Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


13th out of 401
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (39)
Overall performance in matches
54% Win rate
Win 21
Draw 0
Lose 18
+ 134
- 130
+/- 4
Tournament statistics (10)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 0
Top 8 6
Top 16 2
Top 32 0
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs spherical#2152
Most lost 2x vs anrye#4474
Most played 3x vs spherical#2152
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs spherical#2152
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs spherical#2152
Matches history (39)
Result Score Date
TAWS America 70
Lose vs breadstie#0 0-5 2023-12-23
Win vs errornonamer#0 5-3 2023-12-23
Lose vs cadogan#0 2-5 2023-12-23
Win vs spherical#2152 5-4 2023-12-23
Win vs mada54#0 5-1 2023-12-23
TAWS America 57
Win vs spherical#2152 7-4 2023-08-27
Win vs noeve#0 5-1 2023-08-27
Win vs spherical#2152 5-4 2023-08-27
Win vs huetoasty#0 5-1 2023-08-27
TAWS America 50
Lose vs Forward March#7337 0-5 2023-05-07
Lose vs MelnSlce#0027 2-5 2023-05-07
TAWS America 47
Lose vs xSkateFlynZ#6185 1-5 2023-04-09
Lose vs legendslyer#0 1-5 2023-04-09
TAWS America 36
Lose vs CATboardBETA#0080 2-5 2023-01-20
Win vs Dutch195#2693 5-1 2023-01-20
Lose vs roy101061#0 4-5 2023-01-20
TAWS America 33
Lose vs anrye#4474 0-5 2022-12-31
Win vs Forward March#7337 5-1 2022-12-31
Win vs Stepped Ch.#3204 5-1 2022-12-31
Lose vs anrye#4474 4-5 2022-12-31
Win vs dabola#9027 5-2 2022-12-31
TAWS America 10
Lose vs Leg_endary#7528 4-5 2022-07-08
Win vs grass#8527 5-3 2022-07-08
Win vs Mr Tea#2979 1-0 2022-07-08
Win vs Member#6981 5-4 2022-07-08
Lose vs benjaaamin_wah#5121 3-5 2022-07-08
TAWS America 9
Lose vs persimmon chang#0570 0-5 2022-07-02
Win vs LevicusX#1234 5-2 2022-07-02
Win vs GiveThatWolfABanana#7337 5-0 2022-07-02
Win vs jing#1494 5-4 2022-07-02
Lose vs ryuuketsuwu#6562 3-5 2022-07-02
TAWS America 8
Lose vs Doggo#9896 4-5 2022-06-11
Win vs mafi#8888 5-1 2022-06-11
Win vs ThatOneGuyInAHat#6336 1-0 2022-06-11
Lose vs Procyon#1481 0-5 2022-06-11
TAWS America 4
Lose vs ryuuketsuwu#6562 3-5 2022-04-17
Win vs WhiteColor#4221 5-1 2022-04-17
Lose vs Jchen12345#7467 2-5 2022-04-17
Win vs grass#8527 5-2 2022-04-17
Tournaments history (10)
Name Rank Date
TAWS America 70 4 / 20 2023-12-23
TAWS America 57 1 / 7 2023-08-27
TAWS America 50 33 / 46 2023-05-08
TAWS America 47 5 / 6 2023-04-09
TAWS America 36 7 / 10 2023-01-20
TAWS America 33 4 / 12 2023-01-02
TAWS America 10 7 / 18 2022-07-08
TAWS America 9 5 / 19 2022-07-03
TAWS America 8 9 / 17 2022-06-11
TAWS America 4 13 / 25 2022-04-17