Vesterålen Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


6th out of 68
All times
Activity requirement
Requires 2 tournaments played
Based on the match score
Ranking history

Matches statistics (40)
Overall performance in matches
68% Win rate
Win 25
Draw 3
Lose 12
+ 50
- 33
+/- 17
Tournament statistics (5)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 5
Top 16 0
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs Oval
Most lost 2x vs Aslk
Most played 4x vs Likomag
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 33% vs Aslk
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 25% vs Likomag
Matches history (40)
Result Score Date
LoVe LAN 2023
Lose vs Aslk 2-3 2023-02-25
Win vs Simen Ludvigsen 3-0 2023-02-25
Win vs Odin Nilsen 3-1 2023-02-25
Lose vs Hyped 0-3 2023-02-25
Win vs Mikael Pettersen 2-1 2023-02-25
Win vs Karl-olav 2-0 2023-02-25
Win vs Raphael Skog 2-0 2023-02-25
Lose vs Kong 0-2 2023-02-25
Win vs Oval 2-0 2023-02-25
Bowser Castle Bracket
Lose vs Likomag 0-2 2022-11-05
Win vs Ace Raven 2-0 2022-11-05
Win vs Aslk 2-0 2022-11-05
Win vs NickTD 1-0 2022-11-05
Bowser Castle Group B
Win vs LeanderN 2-0 2022-11-04
Draw vs Likomag 1-1 2022-11-04
Lose vs TredQ 0-2 2022-11-04
Win vs Selma 2-0 2022-11-04
Lose vs Kong 0-2 2022-11-04
Win vs Rexxxxx 2-0 2022-11-04
Draw vs Hassan 1-1 2022-11-04
Sommer Smash 22
Lose vs Hyped 0-2 2022-06-16
Draw vs Likomag 1-1 2022-06-16
Lose vs Timoshi 0-2 2022-06-16
Win vs Oval 2-0 2022-06-16
Lose vs Infinity 0-2 2022-06-16
Lose vs Aslk 0-2 2022-06-16
Win vs Kastra 2-0 2022-06-16
LoVe LAN 2022
Lose vs Bjørn_Gamer 1-3 2022-02-26
Win vs Infinity 3-2 2022-02-26
Win vs Andene | Rafael skog 2-0 2022-02-26
Lose vs VapeSmokers420BingBong 1-2 2022-02-26
Win vs RP360 1--1 2022-02-26
Win vs Likomag 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs Andenes | K7 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs Andene | Rafael skog 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs bjorneklo 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs MRBru10 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs Berlevaag9 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs MatnysMar 1-0 2022-02-26
Win vs Timonwii 1-0 2022-02-26
Tournaments history (5)
Name Rank Date
LoVe LAN 2023 5 / 18 2023-02-26
Bowser Castle Bracket 5 / 16 2022-11-05
Bowser Castle Group B 5 / 8 2022-11-04
Sommer Smash 22 5 / 8 2022-06-16
LoVe LAN 2022 5 / 20 2022-02-27