Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


95th out of 401
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (43)
Overall performance in matches
58% Win rate
Win 25
Draw 0
Lose 18
+ 161
- 141
+/- 20
Tournament statistics (9)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 3
Top 8 5
Top 16 1
Top 32 0
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 2x vs aioverdrive#6938
Most lost 2x vs aioverdrive#6938
Most played 4x vs aioverdrive#6938
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 50% vs aioverdrive#6938
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 50% vs aioverdrive#6938
Matches history (43)
Result Score Date
TAWS America 20
Lose vs ryuuketsuwu#6562 3-5 2022-10-01
Win vs Pangeez#3462 5-2 2022-10-01
Lose vs Antiskyze#3277 2-5 2022-10-01
Win vs Lumi ♡#7436 5-1 2022-10-01
Win vs Forward March#7337 5-0 2022-10-01
TAWS America 19
Lose vs CheeseyXd#9372 2-5 2022-09-17
Lose vs uiGalaxy#7292 4-5 2022-09-17
Win vs aioverdrive#6938 5-3 2022-09-17
Win vs wendeez#6278 5-3 2022-09-17
TAWS America 18
Lose vs arcticeagl#4141 2-5 2022-09-11
Lose vs aioverdrive#6938 4-5 2022-09-11
Win vs arcticeagl#4141 5-4 2022-09-11
Win vs Deletin#1169 5-2 2022-09-11
Win vs Dictator Tal#1635 5-0 2022-09-11
TAWS America 17
Lose vs aioverdrive#6938 3-5 2022-08-28
Win vs CamMan#8009 5-4 2022-08-28
Lose vs Cryodev#9316 3-5 2022-08-28
Win vs Green Sloth#6432 1-0 2022-08-28
TAWS America 16
Lose vs Leg_endary#7528 3-5 2022-08-21
Lose vs ryuuketsuwu#6562 0-5 2022-08-21
Win vs TossedBloom604#4412 5-4 2022-08-21
Win vs Prestonopolis#7005 5-3 2022-08-21
TAWS America 15
Lose vs Neon#8850 0-5 2022-08-14
Win vs Green Sloth#6432 5-2 2022-08-14
Lose vs GFour#0581 2-5 2022-08-14
Win vs kkatccat#3121 5-4 2022-08-14
TAWS America 14
Lose vs Mr Tea#2979 4-5 2022-08-07
Lose vs Pidgestar#3334 1-5 2022-08-07
Win vs Sarielkirby777#8075 5-4 2022-08-07
Win vs LukasDrakon#3981 5-0 2022-08-07
TAWS America 12
Lose vs Ygor#3495 4-7 2022-07-23
Win vs grass#8527 1-0 2022-07-23
Win vs Kris18#0759 5-3 2022-07-23
Win vs LevicusX#1234 5-2 2022-07-23
Win vs Touma#1468 5-1 2022-07-23
Win vs Cryodev#9316 5-2 2022-07-23
Lose vs Ygor#3495 2-5 2022-07-23
Win vs ThatOneGuyInAHat#6336 5-0 2022-07-23
TAWS America 11
Lose vs ʇɐƎʇǝפʇuopʇɐǝWpɹɐHɟlɐƆɟlɐHǝWllɐƆ#1787 3-5 2022-07-16
Lose vs Kris18#0759 2-5 2022-07-16
Win vs grass#8527 5-2 2022-07-16
Win vs ʇɐƎʇǝפʇuopʇɐǝWpɹɐHɟlɐƆɟlɐHǝWllɐƆ#1787 5-2 2022-07-16
Win vs aioverdrive#6938 5-1 2022-07-16
Tournaments history (9)
Name Rank Date
TAWS America 20 4 / 19 2022-10-01
TAWS America 19 5 / 17 2022-09-18
TAWS America 18 3 / 13 2022-09-11
TAWS America 17 7 / 16 2022-08-28
TAWS America 16 5 / 20 2022-08-21
TAWS America 15 7 / 21 2022-08-14
TAWS America 14 9 / 42 2022-08-07
TAWS America 12 2 / 17 2022-07-23
TAWS America 11 3 / 17 2022-07-16