Midlands Smash Ultimate 2018-2023

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United Kingdom
1 605
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


143rd out of 1605
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (77)
Overall performance in matches
52% Win rate
Win 40
Draw 0
Lose 37
+ 102
- 90
+/- 12
Tournament statistics (15)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 6
Top 16 5
Top 32 4
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Skyby
Most lost 4x vs Willz
Most played 4x vs Willz
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Willz
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Etherious
Matches history (77)
Result Score Date
Breakout - Birmingham SSBU Weeklies #4
Lose vs MB | fung 2-3 2023-11-22
Win vs King Arthur 3-0 2023-11-22
Lose vs UoB | dante 0-3 2023-11-22
Second City Clash #6
Lose vs Harry 0-2 2019-12-14
Win vs Spades 2-0 2019-12-14
Lose vs Shonic 1-2 2019-12-14
Win vs Skyby 2-0 2019-12-14
Second City Clash #5
Lose vs Pepsiman 1-2 2019-12-08
Win vs Skyby 2-0 2019-12-08
Lose vs Zenatti 0-2 2019-12-08
Second City Clash #2
Lose vs Zenatti 0-2 2019-11-17
Lose vs OneCampbell13 1-2 2019-11-17
Win vs Browboy 2-0 2019-11-17
Breakthrough #1
Lose vs Shonic 0-3 2019-11-03
Lose vs c499 0-3 2019-11-03
Win vs Lasaga 2-0 2019-11-03
Win vs Cheese 2-1 2019-11-03
Lose vs SpiralKO 0-2 2019-11-03
Lose vs Willz 0-2 2019-11-03
True Believer #3
Lose vs Etherious 0-2 2019-09-29
Win vs Corky 2-0 2019-09-29
Lose vs Wilksy15 0-2 2019-09-29
Win vs Owen 2-0 2019-09-29
Lose vs MrPegs 1-2 2019-09-29
Win vs Navi 2-0 2019-09-29
Win vs BBX 2-0 2019-09-29
Lose vs AlexOD 0-2 2019-09-29
Win vs Degalla 2-1 2019-09-29
Lose vs J-squad | Lucretio 0-2 2019-09-29
True Believer #2
Lose vs Etherious 1-3 2019-07-13
Win vs Marah 3-1 2019-07-13
Win vs Layla 3-2 2019-07-13
Lose vs Captain JJ 0-3 2019-07-13
Win vs Blue (WAR) 2-0 2019-07-13
Win vs AlexOD 2-0 2019-07-13
Lose vs Spades 1-2 2019-07-13
Win vs Marah 2-0 2019-07-13
Lose vs Etherious 0-2 2019-07-13
Collision 21 - Ultimate
Lose vs SpiralKO 0-2 2019-04-16
Win vs KASPA 2-0 2019-04-16
Lose vs kizzo212 1-2 2019-04-16
Win vs MashySpikePlate 2-0 2019-04-16
Collision 20 - Ultimate
Lose vs Con-air 1-2 2019-04-02
Lose vs Layla 1-2 2019-04-02
Road to Regen
Lose vs Bobady 0-2 2019-03-17
Lose vs Spenpai 1-2 2019-03-17
Win vs Gloom 2-0 2019-03-17
Win vs Imeryll 2-0 2019-03-17
Win vs Cheese 2-0 2019-03-17
Win vs KASPA 2-0 2019-03-17
Win vs epic | KiRBYKiD_2004 2-0 2019-03-17
Win vs kizzo212 2-0 2019-03-17
Lose vs Willz 1-2 2019-03-17
Collision 18 - Ultimate
Lose vs No. 1 Alpha 1-2 2019-02-19
Win vs Mason 2-0 2019-02-19
Lose vs TR | Zaffiel 0-2 2019-02-19
Win vs Bobady 2-1 2019-02-19
Win vs Toby 2-0 2019-02-19
Dojo Night 03/02/19: Smash Ultimate
Lose vs TR | Zaffiel 1-2 2019-02-03
Win vs Jin 2-1 2019-02-03
Win vs AwRa 2-0 2019-02-03
Win vs peebly 2-0 2019-02-03
Collision 16 - Ultimate
Lose vs Vulcan 0-2 2019-01-22
Lose vs Willz 1-2 2019-01-22
Win vs SDB | Cpt. Steel 2-1 2019-01-22
Win vs Phoenix SDB | Big Beej 2-1 2019-01-22
Win vs KUSA 2-0 2019-01-22
Smash at O’Neill’s 54 - Ultimate
Lose vs Parsnip 0-2 2019-01-21
Lose vs Willz 1-2 2019-01-21
Win vs MiniMo 2-1 2019-01-21
Win vs epic | KiRBYKiD_2004 2-0 2019-01-21
Win vs Mediocre 2-0 2019-01-21
Smash at O'Neill's 52 - Ultimate
Lose vs FOB 1-2 2018-12-17
Win vs LC | Lloyd 2-0 2018-12-17
Win vs Kastro 2-0 2018-12-17
Lose vs BandanaT (OllyT) 1-2 2018-12-17
Win vs GK | Splendid 2-0 2018-12-17
Tournaments history (15)
Name Rank Date
Breakout - Birmingham SSBU Weeklies #4 7 / 12 2023-11-23
Second City Clash #6 7 / 15 2019-12-14
Second City Clash #5 13 / 21 2019-12-08
Second City Clash #2 9 / 17 2019-11-17
Breakthrough #1 17 / 48 2019-11-03
True Believer #3 17 / 64 2019-09-29
True Believer #2 9 / 47 2019-07-13
Collision 21 - Ultimate 13 / 29 2019-04-16
Collision 20 - Ultimate 17 / 24 2019-04-02
Road to Regen 25 / 64 2019-03-17
Collision 18 - Ultimate 7 / 34 2019-02-19
Dojo Night 03/02/19: Smash Ultimate 5 / 58 2019-02-03
Collision 16 - Ultimate 5 / 36 2019-01-22
Smash at O’Neill’s 54 - Ultimate 5 / 28 2019-01-21
Smash at O'Neill's 52 - Ultimate 9 / 25 2018-12-17