European Project M League

Super Smash Bros. Project M

1 389
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


7th out of 1389
17 November 2022 - 11 December 2023
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (72)
Overall performance in matches
69% Win rate
Win 50
Draw 0
Lose 22
+ 165
- 100
+/- 65
Tournament statistics (11)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 2
Top 3 4
Top 8 3
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 5x vs Ukelele
Most lost 10x vs Melody
Most played 14x vs Melody
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Koe
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 29% vs Melody
Matches history (72)
Result Score Date
Gran Final del Circuito MPS 2023
Lose vs Melody 1-3 2023-12-09
Win vs Yuyin 3-2 2023-12-09
Lose vs Metafalo 1-3 2023-12-08
Win vs Mocho 3-1 2023-12-08
Lose vs Glenco 2-3 2023-12-08
Rice and Shine - MPS Circuit 2023
Win vs Melody 3-2 2023-11-11
Lose vs Melody 0-3 2023-11-11
Win vs Melody 3-1 2023-11-11
Win vs IuDKing 3-0 2023-11-11
Win vs Santieur52 2-0 2023-11-11
Win vs zopenco 2-0 2023-11-11
Win vs Koe 2-0 2023-11-11
Santieur52 2 2
Lose vs Dumshiny 1-3 2023-11-04
Win vs Ukelele 3-2 2023-11-04
Lose vs Melody 0-3 2023-11-04
Win vs IuDKing 3-1 2023-11-04
Win vs FinalTaco 3-2 2023-11-04
La calçotada
Lose vs Melody 0-3 2023-08-21
Lose vs IuDKing 2-3 2023-08-21
Win vs Melody 3-2 2023-08-21
Win vs Loost 3-1 2023-08-21
Win vs MinZe 3-0 2023-08-20
Win vs IuDKing 3-0 2023-08-19
Win vs hnovoa 3-0 2023-08-19
Lose vs Kayx 2-3 2023-08-19
Project Friendship 2
Lose vs Lafungo 1-3 2023-07-08
Win vs Glenco 3-2 2023-07-08
Lose vs Melody 1-3 2023-07-08
Win vs IuDKing 3-1 2023-07-08
Win vs Metafalo 3-0 2023-07-08
Win vs Loost 3-0 2023-07-08
Win vs Patata Navideña 3-0 2023-07-08
Win vs sharda 3-0 2023-07-08
Million Dollar Bait
Lose vs Yuyin 2-3 2023-05-27
Win vs Ali 3-2 2023-05-27
Lose vs Melody 1-3 2023-05-27
Lose vs Axarth 0-2 2023-05-27
Win vs Koe 2-0 2023-05-27
Las Crónicas de Narnia: El dragón, la rubia y el fontanero
Lose vs Melody 2-3 2023-03-18
Win vs Ukelele 3-0 2023-03-18
Lose vs Melody 0-3 2023-03-18
Win vs Ukelele 3-2 2023-03-18
Win vs Ali 3-0 2023-03-18
Win vs Binso 3-1 2023-03-18
Grand Melee Ecorp Series
Lose vs Melody 0-3 2023-03-11
Win vs Melody 3-2 2023-03-11
Win vs Isku 3-1 2023-03-11
Win vs Lafungo 3-0 2023-03-11
Win vs Metafalo 3-0 2023-03-11
Win vs Loost 3-1 2023-03-11
Win vs Santieur52 3-1 2023-03-11
Win vs k1r0s 3-0 2023-03-11
Win vs Campurrianas 3-0 2023-03-11
Lose vs MekaDragon 2-3 2023-03-11
Win vs Animaster3000 2-0 2023-03-11
Crónicas Antiadherentes
Lose vs Metafalo 2-3 2023-01-21
Lose vs Ukelele 0-3 2023-01-21
Win vs Santieur52 3-0 2023-01-21
Pilar Combo #12
Win vs Ukelele 3-0 2022-12-03
Win vs Metafalo 3-0 2022-12-03
Win vs Ukelele 3-1 2022-12-03
Win vs FGZ | NAG 2-0 2022-12-03
Win vs Koe 2-0 2022-12-03
Crónicas de Castilla
Lose vs DNL 0-3 2022-11-19
Win vs Kine. 3-2 2022-11-19
Win vs Metafalo 3-2 2022-11-19
Lose vs Melody 2-3 2022-11-19
Win vs Kine. 3-2 2022-11-19
Win vs Corazón 3-0 2022-11-19
Win vs Yuyin 3-1 2022-11-19
Win vs Koe 3-0 2022-11-19
Win vs Binso 3-0 2022-11-19
Tournaments history (11)
Name Rank Date
Gran Final del Circuito MPS 2023 9 / 15 2023-12-10
Rice and Shine - MPS Circuit 2023 1 / 22 2023-11-11
Santieur52 2 2 4 / 23 2023-11-04
La calçotada 3 / 21 2023-08-20
Project Friendship 2 4 / 35 2023-07-09
Million Dollar Bait 9 / 29 2023-05-27
Las Crónicas de Narnia: El dragón, la rubia y el fontanero 2 / 17 2023-03-18
Grand Melee Ecorp Series 2 / 30 2023-03-11
Crónicas Antiadherentes 5 / 13 2023-01-21
Pilar Combo #12 1 / 19 2022-12-03
Crónicas de Castilla 3 / 18 2022-11-19