Beijing Smash

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


9th out of 562
27 August 2021 - 31 January 2022
Activity requirement
Requires 6 tournaments played within last 6 months
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (39)
Overall performance in matches
59% Win rate
Win 23
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 53
- 42
+/- 11
Tournament statistics (8)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 5
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Nian
Most lost 4x vs Ma
Most played 5x vs Nian
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Xiang
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Ma
Matches history (39)
Result Score Date
Ultimate Singles #116
Lose vs SuzumeTaka 0-2 2022-01-28
Win vs Momo 2-0 2022-01-28
Lose vs Nian 0-2 2022-01-28
Ultimate Singles #112
Lose vs Galactend 1-2 2022-01-08
Win vs Nigou 2-0 2022-01-08
Lose vs Ma 0-2 2022-01-08
Win vs Huezo 2-1 2022-01-08
Win vs Xcola 2-1 2022-01-08
Smash in the New Year 2021
Lose vs Nian 0-2 2021-12-31
Win vs Jonathan 2-0 2021-12-31
Lose vs Ma 0-2 2021-12-31
Win vs Galactend 2-1 2021-12-31
Win vs Xiang 2-0 2021-12-31
Ultimate Singles #111
Lose vs Huezo 2-3 2021-12-25
Win vs Piyoz 2-0 2021-12-25
Win vs Nian 2-1 2021-12-25
Lose vs Ma 0-2 2021-12-25
Win vs CLS 2-0 2021-12-25
Win vs Doublelify 2-0 2021-12-25
Ultimate Singles #107
Lose vs Nigou 1-2 2021-11-27
Win vs Joyboy 2-0 2021-11-27
Win vs Xiang 2-0 2021-11-27
Lose vs Xcola 1-2 2021-11-27
Ultimate Singles #105
Lose vs Nigou 0-2 2021-11-14
Win vs NicePear 2-0 2021-11-14
Win vs Xiang 2-0 2021-11-14
Lose vs JY 1-2 2021-11-14
Win vs Nian 2-1 2021-11-14
Ultimate Singles #103
Lose vs Huezo 0-2 2021-10-30
Win vs Sayaka 2-0 2021-10-30
Lose vs Ma 0-2 2021-10-30
Win vs kok 2-1 2021-10-30
Ultimate Singles #102
Lose vs lingzhu 0-2 2021-10-23
Win vs 维京ViKingFire 2-1 2021-10-23
Win vs LiMa 2-1 2021-10-23
Win vs Jonathan 2-0 2021-10-23
Win vs CLS 2-1 2021-10-22
Win vs Nian 2-0 2021-10-22
Lose vs LiMa 1-2 2021-10-22
Tournaments history (8)
Name Rank Date
Ultimate Singles #116 9 / 15 2022-01-28
Ultimate Singles #112 4 / 19 2022-01-08
Smash in the New Year 2021 4 / 19 2021-12-31
Ultimate Singles #111 3 / 19 2021-12-25
Ultimate Singles #107 9 / 23 2021-11-27
Ultimate Singles #105 5 / 21 2021-11-14
Ultimate Singles #103 7 / 23 2021-10-30
Ultimate Singles #102 4 / 26 2021-10-23