Midlands Smash Ultimate 2018-2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
1 605
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


565th out of 1605
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (35)
Overall performance in matches
9% Win rate
Win 3
Draw 0
Lose 32
+ 16
- 97
+/- -81
Tournament statistics (15)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 5
Top 16 10
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Serafall
Most lost 5x vs Treasure
Most played 5x vs Treasure
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Treasure
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Violet
Matches history (36)
Result Score Date
Boost Fire #55
Lose vs Aeri 2-3 2020-02-09
Lose vs Oogway 0-3 2020-02-09
Boost Fire #54
Lose vs xPastaa 0-3 2020-02-02
Lose vs Mormolith 0-3 2020-02-02
Boost Fire #52
Lose vs xPastaa 0-3 2020-01-19
Lose vs Treasure 0-3 2020-01-19
Boost Fire #50
Lose vs Foulds 1-3 2020-01-05
Lose vs Very Badly 1-3 2020-01-05
Win vs Aeri 3-2 2020-01-05
Boost Fire #48
Lose vs Winda 1-2 2019-12-22
Lose vs Treasure 0-2 2019-12-22
Boost Fire #46
Lose vs Treasure 0-3 2019-12-08
Lose vs Oogway 0-3 2019-12-08
Lose vs Winda 0-3 2019-12-08
Lose vs Very Badly 0-3 2019-12-08
Lose vs Fruityboy 0-3 2019-12-08
Lose vs Brong 0-3 2019-11-10
Lose vs KSI 0-3 2019-11-10
Lose vs Circinus 0-3 2019-10-13
Lose vs Plats 0-3 2019-10-13
Lose vs Oogway 1-3 2019-09-01
Lose vs Caskade 1-3 2019-09-01
Lose vs Winda 0-3 2019-08-11
Lose vs Violet 0-3 2019-08-11
Lose vs xPastaa 0-3 2019-08-04
Lose vs Treasure 0-3 2019-08-04
Lose vs xPastaa 0-3 2019-07-21
Lose vs Treasure 0-3 2019-07-14
Lose vs Violet 0-3 2019-07-14
Lose vs Oogway 0-3 2019-07-07
Win vs Serafall 3-1 2019-07-07
Lose vs Winda 0-3 2019-07-07
Lose vs Violet 0-3 2019-06-23
Win vs Serafall 3-0 2019-06-23
Lose vs Skittle 0-3 2019-06-23
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Tournaments history (15)
Name Rank Date
Boost Fire #55 7 / 8 2020-02-09
Boost Fire #54 13 / 14 2020-02-02
Boost Fire #52 9 / 9 2020-01-19
Boost Fire #50 7 / 10 2020-01-05
Boost Fire #48 9 / 10 2019-12-22
Boost Fire #46 6 / 6 2019-12-08
Boost Fire #43 13 / 14 2019-11-11
Boost Fire #39 13 / 13 2019-10-13
Boost Fire #33 9 / 9 2019-09-01
Boost Fire #31 9 / 12 2019-08-11
Boost Fire 04.08.19 9 / 11 2019-08-04
Boost Fire 21.07.19 9 / 12 2019-07-21
Boost Fire 14.07.19 7 / 8 2019-07-14
Boost Fire 07.07.19 5 / 7 2019-07-07
Boost Fire 23.06.19 9 / 13 2019-06-23