BCR V9 Tracking

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


11th out of 463
01 July 2024 - 31 December 2024
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Ranking history

Matches statistics (84)
Overall performance in matches
70% Win rate
Win 59
Draw 0
Lose 25
+ 164
- 103
+/- 61
Tournament statistics (17)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 3
Top 8 9
Top 16 1
Top 32 2
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 4x vs Jovann
Most lost 5x vs Ouch!?
Most played 8x vs Ouch!?
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Jovann
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Lemmon
Matches history (103)
Result Score Date
Goin' Up!
Lose vs Jome 1-2 2024-11-24
Win vs YoRHa | Spikefire 2-0 2024-11-23
Win vs GNT | AWOL 2-0 2024-11-23
Lose vs UBC | foomS 1-2 2024-11-23
Win vs Kenji 2-0 2024-11-23
Don't Park on the Grass 2024
Lose vs FLS | Ludo 1-3 2024-11-17
Lose vs TS | JDV 2-3 2024-11-17
Win vs Bradoof 3-2 2024-11-17
Win vs SoulArts 2-1 2024-11-17
Win vs sheep 2-1 2024-11-17
Win vs Dust! 2-0 2024-11-17
BC Boomers vs Zoomers
Lose vs Big D 0-3 2024-11-10
Win vs Opsine 3-1 2024-11-10
Lose vs Ouch!? 1-3 2024-11-10
Win vs pacstreet 3-0 2024-11-10
Win vs UBC | Purin 3-1 2024-11-10
Win vs kingMe | clarity 3-2 2024-11-10
Win vs SBphiloz4 3-0 2024-11-10
UBC Weekly #130: Boomers Vs Zoomers Pre-Local
Lose vs Zookalooza 1-2 2024-11-09
Win vs UBC | Purin 2-0 2024-11-09
Lose vs brynsanity 1-2 2024-11-09
Win vs SFU | viridis 2-1 2024-11-09
Lose vs GamingInAction 1-3 2024-11-06
Win vs Prabh 2-1 2024-11-06
Lose vs Artemis 1-2 2024-11-06
Win vs kazuYoshi 2-0 2024-11-06
Pataka Esports Festival
Lose vs Silver 0-3 2024-10-21
Lose vs Big D 0-3 2024-10-21
Win vs Ikan 3-1 2024-10-21
Win vs Jovann 2-0 2024-10-20
Win vs CapU | Dreigon 3-0 2024-10-20
Win vs Ramon | NoahPC 2-0 2024-10-20
DD 15 - Revival
Lose vs Domnique 2-3 2024-09-29
Win vs xUSC | Papa Frank 3-1 2024-09-29
Win vs Dr. Cakenstein 2-0 2024-09-28
Lose vs Major 0-2 2024-09-28
Win vs BCF42 | Fusky 2-0 2024-09-28
Win vs EUG | Diego Del-Fuego 2-0 2024-09-28
SFU TUESDAYS #67: Gaming Lounge
Lose vs Ouch!? 0-3 2024-09-25
Lose vs Ouch!? 2-3 2024-09-25
Win vs Ouch!? 3-1 2024-09-25
Win vs Artemis 3-1 2024-09-25
Win vs Rockhopper 2-0 2024-09-25
Win vs SFU | Sail_Boat 2-0 2024-09-25
Win vs jag 2-0 2024-09-25
UBC Weekly #122
Lose vs Zookalooza 0-3 2024-09-14
Win vs gameninja 3-1 2024-09-14
Win vs Jovann 3-2 2024-09-14
Win vs Opsine 3-1 2024-09-14
Win vs Yaya 2-1 2024-09-14
Lose vs Zookalooza 0-2 2024-09-14
Win vs SFU | Cash 2-0 2024-09-14
Win vs MADVILLAIN | _RYDERBOY 2-0 2024-09-14
Fernwood Friday Fights #37 Victorias Smash Ultimate, SF6, Tekken 8 Bi-Weekly
Win vs CnF | Cube 3-2 2024-09-07
Win vs CnF | Cube 3-0 2024-09-07
Win vs N25 | Ciel 3-0 2024-09-07
Lose vs CnF | Cube 1-3 2024-09-07
Win vs Howl 3-0 2024-09-07
Win vs stixz 2-0 2024-09-07
Win vs Bunky 2-1 2024-09-07
Win vs Midday 2-0 2024-09-07
Gastown Grind #2: Summer Edition!
Lose vs Liam 2-3 2024-08-25
Win vs Ouch!? 3-0 2024-08-25
Win vs UBC | foomS 3-1 2024-08-25
Lose vs pacstreet 2-3 2024-08-25
Win vs TG 2-0 2024-08-25
Win vs HELLSCAPE | Momotairo 2-0 2024-08-24
UBC Weekly #119
Lose vs UBC|MSD | SLett 2-3 2024-08-24
Win vs Liam 3-2 2024-08-24
Win vs UBC/GALC | Redx 2-1 2024-08-24
Win vs BEEM | CnF | T.Jay 2-0 2024-08-24
Win vs | RHPS | | ArgentxGarnet 2-0 2024-08-24
Lose vs UBC|MSD | SLett 0-2 2024-08-24
Win vs redbebber 2-1 2024-08-24
Border Brawl 3! A Fraser Valley Regional Event by Tempo Avenue Games
Lose vs Tickle 0-3 2024-08-04
Win vs Jovann 3-1 2024-08-04
Lose vs TXH | Silver 0-3 2024-08-04
Win vs CnF | SpamCop 2-0 2024-08-04
Win vs Poison 2-1 2024-08-04
Win vs HELLSCAPE | Momotairo 2-0 2024-08-04
SFU TUESDAYS #64: Summer Finale
Lose vs Ouch!? 0-3 2024-07-31
Lose vs Lemmon 0-3 2024-07-31
Win vs Ouch!? 3-2 2024-07-31
Win vs Artemis 2-1 2024-07-31
Win vs xDCx | PandaMx 2-1 2024-07-31
Tempo Avenue R - 120 Ft. Sam Bracket side event (All Falcon)
Lose vs Tickle 1-3 2024-07-26
Win vs NIko4 3-1 2024-07-26
Lose vs Lemmon 2-3 2024-07-26
Win vs Tempo Avenue | Shoghi 2-0 2024-07-26
Win vs SFU | tocabocakitchenmonster 2-0 2024-07-26
Win vs DanDeeLion 2-0 2024-07-26
SunShine Falls
Lose vs Zookalooza 1-3 2024-07-15
Lose vs Ouch!? 1-3 2024-07-15
Win vs Jovann 3-2 2024-07-15
Win vs gameninja 3-1 2024-07-15
Win vs Phantom | OliOllie 3-0 2024-07-15
Victoria Monthly - Player Series #1 Rlybad Saga
Lose vs TXH | Silver 2-3 2024-07-14
Win vs ZG | StirFryTy 3-2 2024-07-14
Lose vs Lemmon 1-3 2024-07-14
Win vs Toasted 2-0 2024-07-14
Win vs N25 | Ciel 2-1 2024-07-14
Win vs TSE | FSM108 2-0 2024-07-14
Win vs Envious_JIG 2-0 2024-07-14
Tournaments history (17)