Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


133rd out of 151
All times
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (68)
Overall performance in matches
37% Win rate
Win 25
Draw 0
Lose 43
+ 35
- 61
+/- -26
Tournament statistics (36)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 1
Top 8 2
Top 16 11
Top 32 17
Worst 5
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs KnowUrFax
Most lost 3x vs HaiDooKen
Most played 3x vs HaiDooKen
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 67% vs KnowUrFax
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs NEol Tigré
Matches history (68)
Result Score Date
In game 32 player tournament 115
Lose vs Cheezit 0-1 2024-05-06
In game 32 player tournement 111
Lose vs NEol Tigré 0-1 2024-04-04
In game 32 player tournament 107
Lose vs Mars 0-1 2024-03-03
Win vs RNGeez 1-0 2024-03-03
In game tournament 100
Lose vs Ultrahand 0-1 2023-08-26
Win vs Pom Pom 1-0 2023-08-26
In game 32 player tournament 98
Lose vs Rose 0-1 2023-08-23
Win vs Elfonzo 1-0 2023-08-23
In game 32 player tournament 97
Lose vs NEol Tigré 0-1 2023-08-19
In game 32 player tournament 93
Lose vs Dr. Dre 0-1 2023-08-05
Win vs ABCEZas123 1-0 2023-08-05
In game 32 player tournament 90
Lose vs Bramblpuss 0-1 2023-07-30
Win vs Thewiigee 1-0 2023-07-30
In game 32 player tournement 85
Lose vs Quizmaster 0-1 2023-07-05
In game 32 player tournement 76
Lose vs Gekkouga 0-1 2022-09-09
Win vs Thewiigee 1-0 2022-09-09
Win vs Zippertail 1-0 2022-09-09
In game 32 player tournement 72
Lose vs Gratuitous 0-1 2022-08-03
Win vs Icarus 1-0 2022-08-03
Win vs KnowUrFax 1-0 2022-08-03
In game 32 player tournement 66
Lose vs Audrey XIV 0-1 2022-06-11
Ambo but ultimste 4
Lose vs Metroid 0-2 2022-05-07
Lose vs NEol Tigré 0-2 2022-05-07
Win vs George 2-1 2022-05-06
In game tournement 64
Lose vs HaiDooKen 0-1 2022-05-05
In game 32 player tournement 62
Lose vs WWIIDDEE 0-1 2022-04-24
In game 32 player tournament 60
Lose vs Squibble 0-1 2022-04-04
Win vs Bramblpuss 1-0 2022-04-04
13 Sears
Lose vs mestup 0-2 2022-03-11
Lose vs Lil' Babby 1-2 2022-03-11
Win vs WWIIDDEE 2-1 2022-03-11
Special Edition: posers
Lose vs Garlic Jr. 0-2 2021-09-13
Win vs Leia 2-0 2021-09-13
Lose vs MonkeySee 1-2 2021-09-12
In game 32 player tournement 46
Lose vs Slam Jam 0-1 2021-07-25
In game 32 player tournement 44
Lose vs Kidney 0-1 2021-07-21
In game 32 player tournement 43
Lose vs KnowUrFax 0-1 2021-07-19
Ambo but ultimste 3
Lose vs Factian X 1-2 2021-07-03
Win vs Cowell 2-0 2021-07-01
Win vs Clyde 2-0 2021-07-01
Lose vs G'oshi 0-2 2021-06-18
In game 32 player tournement 38
Lose vs Landskee 0-1 2021-04-18
In game 32 player tournement 28
Lose vs PairOPears 0-1 2021-03-03
Win vs Fine Bit 1-0 2021-03-03
In game 32 player tournement 26
Lose vs Good Enemy 0-2 2021-02-24
Win vs Not Bayo 1-0 2021-02-24
Win vs Gekkouga 1-0 2021-02-24
Win vs XxGamerzxX 1-0 2021-02-24
Win vs Laple 1-0 2021-02-24
In game 32 player tournement 25
Lose vs Good Enemy 0-1 2021-02-23
In game 32 player tournement 24
Lose vs Factian X 0-1 2021-02-21
In game 32 player tournement 23
Lose vs Booser 0-1 2021-02-17
Win vs Batman 1-0 2021-02-17
Lose vs Audrey XIV 0-2 2021-02-13
Win vs Leia 2-1 2021-02-13
Lose vs G'oshi 0-2 2021-02-13
Ambo but ultimste 2
Lose vs Ninten 0-2 2021-02-01
Lose vs Bardidley 0-2 2021-02-01
In Game 32 Player 15
Lose vs HaiDooKen 0-1 2021-01-30
in game 32 player tournament 10
Lose vs Mewthree 0-1 2021-01-22
Win vs KnowUrFax 1-0 2021-01-22
smash in game tournament 6
Lose vs HaiDooKen 0-1 2020-12-20
smash in game 32 player tourney 4
Lose vs Metroid 0-1 2020-11-15
Smash in game 32 player Tourney 3
Lose vs Lurker 0-1 2020-10-28
Win vs MonkeySee 1-0 2020-10-28
Ambo but ultimste
Lose vs King Koopa 0-2 2020-09-01
Win vs mestup 2-0 2020-08-30
Lose vs Zelda 0-2 2020-08-30
Tournaments history (36)
Name Rank Date
In game 32 player tournament 115 17 / 32 2024-05-06
In game 32 player tournement 111 17 / 32 2024-04-04
In game 32 player tournament 107 9 / 32 2024-03-03
In game tournament 100 17 / 64 2023-08-26
In game 32 player tournament 98 9 / 32 2023-08-23
In game 32 player tournament 97 17 / 32 2023-08-19
In game 32 player tournament 93 9 / 32 2023-08-05
In game 32 player tournament 90 9 / 32 2023-07-30
In game 32 player tournement 85 17 / 32 2023-07-03
In game 32 player tournement 76 5 / 32 2022-09-07
In game 32 player tournement 72 5 / 32 2022-07-29
In game 32 player tournement 66 17 / 32 2022-06-04
Ambo but ultimste 4 65 / 77 2022-05-05
In game tournement 64 17 / 32 2022-05-03
In game 32 player tournement 62 17 / 32 2022-04-24
In game 32 player tournament 60 9 / 32 2022-04-03
13 Sears 33 / 50 2022-03-10
Special Edition: posers 9 / 16 2021-09-12
In game 32 player tournement 46 17 / 32 2021-07-24
In game 32 player tournement 44 17 / 32 2021-07-21
In game 32 player tournement 43 17 / 32 2021-07-18
Ambo but ultimste 3 33 / 73 2021-06-18
In game 32 player tournement 38 17 / 32 2021-04-16
In game 32 player tournement 28 9 / 32 2021-03-03
In game 32 player tournement 26 2 / 32 2021-02-24
In game 32 player tournement 25 17 / 32 2021-02-23
In game 32 player tournement 24 17 / 32 2021-02-19
In game 32 player tournement 23 9 / 32 2021-02-17
Itsame 9 / 17 2021-02-11
Ambo but ultimste 2 65 / 68 2021-02-02
In Game 32 Player 15 17 / 32 2021-01-30
in game 32 player tournament 10 9 / 32 2021-01-22
smash in game tournament 6 17 / 32 2020-12-20
smash in game 32 player tourney 4 17 / 32 2020-11-14
Smash in game 32 player Tourney 3 9 / 32 2020-10-28
Ambo but ultimste 33 / 64 2020-10-03