Colorado Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee

United States
2 388
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


20th out of 2388
01 January 2025 - 01 July 2025
Activity requirement
Requires 5 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (36)
Overall performance in matches
56% Win rate
Win 20
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 53
- 44
+/- 9
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 2
Top 8 2
Top 16 1
Top 32 2
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Bunco
Most lost 4x vs Loam
Most played 4x vs Bunco
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Bunco
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Loam
Matches history (36)
Result Score Date
Touchdown Tuesdays at Boulder #258
Lose vs Loam 2-3 2025-03-19
Win vs Bunco 3-0 2025-03-19
Win vs Drip 3-0 2025-03-19
Lose vs Loam 0-3 2025-03-19
Win vs WYO | Oleyy 2-1 2025-03-19
Altitude Sickness 2 ft. Cody Schwab, Jmook, Joshman, Salt, Zamu, Spark, SFOP
Lose vs AceBox 1-2 2025-03-08
Lose vs Nouns | Cody Schwab 0-2 2025-03-08
Win vs quine 2-0 2025-03-08
Win vs Tempo | Joe2D 2-0 2025-03-08
Altitude Sickness 2 ft. Cody Schwab, Jmook, Joshman, Salt, Zamu, Spark, SFOP
Lose vs Chrono 0-2 2025-03-09
Lose vs Kirbstomp 1-2 2025-03-09
Win vs CG | DannyPhantom 2-1 2025-03-09
Win vs BrockoSpotify | sethibuns 2-0 2025-03-09
Win vs Foxtrot 2-0 2025-03-09
Boulder Melee Special Edition: Altitude Sickness 2 Pre-Local
Lose vs RanD 1-2 2025-03-08
Win vs Wheels 2-0 2025-03-08
Lose vs Salt 0-2 2025-03-08
Win vs Phazon 2-0 2025-03-08
Melee Monday # 425
Lose vs Gaywiggle 0-2 2025-02-11
Lose vs GetCrabby 0-2 2025-02-11
Win vs MetaRidKid 2-0 2025-02-11
Batteries Not Included ft. Owl, Cheunk, Arthie, Jr, and RanD
Lose vs Jab 0-3 2025-01-26
Lose vs Owl 0-3 2025-01-25
Win vs Not_arthiejust 2-1 2025-01-25
Win vs RNA Polymerase II 2-0 2025-01-25
Win vs SpecialK 2-0 2025-01-25
Touchdown Tuesdays at Boulder #252
Lose vs Loam 0-3 2025-01-22
Win vs Bunco 3-0 2025-01-22
Lose vs Loam 1-3 2025-01-22
Win vs Bunco 3-0 2025-01-22
Win vs Mald | RumHam 2-0 2025-01-22
Touchdown Tuesdays at Boulder #1
Lose vs Not_arthiejust 0-3 2025-01-15
Win vs WYO | Oleyy 3-1 2025-01-15
Lose vs Russell 2-3 2025-01-15
Win vs Bunco 2-0 2025-01-15
Win vs 702 | John Melee 2-0 2025-01-15