East Iowa Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
1 150
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


53rd out of 1150
01 October 2023 - 31 December 2023
Activity requirement
Requires 4 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (44)
Overall performance in matches
5% Win rate
Win 2
Draw 0
Lose 42
+ 5
- 85
+/- -80
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 7
Top 32 1
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs Jankoe
Most lost 4x vs skippychompy
Most played 4x vs skippychompy
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs skippychompy
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Miracle
Matches history (44)
Result Score Date
Honeypot 6: Winter is Coming
Lose vs Comet 0-2 2023-12-02
Lose vs Arjay 0-2 2023-12-02
Lose vs TD | UH | ssbkid 0-2 2023-12-02
Lose vs Alondite 0-2 2023-12-02
Lose vs Dovakiin_Beast 0-2 2023-12-02
All I Want For Honeypot is You (Honeypot 6 Pre-Local)
Lose vs Pogi 0-2 2023-12-02
Lose vs SAU | Kyoka 0-2 2023-12-02
Battle for the Beehive #72
Lose vs skippychompy 0-2 2023-11-28
Lose vs Shaggy 0-2 2023-11-28
Lose vs skippychompy 0-2 2023-11-28
Lose vs Bugacheen 0-2 2023-11-28
Lose vs Algae 0-2 2023-11-28
Battle for the Beehive #71
Lose vs Bugacheen 0-2 2023-11-14
Lose vs cam tomko 0-2 2023-11-14
Lose vs OriMan 0-2 2023-11-14
Battle for the Beehive #70
Lose vs Miracle 0-2 2023-11-07
Lose vs Prophet 0-2 2023-11-07
Lose vs Yarn<3 0-2 2023-11-07
Lose vs Miracle 0-2 2023-11-07
Lose vs skippychompy 0-2 2023-11-07
Lose vs Shaggy 0-2 2023-11-07
Battle for the Beehive #69
Win vs THROWAWAY 2-0 2023-10-31
Lose vs DJ Jablonski 0-2 2023-10-31
Lose vs skippychompy 0-2 2023-10-31
Lose vs ZFN | Morganator 0-2 2023-10-31
Battle for the Beehive #68
Lose vs Augustana | Flaming87 0-2 2023-10-24
Lose vs 1 0-2 2023-10-24
Lose vs quinby 0-2 2023-10-24
Lose vs Faron 0-2 2023-10-24
Lose vs Bugacheen 0-2 2023-10-24
Battle for the Beehive #67
Lose vs ElectroniX2003 0-2 2023-10-17
Lose vs Miracle 0-2 2023-10-17
Lose vs KNGS | Joely 0-2 2023-10-17
Lose vs ElectroniX2003 0-2 2023-10-17
Win vs Jankoe 2-1 2023-10-17
Lose vs BiG bOi 0-2 2023-10-17
Battle for the Beehive #66
Lose vs EdgyFloors 1-2 2023-10-10
Lose vs ElectroniX2003 0-2 2023-10-10
Lose vs Koopa Kid | Joe Weaver From Among Us 0-2 2023-10-10
Lose vs SF 0-2 2023-10-10
Battle for the Beehive #65 - GRV Qualifiers
Lose vs Bluibii 0-2 2023-10-03
Lose vs Crystal 0-2 2023-10-03
Lose vs Jankoe 0-2 2023-10-03
Lose vs SF 0-2 2023-10-03
Tournaments history (10)
Name Rank Date
Honeypot 6: Winter is Coming 193 / 244 2023-12-04
All I Want For Honeypot is You (Honeypot 6 Pre-Local) 33 / 61 2023-12-02
Battle for the Beehive #72 9 / 12 2023-11-28
Battle for the Beehive #71 13 / 14 2023-11-14
Battle for the Beehive #70 9 / 10 2023-11-07
Battle for the Beehive #69 13 / 17 2023-10-31
Battle for the Beehive #68 9 / 12 2023-10-24
Battle for the Beehive #67 9 / 14 2023-10-17
Battle for the Beehive #66 17 / 17 2023-10-10
Battle for the Beehive #65 - GRV Qualifiers 13 / 14 2023-10-03