The Scouts Ranking - Melee 2020

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


177th out of 357
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (62)
Overall performance in matches
39% Win rate
Win 24
Draw 0
Lose 38
+ 59
- 83
+/- -24
Tournament statistics (20)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 1
Top 16 10
Top 32 9
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Scout Fluor
Most lost 4x vs Btea
Most played 4x vs Btea
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Scout Fluor
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Btea
Matches history (62)
Result Score Date
TSWS#26 - The Scouts Weekly Smash
Lose vs KevinsHotDad 0-2 2020-09-15
Lose vs BTW#894 | I'm Michael BTW 0-2 2020-09-15
Win vs ZekkouSSBM 2-1 2020-09-15
SWS#24 - The Scouts Weekly Smash - Season 02 Arcadian
Lose vs chet 0-2 2020-09-01
Lose vs Kuya 0-2 2020-09-01
SWS#23 - The Scouts Weekly Smash - 6/6 Pro Series Circuit
Lose vs Btea 0-2 2020-08-25
Lose vs Jizznessasusual 0-2 2020-08-25
SWS#22 - The Scouts Weekly Smash - 5/6 Pro Series Circuit
Lose vs KL | Kid 1-2 2020-08-18
Lose vs Draco 0-2 2020-08-18
SWS#21 - The Scouts Weekly Smash - 4/6 Pro Series Circuit
Lose vs Stave Off | Andu 1-2 2020-08-11
Win vs tehska 2-1 2020-08-11
Win vs LS | Udon 2-0 2020-08-11
Lose vs Heartbreaker 0-2 2020-08-11
SWS#19 - The Scouts Weekly Smash - 2/6 Pro Series Circuit
Lose vs TPN 0-2 2020-07-28
Win vs Kishoto 2-0 2020-07-28
Win vs melatonin 2-1 2020-07-28
Lose vs NB | thomas (THOM#706) 1-2 2020-07-28
Win vs kancho 2-0 2020-07-28
SWS#18 - The Scouts Weekly Smash - 1/6 Pro Series Circuit
Lose vs TPN 0-2 2020-07-21
Win vs Cornwall 2-0 2020-07-21
Win vs Birdsnest 2-0 2020-07-21
Lose vs OtES 0-2 2020-07-21
SWS#17 - The Scouts Weekly Smash
Lose vs chet 0-2 2020-07-14
Win vs CoccoPuffs 2-0 2020-07-14
Lose vs Neologism 0-2 2020-07-14
Win vs LiLMark0 2-0 2020-07-14
SWS#14 - The Scouts Weekly Smash
Lose vs Derps 0-2 2020-06-24
Lose vs Pureleaf 1-2 2020-06-24
SWS#13 - The Scouts Weekly Smash
Lose vs Pureleaf 1-2 2020-06-17
Lose vs Dayman 0-2 2020-06-17
Win vs Cheb 2-0 2020-06-17
FWS#11 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs kirinssb 0-2 2020-06-06
Win vs Scout Fluor 2-0 2020-06-06
Lose vs S.C.E. | Erik 1-2 2020-06-06
Win vs QuiqDome 2-0 2020-06-06
FWS#10 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Btea 0-2 2020-05-30
Win vs Big-Beta 2-0 2020-05-30
Win vs prince | Leor 2-0 2020-05-30
Lose vs ZekkouSSBM 1-2 2020-05-30
FWS#9 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs OtES 1-2 2020-05-23
Win vs Scout Fluor 2-0 2020-05-23
Lose vs Neologism 0-2 2020-05-23
Win vs LiLMark0 2-1 2020-05-23
FWS#8 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Poison 0-2 2020-05-16
Win vs OtES 2-1 2020-05-16
Lose vs Neenor 0-2 2020-05-16
Win vs Scout Fluor 2-0 2020-05-16
FWS#7 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Btea 1-2 2020-05-09
Lose vs BuyMyMixTape 0-2 2020-05-09
FWS#6 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Carmo 1-2 2020-05-02
Lose vs Daladex 0-2 2020-05-02
FWS#5 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Btea 1-3 2020-04-24
Win vs tehska 3-1 2020-04-24
Win vs Phanservice 2-0 2020-04-24
Lose vs Penn 1-2 2020-04-24
Win vs Leviath 2-1 2020-04-24
FWS#4 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Carmo 0-2 2020-04-17
Lose vs S.C.E. | Erik 0-2 2020-04-17
Win vs Overlord 2-0 2020-04-17
FWS#3 - Melee Weekly
Lose vs Shaidyn 0-2 2020-04-10
Lose vs PurpleTurkey 0-2 2020-04-10
Win vs Midnight Blue 0--1 2020-04-10