Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

1 867
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
674th out of 1867
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 1 tournaments played
Ranking history
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.

Matches statistics (89)
Overall performance in matches
47% Win rate
Win 42
Draw 0
Lose 47
+ 104
- 107
+/- -3
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 3
Top 16 4
Top 32 3
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
As the ranking is not up to date, the datas below can be incorrect.
Most won 2x vs りゅう
Most lost 3x vs もちい
Most played 3x vs りゅう
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs りゅう
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs もちい
Matches history (94)
Result Score Date
FRESH!!! #65
Lose vs x4ta(かけした) 1-2 2023-08-31
Lose vs QUBE 0-2 2023-08-31
Lose vs わらびー 1-2 2023-08-31
Win vs 仁義 2-1 2023-08-31
Lose vs ガンジー 0-2 2023-08-31
Win vs どんぶり 2-0 2023-08-31
Win vs みどりまる 2-1 2023-08-31
Lose vs もちい 0-2 2023-08-31
Lose vs D 0-2 2023-08-31
Win vs トワイライト 2-0 2023-08-31
Win vs あらいぶ 2-0 2023-08-31
Win vs たにし 2-0 2023-08-31
Win vs すみたに 2-1 2023-08-31
Lose vs 仁義 1-2 2023-08-31
FRESH!!! #64
Win vs 霞/kaSuMi 2-0 2023-08-25
Lose vs あらいぶ 0-2 2023-08-25
Win vs Hajime 2-0 2023-08-25
Win vs aki 2-1 2023-08-25
Lose vs みなたろう 1-2 2023-08-25
Lose vs みどりまる 1-2 2023-08-25
Win vs あるる 2-1 2023-08-25
Lose vs まっきー 0-2 2023-08-25
Win vs トワイライト 2-0 2023-08-25
Lose vs NoKi 1-2 2023-08-25
Lose vs ゆうな 0-2 2023-08-25
Win vs Hajime 2-0 2023-08-25
Win vs dross 2-0 2023-08-25
Win vs ユム 2-1 2023-08-25
Lose vs とろぐ 1-2 2023-08-25
FRESH!!! #47
Win vs 銀河/GinGa 2-1 2023-04-13
Draw vs 仁義 0-0 2023-04-13
Draw vs 銀河/GinGa 0-0 2023-04-13
Win vs えりす 2-0 2023-04-13
Lose vs NoKi 0-2 2023-04-13
Lose vs ギン/Ag 0-2 2023-04-13
Win vs ゆゆゆ 2-0 2023-04-13
Win vs りゅう 2-0 2023-04-13
Lose vs しゃろ 0-2 2023-04-13
Win vs ミコル雷神 2-0 2023-04-13
Lose vs ばんぶぅ 0-2 2023-04-13
Win vs kiyo 2-0 2023-04-13
Win vs アンデイク 2-0 2023-04-13
Win vs 龍ノ弼 2-0 2023-04-13
Lose vs はむさん 1-2 2023-04-13
Lose vs Hy8er 1-2 2023-04-13
Win vs とべ 2-0 2023-04-13
Lose vs まさやん 0-2 2023-04-13
FRESH!!! #44
Lose vs まき 1-2 2023-03-23
Lose vs 龍ノ弼 1-2 2023-03-23
Lose vs RYUHO 1-2 2023-03-23
Lose vs もちい 0-2 2023-03-23
Win vs のりしお 2-0 2023-03-23
Win vs ノムペー 2-0 2023-03-23
Lose vs はるり 0-2 2023-03-23
Win vs りゅう 2-1 2023-03-23
Win vs ぐんそう@ネス 2-0 2023-03-23
Lose vs まさやん 0-2 2023-03-23
Lose vs 蛇笏/Dakotsu 0-2 2023-03-23
Win vs 8e 2-0 2023-03-23
Lose vs せいとう 0-2 2023-03-23
Lose vs もちい 0-2 2023-03-23
FRESH!!! #41
Lose vs りそな 0-2 2023-03-05
Win vs るぶーる 2-0 2023-03-05
Win vs ResN@o 2-1 2023-03-05
Lose vs ギン/Ag 0-2 2023-03-05
Lose vs あろん 1-2 2023-03-05
Lose vs をす 1-2 2023-03-05
Lose vs おおトロ 1-2 2023-03-05
Win vs yo-he- 2-0 2023-03-05
Win vs スギヒコ 2-0 2023-03-05
Lose vs にぶたに/Nibutani 1-2 2023-02-12
Win vs をす 2-0 2023-02-12
Win vs RYUHO 2-0 2023-02-12
Lose vs ちんたこ 1-2 2023-02-12
Win vs yo-he- 2-0 2023-02-12
Lose vs Risuke 0-2 2023-02-12
Lose vs じゆ 0-2 2023-02-12
Win vs りみる 2-0 2023-02-12
FRESH!!! #37
Lose vs セラ 0-2 2023-02-05
Win vs ふぁふにーと 1-0 2023-02-05
Lose vs たいやき (ºωº э)З 1-2 2023-02-05
Lose vs りゅう 0-2 2023-02-05
FRESH!!! #37 - Amateur
Lose vs 仁義 0-2 2023-02-05
Lose vs しばさきひとし 1-2 2023-02-05
Win vs かんちお 2-1 2023-02-05
FRESH!!! #35
Lose vs るぶーる 0-2 2023-01-29
Win vs のこ 2-1 2023-01-29
Win vs やーまん 2-1 2023-01-29
Lose vs ししょー 0-2 2023-01-29
FRESH!!! #35 - Amateur
Lose vs 虹のゴキブリ 1-2 2023-01-29
Win vs わるぼう 2-0 2023-01-29
Lose vs TAWASHI 0-2 2023-01-29
Win vs きたろう 2-1 2023-01-29
Win vs Rin 2-0 2023-01-29
Tournaments history (10)
Name Rank Date
FRESH!!! #65 15 / 33 2023-08-31
FRESH!!! #64 12 / 32 2023-08-25
FRESH!!! #47 11 / 30 2023-04-13
FRESH!!! #44 23 / 30 2023-03-23
FRESH!!! #41 7 / 30 2023-03-05
FRESH #38 9 / 31 2023-02-12
FRESH!!! #37 20 / 30 2023-02-05
FRESH!!! #37 - Amateur 5 / 12 2023-02-05
FRESH!!! #35 25 / 30 2023-01-29
FRESH!!! #35 - Amateur 4 / 12 2023-01-29