Super Smash CPU

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player

Green King Dedede 

12th out of 367
All times
Ranking history

Matches statistics (55)
Overall performance in matches
60% Win rate
Win 33
Draw 0
Lose 22
+ 33
- 22
+/- 11
Tournament statistics (22)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 1
Top 3 1
Top 8 7
Top 16 7
Top 32 5
Worst 1
Overall performance against other players
Most won 3x vs Bumblebee Ness
Most lost 3x vs Red Banjo and Purple Kazooie
Most played 3x vs Red Banjo and Purple Kazooie
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) 100% vs Bumblebee Ness
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) 0% vs Red Banjo and Purple Kazooie
Matches history (55)
Result Score Date
Almost America
Lose vs Old Ike 0-1 2021-07-04
Win vs Pink Wolf 1-0 2021-07-04
The Return
Lose vs Gormotti Pyra and Mythra 0-1 2021-03-14
Summer, Where Do We Begin
Win vs Contrast Bowser 1-0 2020-07-11
Win vs Golden Banjo and Golden Kazooie 1-0 2020-07-11
Win vs Belch Ness 1-0 2020-07-11
Win vs Blue Daisy 1-0 2020-07-11
Win vs Yellow Ken 1-0 2020-07-11
Return of The King
Lose vs Red Luminary 0-1 2020-06-30
Win vs Pistol Pete 1-0 2020-06-30
Win vs Bumblebee Ness 1-0 2020-06-30
Breakfast Battle
Lose vs Blond Red Robin 0-1 2020-03-01
Win vs Blue Ganondorf 1-0 2020-03-01
Tusk's Pre-Invitational
Lose vs Red Banjo and Purple Kazooie 0-1 2020-02-20
Win vs May (Pokémon Trainer) 1-0 2020-02-20
The Adopted Brother
Lose vs Green Kirby 0-1 2020-01-16
Win vs Bumblebee Ness 1-0 2020-01-16
Brawled But Not Forgotten
Lose vs Blue Kirby 0-1 2020-01-16
Win vs Red Yoshi 1-0 2020-01-16
Project M
Lose vs Golden Roy 0-1 2020-01-03
Rivals of Smash Melee
Lose vs Golden Terry 0-1 2020-01-03
Win vs Flower Jigglypuff 1-0 2020-01-03
Win vs Meta Knight 1-0 2020-01-02
Season 5: Hit The Climax
Lose vs Dark Vince 0-1 2020-01-02
Win vs Shirtless Shulk 1-0 2020-01-02
The Ultimate Fight
Lose vs Red Banjo and Purple Kazooie 0-1 2019-12-01
Win vs Animal Print Snake 1-0 2019-12-01
Win vs White Zelda/ White Sheik 1-0 2019-12-01
Win vs Team Aqua Pichu 1-0 2019-11-30
For the Wii U
Win vs 6 Shirt Villager 1-0 2019-11-28
Lose vs Red and White Robin 0-1 2019-11-28
Win vs White Marth 1-0 2019-11-28
Win vs Orange Mewtwo 1-0 2019-11-28
Win vs Fire Luigi 1-0 2019-11-28
Win vs Bumblebee Ness 1-0 2019-11-28
The Big Brawl
Lose vs Orange Bracelet Sonic 0-1 2019-11-26
Lose vs Gold Captain Falcon 0-1 2019-11-23
Party Time
Lose vs Kitty God 0-1 2019-11-16
Win vs Blue Ganondorf 1-0 2019-11-16
Win vs Blond Little Mac 1-0 2019-11-16
The Lay-Over
Lose vs Blue King K. Rool 0-1 2019-11-14
Win vs Random 1-0 2019-11-14
Win vs 6 Shirt Villager 1-0 2019-11-14
Fatal Fury
Lose vs Orange Solo 0-1 2019-11-08
Win vs Orange Young Link 1-0 2019-11-08
The King of Fighters
Lose vs Red Banjo and Purple Kazooie 0-1 2019-11-06
Win vs Red Luminary 1-0 2019-11-06
Win vs Green and Yellow Ice Climbers 1-0 2019-11-06
Lose vs Green Kirby 0-1 2019-10-31
The Real Return, But Again
Lose vs Blond Little Mac 0-1 2019-10-29
Chili Classic
Win vs X (Pokémon Trainer) 1-0 2019-10-27
Lose vs Old Ganondorf 0-1 2019-10-27
Lose vs Orange Solo 0-1 2019-10-27
Win vs Purple Erdrick 1-0 2019-10-27
Win vs Red (Pokémon Trainer) 1-0 2019-10-27
Tournaments history (22)
Name Rank Date
Almost America 9 / 32 2021-07-03
The Return 17 / 32 2021-03-13
Summer, Where Do We Begin 1 / 32 2020-07-11
Return of The King 5 / 32 2020-06-30
Breakfast Battle 9 / 32 2020-02-22
Tusk's Pre-Invitational 9 / 32 2020-01-31
The Adopted Brother 9 / 32 2020-01-16
Brawled But Not Forgotten 9 / 32 2020-01-16
Project M 17 / 32 2020-01-03
Rivals of Smash Melee 5 / 32 2020-01-02
Season 5: Hit The Climax 9 / 32 2019-12-31
The Ultimate Fight 5 / 79 2019-11-30
For the Wii U 3 / 58 2019-11-28
The Big Brawl 17 / 36 2019-11-25
Pre-Chili 17 / 32 2019-11-23
Party Time 5 / 32 2019-11-15
The Lay-Over 5 / 32 2019-11-14
Fatal Fury 9 / 32 2019-11-08
The King of Fighters 5 / 32 2019-11-06
EVERYONE IS HERE 65 / 128 2019-10-31
The Real Return, But Again 17 / 32 2019-10-29
Chili Classic 4 / 32 2019-10-27