momo 2-0 2020-02-26
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (04.03.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs Dobby 0-2 2020-03-04
Win vs Labot 2-0 2020-03-04
Lose vs Pilches 0-2 2020-03-04
Win vs Dobby 2-1 2020-03-04
Win vs Turret 2-0 2020-03-04
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (19.02.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs knacka 1-3 2020-02-19
Win vs Corex 2-0 2020-02-19
Win vs Tan 2-1 2020-02-19
Lose vs dehavan 1-2 2020-02-19
Win vs Corex 2-0 2020-02-19
Win vs Fmrs 2-0 2020-02-19
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (12.02.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs ERde 1-2 2020-02-12
Win vs Johannes 2-1 2020-02-12
Lose vs Mad 0-2 2020-02-12
Win vs agu 2-0 2020-02-12
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (05.02.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs Flame 0-2 2020-02-05
Lose vs Corex 1-2 2020-02-05
Win vs Dobby 2-1 2020-02-05
Win vs Tan 2-0 2020-02-05
Win vs Sun 2-0 2020-02-05
Win vs Gio 2-1 2020-02-05
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (29.01.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs Mad 1-2 2020-01-29
Lose vs Pilches 0-2 2020-01-29
Win vs Wafiro 2-0 2020-01-29
Win vs agu 2-0 2020-01-29
Win vs Gio 2-0 2020-01-29
Win vs Flame 2-0 2020-01-29
Win vs JojoMojo 2-0 2020-01-29
Win vs Labot 2-1 2020-01-29
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (22.01.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs knacka 0-3 2020-01-22
Win vs Mad 3-1 2020-01-22
Win vs Kyo 2-0 2020-01-22
Win vs JP 2-1 2020-01-22
Win vs JojoMojo 2-1 2020-01-22
Win vs Meutrich 2-0 2020-01-22
Lose vs Kyo 1-2 2020-01-22
Win vs agu 2-0 2020-01-22
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (15.01.2020, DE) MZM
Lose vs Pilches 1-3 2020-01-15
Lose vs Mad 2-3 2020-01-15
Win vs ERde 2-0 2020-01-15
Win vs Corex 2-1 2020-01-15
Win vs Johannes 2-0 2020-01-15
Munich eSports Smash-Weekly (8.1.2019, DE) MZM
Win vs Pilches 3-2 2020-01-08
Win vs Pilches 3-1 2020-01-08
Win vs knacka 3-2 2020-01-08
Lose vs Pilches 2-3 2020-01-08
Win vs ERde 2-0 2020-01-08
Win vs Kyo 2-0 2020-01-08
Win vs Flame 2-0 2020-01-08