Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

UW | gg | leahboo 

891st out of 2755
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (36)
Overall performance in matches
22% Win rate
Win 8
Draw 0
Lose 28
+ 22
- 57
+/- -35
Tournament statistics (15)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 1
Top 32 4
Worst 10
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs Criptix
Most lost 2x vs L
Most played 2x vs homemadewaffles
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (36)
Result Score Date
Bonus Stage #20: Smash Bros Melee
Lose vs Michi 0-2 2019-03-01
Lose vs Rebel Scum 0-2 2019-03-01
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2019 S2EP02
Lose vs sgg | S2B 1-2 2019-01-10
Win vs S'Blood 2-0 2019-01-10
Win vs tcad99 2-0 2019-01-10
Lose vs L 1-2 2019-01-10
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2018 Episode 18
Lose vs Utters 0-2 2018-12-06
Lose vs Smus 0-2 2018-12-06
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2018 Episode 15
Lose vs Miguel 0-2 2018-11-08
Win vs Boxes! 2-0 2018-11-08
Lose vs homemadewaffles 0-2 2018-11-08
The TOWN and City #15
Lose vs s2b 0-2 2018-09-14
Win vs Bash 2-1 2018-09-14
Lose vs Megaman 0-2 2018-09-14
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2018 Episode 7
Lose vs Bobo 0-2 2018-09-06
Lose vs Danny 0-2 2018-09-06
Noods Noods Noods: Oakland Edition
Lose vs Pimp Jong Illest 0-2 2018-04-07
Lose vs homemadewaffles 0-2 2018-04-07
Win vs Criptix 2-0 2018-04-07
SSS: Blood For Blood 2
Lose vs Real Dingoes 0-2 2017-12-09
Lose vs BERT | Bertbusdriver 0-2 2017-12-09
GENESIS: RED - powered by ShowdownGG
Lose vs Wrax 0-2 2017-07-09
Win vs Beeftip 2-0 2017-07-09
Lose vs TMG | Maybe 0-2 2017-07-09
Get Smashed 123
Lose vs N 1-2 2017-06-21
Lose vs Reno 0-2 2017-06-21
Win vs Buhlaine 2-0 2017-06-21
Get Smashed 122
Lose vs Paragon 1-2 2017-06-14
Lose vs kami 0-2 2017-06-14
Get Smashed 121
Lose vs gme 0-2 2017-06-07
Lose vs L 0-2 2017-06-07
Get Smashed 120
Lose vs Coco 1-2 2017-05-31
Win vs Winner 2-0 2017-05-31
Lose vs boback 1-2 2017-05-31
Get Smashed 119
Lose vs lamp 0-2 2017-05-24
Lose vs Bob$ 0-2 2017-05-24
Tournaments history (15)
Name Rank Date
Bonus Stage #20: Smash Bros Melee 33 / 60 2019-03-01
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2019 S2EP02 17 / 36 2019-01-10
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2018 Episode 18 17 / 21 2018-12-06
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2018 Episode 15 17 / 36 2018-11-08
The TOWN and City #15 9 / 16 2018-09-14
Weds Night Fights x Oakland 2018 Episode 7 17 / 24 2018-09-06
Noods Noods Noods: Oakland Edition 97 / 182 2018-04-08
Pre-Genesis 5 Melee & Marvel 99 / 128 2018-01-18
SSS: Blood For Blood 2 97 / 144 2017-12-10
GENESIS: RED - powered by ShowdownGG 129 / 258 2017-07-10
Get Smashed 123 65 / 129 2017-06-21
Get Smashed 122 65 / 80 2017-06-13
Get Smashed 121 33 / 91 2017-06-07
Get Smashed 120 33 / 56 2017-05-31
Get Smashed 119 49 / 59 2017-05-24