Beyblade Xecutive Battle League

United Kingdom
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


59th out of 86
01 September 2024 - 23 December 2024
Ranking history

Matches statistics (33)
Overall performance in matches
42% Win rate
Win 14
Draw 0
Lose 19
+ 95
- 110
+/- -15
Tournament statistics (5)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 2
Top 16 0
Top 32 1
Worst 2
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs LittleStrike
Most lost 2x vs Karask
Most played 2x vs Karask
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (33)
Result Score Date
Knight Mail Before X-Mas (KOTD)
Win vs Supermox 4-1 2024-12-22
Lose vs Jay Q 3-4 2024-12-22
Lose vs SpeedySonic 2-4 2024-12-22
Lose vs RiSpunOnDem 0-4 2024-12-22
Win vs WickedSoul 4-2 2024-12-22
Lose vs Sully 2-4 2024-12-22
Dran Draft II
Lose vs leXshaken 4-7 2024-12-15
Win vs Yondo 7-1 2024-12-15
Lose vs Karask 4-7 2024-12-15
Win vs leXshaken 5-4 2024-12-15
Win vs SemperKnight 5-0 2024-12-15
Lose vs Yondo 0-5 2024-12-15
Win vs Mimii 5-0 2024-12-15
Win vs SaintJai 5-3 2024-12-15
Hasbro Hell-oween
Lose vs Bak2Bey 1-7 2024-11-03
Lose vs Solical 4-7 2024-11-03
Win vs SilentGoon 7-2 2024-11-03
Win vs TeamPersona 1-0 2024-10-27
Win vs sacredsilence 4-0 2024-10-27
Win vs Goguardbreaker 4-0 2024-10-27
Lose vs Bak2Bey 3-4 2024-10-27
Lose vs William Trebes 1-4 2024-10-27
Lose vs RAW 3-4 2024-09-08
Lose vs Hasbi8841 0-4 2024-09-08
Lose vs OllieD2496 0-4 2024-09-08
Win vs LittleStrike 4-3 2024-09-08
Lose vs WhirlyDoodle 0-4 2024-09-08
Lose vs Tyzer 0-4 2024-09-08
Lose vs Solical 2-4 2024-09-01
Win vs Lonely Metal 5-2 2024-09-01
Lose vs Joshy.G 0-4 2024-09-01
Win vs LittleStrike 4-3 2024-09-01
Lose vs Karask 2-4 2024-09-01
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Tournaments history (5)
Name Rank Date
Knight Mail Before X-Mas (KOTD) 36 / 36 2024-12-22
Dran Draft II 5 / 26 2024-12-16
Hasbro Hell-oween 5 / 25 2024-10-27
Hasbro Hell 35 / 35 2024-09-08
Dran Draft 24 / 24 2024-09-01