Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus PR

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

KoS | Lockasch 

57th out of 98
Point - Defined By Algorithm
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (23)
Overall performance in matches
43% Win rate
Win 10
Draw 0
Lose 13
+ 27
- 32
+/- -5
Tournament statistics (3)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 2
Top 32 1
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs maxiio
Most lost 2x vs LINK3N
Most played 2x vs Rain
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (23)
Result Score Date
Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus #07
Win vs Geronimorino 2-1 2024-01-13
Lose vs RoseAsche 0-2 2024-01-13
Lose vs Fabi 1-2 2024-01-13
Lose vs HumbleStorys 1-2 2024-01-13
Lose vs Katana 0-2 2024-01-13
Win vs LiftedSkull 1--1 2024-01-13
Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus #06
Lose vs CIN | webbew 1-3 2023-12-16
Lose vs LINK3N 0-3 2023-12-16
Win vs maxiio 3-0 2023-12-16
Win vs Lethestrom 3-0 2023-12-16
Lose vs Masale 1-2 2023-12-16
Lose vs lendasz 0-2 2023-12-16
Lose vs Sergio 0-2 2023-12-16
Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus #04
Lose vs Beetlejuz 0-3 2023-11-18
Win vs lendasz 3-1 2023-11-18
Win vs Rain 1--1 2023-11-18
Win vs 4Cirno | Kawaii 3-1 2023-11-18
Win vs Solitaer 3-2 2023-11-18
Win vs KoS | BiRd 3-0 2023-11-18
Lose vs Rain 0-3 2023-11-18
Lose vs TG | Oshiegbu 0-2 2023-11-18
Lose vs LINK3N 0-1 2023-11-18
Win vs maxiio 1-0 2023-11-18
Tournaments history (3)
Name Rank Date
Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus #07 21 / 30 2024-01-13
Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus #06 13 / 16 2023-12-16
Ultimate Agents - Uni Versus #04 11 / 20 2023-11-18