Springfield Missouri Smash Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

United States
Overall player performance, matches history, tournaments history and head 2 head with another player


204th out of 785
01 January 2019 - Today
Activity requirement
Requires 3 tournaments played within last 5 years
Ranking history

Matches statistics (17)
Overall performance in matches
6% Win rate
Win 1
Draw 0
Lose 16
+ 3
- 33
+/- -30
Tournament statistics (9)
Overall performance in tournaments
Top 1 0
Top 3 0
Top 8 0
Top 16 2
Top 32 6
Worst 0
Overall performance against other players
Most won 1x vs Harpy-O
Most lost 1x vs Umage
Most played 1x vs Umage
Best win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Worst win rate (Min. 3 matches) No data
Matches history (19)
Result Score Date
Neutral B 81
Lose vs EXP 0-2 2019-08-20
Lose vs Ketchupp 0-2 2019-08-20
Netural #77 Singles
Lose vs Vex 0-2 2019-07-23
Lose vs Bernie 0-2 2019-07-23
Neutral B 76 (Dr.B Returns)
Lose vs Yoshisaur 0-2 2019-07-16
Lose vs drie 0-2 2019-07-16
Neutral B #74 (Everyone is here!)
Lose vs Drevan 0-2 2019-07-02
Lose vs Giggles 0-2 2019-07-02
Neutral B 73 (Rise of the Planet of the Pps)
Lose vs Dijon 1-2 2019-06-25
Lose vs Durimango 0-2 2019-06-25
Win vs Harpy-O 2-1 2019-06-25
Neutral B #71 (Banjo for Smash)
Lose vs SZN | 7 0-2 2019-06-11
Lose vs Lienbow 0-2 2019-06-11
Mixup Mania #7
Lose vs Pretzel 0-2 2019-05-02
Lose vs Umage 0-2 2019-05-02
Lookin' cool Joker! (Neutral B #65)
Lose vs Dream§ 0-2 2019-04-22
Lose vs Corporate Patrick 0-2 2019-04-22
Free Hugs (Neutral 64)
Lose vs JoobityDoobity 0-2 2019-04-16
Lose vs KiwiFlavor 0-2 2019-04-16
Tournaments history (9)
Name Rank Date
Neutral B 81 17 / 23 2019-08-20
Netural #77 Singles 25 / 38 2019-07-23
Neutral B 76 (Dr.B Returns) 17 / 25 2019-07-16
Neutral B #74 (Everyone is here!) 33 / 50 2019-07-02
Neutral B 73 (Rise of the Planet of the Pps) 13 / 22 2019-06-25
Neutral B #71 (Banjo for Smash) 17 / 24 2019-06-11
Mixup Mania #7 13 / 13 2019-05-01
Lookin' cool Joker! (Neutral B #65) 17 / 24 2019-04-22
Free Hugs (Neutral 64) 17 / 23 2019-04-16