All German SmashGG Ultimate Tournaments

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

3 924
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


417th out of 3924
All times
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (24)
Overall performance in matches
46% Win rate
Win 11
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 25
- 28
+/- -3
Tournament statistics (6)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 1
Top 32 1
Worst 4
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs TT | Greedy L./Lucas
Most lost 1x vs Sippo
Most played 1x vs Sippo
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (24)
Result Score Date
TakesSmash - Ultimate Cup III
Lose vs Eddy 0-2 2020-01-18
Win vs Solo 2-0 2020-01-18
Win vs RP | SavageRaiden00 2-0 2020-01-18
Lose vs ApeX 1-2 2020-01-18
Win vs bib/CB | Genki 2-0 2020-01-18
Win vs Akkusativ 2-0 2020-01-18
Win vs Wemser 2-1 2020-01-18
Lose vs Teddy 1-2 2020-01-18
Salziger Spucknapf #8
Lose vs SWSP | otek 0-2 2019-12-22
Win vs CeeGee 2-0 2019-12-22
Lose vs Puya 0-2 2019-12-22
Win vs TT | Greedy L./Lucas 2-1 2019-12-22
Smashwick #4
Lose vs Cengo Fett 1-2 2019-10-19
Lose vs myR | Longo 0-2 2019-10-19
Win vs DF Timothy 2-0 2019-10-19
DoKomi 2019 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Turnier
Lose vs Kaito2K 0-2 2019-06-08
Win vs Alles_Ratten 2-0 2019-06-08
Win vs DiddyTv 2-0 2019-06-08
Lose vs Tunbi 0-2 2019-06-08
Win vs SBF | Karapenner 2-0 2019-06-08
AGON-Serie - Steal my Heart
Lose vs Corbert 0-2 2019-05-11
Lose vs BloodyDreamer 0-2 2019-05-11
Weicheischuppen Jr. #7
Lose vs Royal 0-2 2019-05-08
Lose vs Sippo 0-2 2019-05-08
Tournaments history (6)
Name Rank Date
TakesSmash - Ultimate Cup III 9 / 64 2020-01-18
Salziger Spucknapf #8 33 / 80 2019-12-22
Smashwick #4 129 / 188 2019-10-20
DoKomi 2019 - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Turnier 65 / 318 2019-06-09
AGON-Serie - Steal my Heart 25 / 43 2019-05-12
Weicheischuppen Jr. #7 49 / 64 2019-05-08