BCR V9 Tracking

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

Tempo Avenue | Schlick 

62nd out of 463
01 July 2024 - 31 December 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (89)
Overall performance in matches
49% Win rate
Win 44
Draw 0
Lose 45
+ 111
- 113
+/- -2
Tournament statistics (25)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 7
Top 16 10
Top 32 6
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs SHOGHI GAMING | Farmerfred
Most lost 7x vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi
Most played 7x vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Shoghi's Child | FluffyWeetBix
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs nervy
Matches history (92)
Result Score Date
Tempo Avenue R - 140 - Welcome to The Canadian Brewhouse and Sonic 3!
Lose vs gameninja 0-4 2024-12-20
Win vs Lazy Moron 2-0 2024-12-20
Win vs Lvl 5 Dino 2-1 2024-12-20
Win vs SHOGHI GAMING | Farmerfred 2-1 2024-12-20
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 0-2 2024-12-20
Win vs YoRHa | Spikefire 2-0 2024-12-20
Tempo Avenue R - 139 - Ft. Reverse Mains
Lose vs NIko4 1-3 2024-12-13
Win vs Swagna 3-1 2024-12-13
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 0-2 2024-12-13
Win vs Chey 2-0 2024-12-13
Win vs SHOGHI GAMING | Farmerfred 2-0 2024-12-13
Tempo Avenue R - 138 Ft. Squad Strike side event
Lose vs nervy 1-3 2024-12-06
Win vs Lazy Moron 3-0 2024-12-06
Win vs Chey 2-1 2024-12-06
Win vs Tempo Avenue | IrisZ 2-1 2024-12-06
Lose vs NIko4 0-2 2024-12-06
Goin' Up!
Lose vs SuperKernel 0-2 2024-11-23
Win vs Branman 2-0 2024-11-23
Win vs Lay0r 2-0 2024-11-23
Lose vs MMM | MMM 1-2 2024-11-23
Tempo Avenue R - 136 - Ft. Swordsmen only bracket
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | IrisZ 0-2 2024-11-22
Win vs SHOGHI GAMING | Farmerfred 2-1 2024-11-22
Win vs Sapling 2-0 2024-11-22
Lose vs Lv1 | TetraTheThief 1-2 2024-11-22
Tempo Avenue R - 135
Lose vs YoRHa | Spikefire 0-2 2024-11-15
Win vs Nef | Lucinaishard 2-0 2024-11-15
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | IrisZ 1-2 2024-11-15
Win vs slut | Waters555 2-0 2024-11-15
Halloween @ Tempo Ft. Potluck, costume contest and draft crews!
Lose vs Lazy Moron 0-2 2024-11-01
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 0-2 2024-11-01
Win vs noah204 2-1 2024-11-01
Tempo Avenue R - 132 - Ft. CHROMED/METAL BRACKET
Lose vs Rory 0-2 2024-10-25
Lose vs Rockhopper 0-2 2024-10-25
Tempo Avenue R - 131
Lose vs Rockhopper 2-3 2024-10-18
Win vs Shoghi's Child | Moo Mania 2-0 2024-10-18
Win vs Sapling 2-0 2024-10-18
Lose vs nervy 1-2 2024-10-18
Tempo Avenue R - 130 - Ft. Melee Newcomers only side event!
Lose vs SFU | Cash 2-3 2024-10-04
Win vs Shoghi's Child | FluffyWeetBix 3-2 2024-10-04
Win vs Shoghi's Child | Moo Mania 2-1 2024-10-04
Lose vs YoRHa | Spikefire 0-2 2024-10-04
Win vs Rockhopper 2-1 2024-10-04
Tempo Avenue R - 129 - Exhibition Matches / Season End
Lose vs Sapling 1-2 2024-09-27
Lose vs YoRHa | Spikefire 0-2 2024-09-27
BIRTHDAY POTLUCK + Smash 4 Newcomers side event @ Tempo Avenue R - 127
Lose vs YoRHa | Spikefire 1-3 2024-09-13
Win vs Shoghi | Mediocrity 2-0 2024-09-13
Win vs Tempo Avenue | IrisZ 3-2 2024-09-13
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 1-2 2024-09-13
Win vs Chey 2-1 2024-09-13
Tempo Avenue R - 126 Ft. Squad Strike
Lose vs Shoghi's Child | Moo Mania 0-2 2024-09-06
Win vs Niko4 | Flare2V 2-0 2024-09-06
Lose vs SFU | tocabocakitchenmonster 0-2 2024-09-06
Tempo Avenue R - 125
Lose vs gameninja 0-2 2024-08-30
Win vs Shoghi's Child | FluffyWeetBix 2-1 2024-08-30
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 0-2 2024-08-30
Win vs redbebber 2-0 2024-08-30
Tempo Avenue R - 124 Ft. Brawl Newcomers only side bracket!
Lose vs Rockhopper 0-2 2024-08-23
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 0-2 2024-08-23
Win vs LarryBoyRocks 2-0 2024-08-23
Campus Clash: An SFU x UBC Regional
Lose vs Little Cheese -1-1 2024-08-17
Lose vs Lay0r -1-1 2024-08-17
Tempo Avenue R - 123 - Ft. Giant Doubles!
Lose vs kingMe | clarity -1-1 2024-08-16
Lose vs Chey -1-1 2024-08-16
Tempo Avenue R - 122 Ft. Draft Crew Battle!
Lose vs WAIN | Mossayef 1-2 2024-08-09
Win vs noah204 2-1 2024-08-09
Lose vs Rockhopper 0-2 2024-08-09
Border Brawl 3! A Fraser Valley Regional Event by Tempo Avenue Games
Lose vs Tickle 0-2 2024-08-04
Win vs F2/UBC | Spence 2-0 2024-08-04
Win vs Shoghi's Child | Moo Mania 2-0 2024-08-04
Win vs Dale 2-1 2024-08-04
Win vs Chizam 2-0 2024-08-04
Lose vs kazuYoshi 0-2 2024-08-03
BORDER BRAWL 3 PREWEEKLY - Tempo Avenue R - 121
Lose vs SHOGHI GAMING | Farmerfred 1-2 2024-08-02
Lose vs SmashBus | rm8 0-2 2024-08-02
Win vs Mute the Annette Enjoyer 2-1 2024-08-02
Tempo Avenue R - 120 Ft. Sam Bracket side event (All Falcon)
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | IrisZ 0-2 2024-07-26
Win vs Deer Man 2-0 2024-07-26
Lose vs SmashBus | rm8 0-2 2024-07-26
Win vs Chey 2-0 2024-07-26
Toxicity 5
Lose vs Emblemier 2-3 2024-07-21
Win vs Morningstar 3-0 2024-07-21
Win vs BAD | Stars 3-0 2024-07-21
Lose vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 1-3 2024-07-20
Win vs bSM 3-0 2024-07-20
Tempo Avenue R - 119
Lose vs xDCx | PandaMx 1-2 2024-07-19
Win vs Shoghi | Mediocrity 2-0 2024-07-19
Lose vs nervy 1-2 2024-07-19
Win vs LeeWillin 2-0 2024-07-19
Tempo Avenue R - 117
Lose vs Rockhopper 0-3 2024-07-05
Win vs SHOGHI GAMING | Farmerfred 2-0 2024-07-05
Lose vs Shoghi's Child | Moo Mania 1-2 2024-07-05
Win vs Shoghi's Child | FluffyWeetBix 1--1 2024-07-05
Tournaments history (25)
Name Rank Date
Tempo Avenue R - 140 - Welcome to The Canadian Brewhouse and Sonic 3! 7 / 33 2024-12-20
Tempo Avenue R - 139 - Ft. Reverse Mains 5 / 18 2024-12-13
Tempo Avenue R - 138 Ft. Squad Strike side event 5 / 21 2024-12-06
Goin' Up! 49 / 132 2024-11-24
Tempo Avenue R - 136 - Ft. Swordsmen only bracket 9 / 21 2024-11-22
Tempo Avenue R - 135 13 / 24 2024-11-15
Tempo Avenue R - 134 Ft. Giant Smash ! 17 / 22 2024-11-08
Halloween @ Tempo Ft. Potluck, costume contest and draft crews! 9 / 22 2024-11-01
Tempo Avenue R - 132 - Ft. CHROMED/METAL BRACKET 17 / 17 2024-10-25
Tempo Avenue R - 131 7 / 16 2024-10-18
Tempo Avenue R - 130 - Ft. Melee Newcomers only side event! 5 / 17 2024-10-04
Tempo Avenue R - 129 - Exhibition Matches / Season End 9 / 17 2024-09-27
BIRTHDAY POTLUCK + Smash 4 Newcomers side event @ Tempo Avenue R - 127 5 / 18 2024-09-13
Tempo Avenue R - 126 Ft. Squad Strike 17 / 33 2024-09-06
Tempo Avenue R - 125 9 / 22 2024-08-30
Tempo Avenue R - 124 Ft. Brawl Newcomers only side bracket! 13 / 20 2024-08-23
Campus Clash: An SFU x UBC Regional 65 / 89 2024-08-18
Tempo Avenue R - 123 - Ft. Giant Doubles! 17 / 28 2024-08-16
Tempo Avenue R - 122 Ft. Draft Crew Battle! 9 / 18 2024-08-09
Border Brawl 3! A Fraser Valley Regional Event by Tempo Avenue Games 17 / 80 2024-08-04
BORDER BRAWL 3 PREWEEKLY - Tempo Avenue R - 121 17 / 28 2024-08-02
Tempo Avenue R - 120 Ft. Sam Bracket side event (All Falcon) 13 / 33 2024-07-26
Toxicity 5 9 / 30 2024-07-21
Tempo Avenue R - 119 13 / 26 2024-07-19
Tempo Avenue R - 117 7 / 20 2024-07-05